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-   -   "All I got" is LOGIC -- therefore, I have nothing... ( January 28, 2012 02:33 AM

Here is the missing link...

You're doing something you do not love. Even your logic dictates that the person who loves what they do excels with ease.

In their love of what they do, any and all teaching is excepted and incorporated into their daily activities with eagerness.

So step back and take a good long look at the bigger picture of your life. Is this something you really want to do or is it something you're doing to get away from something else.

If it is the latter, you will be just as miserable as you were before you went down this path.

And don't let it bug you if you conclude that it's time to put this down and look for something else. I've done it countless times in my life and I have no regrets. I did find what I loved doing and every morning I look forward to doing it.

Peace and Success to you


Originally Posted by -TW (Post 29939)
Thanks Richard!

Yes, I see what I have been doing is to ASSUME that, when someone is shown that they SHOULD (logically) do something, they just-plain WILL do that thing. In my mind (see, there's that MIND again), that is the ONLY course of action that "makes sense."

So, in my MIND, as a salesperson, ALL I MUST DO is present the LOGIC of the situation, and the ACTION will AUTOMATICALLY take place (buying).

This (in REALITY) is not so -- which FURTHER makes "NO SENSE."

For instance, when I SEE the logical need for something, I (in correctly) figure -- AHA! That will be EASY to sell -- All I must do is present the LOGIC behind the REASONS to buy, and the sale is ipso facto GUARANTEED / EASY.

Like, DUH! OBVIOUSLY. --- Easy as pie.

Then I go out in the real world + get FRUSTRATED because the real world is NOT operating that way ---- Even though it........... "***SHOULD***"

I can't seem to get past that "SHOULD" frustration. I see that the solution is NOT logic --- but I cannot see what the solution *IS*. (instead)

So, I guess I'm half way there (at least).

I now see what the solution ISN'T -- I just cannot see what it *IS*!

-- TW

-TW January 28, 2012 03:16 PM

Re: Here is the missing link...

I do love what I do (believe in it). Problem is, what used to be warm receptions, has now become "go jump in a lake." NOT because my service is not wanted -- just because all $$ for it has dried up.

Other problem: I have no other "vine" to swing onto next -- at least not one that will maintain the right level of $$ coming in. So, I am trapped (for now) in a way.

I am working on developing other vines -- but none are ready yet for swinging on.

Thanks again for your thoughtful posting.

-- TW


Originally Posted by (Post 29950)

You're doing something you do not love. Even your logic dictates that the person who loves what they do excels with ease.

In their love of what they do, any and all teaching is excepted and incorporated into their daily activities with eagerness.

So step back and take a good long look at the bigger picture of your life. Is this something you really want to do or is it something you're doing to get away from something else.

If it is the latter, you will be just as miserable as you were before you went down this path.

And don't let it bug you if you conclude that it's time to put this down and look for something else. I've done it countless times in my life and I have no regrets. I did find what I loved doing and every morning I look forward to doing it.

Peace and Success to you

Bill January 28, 2012 03:39 PM

Re: Here is the missing link...
How is the candy idea coming along?


Originally Posted by -TW (Post 29967)

I do love what I do (believe in it). Problem is, what used to be warm receptions, has now become "go jump in a lake." NOT because my service is not wanted -- just because all $$ for it has dried up.

Other problem: I have no other "vine" to swing onto next -- at least not one that will maintain the right level of $$ coming in. So, I am trapped (for now) in a way.

I am working on developing other vines -- but none are ready yet for swinging on.

Thanks again for your thoughtful posting.

-- TW

-TW January 28, 2012 03:44 PM

Re: "All I got" is LOGIC -- therefore, I have nothing...
Candy idea has reached the "I need $$" stage.

Best $$ I can spend on that, I think, is the $1K for the coaching.

Right now I am concentrating on lesser "vines" to get *more likely* income. Smaller fish, but more likely fish.

Is that a good approach (to the overall cash flow problem)?

-- TW

PS: Thanks for asking / remembering.

Dien Rice January 29, 2012 10:38 AM

Analytical personalities... logic and emotion...

Originally Posted by Richard Dennis (Post 29938)

I feel your pain. I used to be exactly where you are.

Example: As I once told my wife, it was 3 or 4 years after we got married before I began to understand how to talk to a girl. (And by then, it was too late ...)

Hi Richard,

Wow, great post!

I can totally relate!

I remember trying to talk to girls as a teenager... I would over-analyze everything I was going to say. Then afterwards, I would over-analyze everything I said.

My thought pattern was something like... "If I say this, then she'll think this, but if I say that, then she'll think that... What if she replies with this, then maybe I should say this, or perhaps that..." I'd try to "over-analyze" the whole thing...

I would approach talking to girls the same way I would approach a chess match! I would try to analyze all the possible "moves" (that is, all the things I could say), and all the possible responses!

What came through was obviously pretty bland, awkward - and it did nothing for helping to attract girls!

Finally... years later (as a university student)... I figured out that the problem was because I was over-analyzing everything!

Somehow, I learned to "let go" and "go with the flow"... And to stop over-analyzing!

And everything, when it came to talking with girls, more or less fell into place!

When it came to selling, I've been very influenced by Gordon's White Bread story...

As Gordon says in that story... "You can’t do anything well without enthusiasm!"

I think feeling genuine enthusiasm for what you're selling is half the battle. (If you can't be enthusiastic about what you're selling - you should probably be selling something else...)

You have to feel that enthusiasm at that moment, the moment you are doing the selling. And I believe it has to be genuine... (At least for me, since I'm a terrible actor!)

Logic is a part of it, too, but emotion (such as enthusiasm) can be a big part of the equation.

(Though it also depends on what products you're selling, as some cases, I think, are more "logical" sales than others... If a buyer wants to buy a widget, and if seller A is selling widgets for $20, and seller B sells identical widgets with a 20% discount, for $16, I think it is completely logical for a buyer to buy from seller B rather than seller A. Seller B might have also used "logic" to find or make widgets at a lower cost than seller A, which is why seller B can sell them at a lower price and still make a profit.)

Oops, I let my analytical side show for a moment there... ;)

Best wishes,


GordonJ January 29, 2012 01:34 PM

aaah...the secret to picking up women...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 29978)
Hi Richard,

Oops, I let my analytical side show for a moment there... ;)

Best wishes,


And the reason why all those seduction and pick up artists have so much FAIL in their and their students lives is...

they teach you what to say...

And you have to THINK.

And therefore, it becomes about YOU and what is in your mind...when the real pick up artists...dont think...they just do.

And that happens when it is about THEM, shining a spotlight on them and making them the star...

why or why oh why is this so hard to understand??????

Selling, persuasion, seduction, marketing, isn't about what you think...

My mantra for many many years has been, your opinion of me is none of my business, even if you give it to one ear, out the a duck in water...cold storm or summer rolls off my back...

meditate on's not about you....

it is about them.



quack quack

Ankesh January 30, 2012 03:24 AM

Re: "All I got" is LOGIC -- therefore, I have nothing...
Thanks TW for posting about this issue you are facing.

I came across this guy who goes to brick and mortar businesses. And sells them a $50 a month package where he will go and create an ecommerce site for them. The thing is: he just buys $10 a month hosting a/c for his client, slaps a free Magento script on it and he is done - making $50 for ever.

I always thought that why would anyone pay $50 a month for what is essentially a free solution? Because I never would. And thats when I realized:

You don't know what you don't know.

The brick and mortar biz just don't know what is required to create an ecommerce site. And so they pay for a solution what they think is a fair price. From my point of view, the price is unfair and its illogical of them to pay so much. But from their point of view, thats perfectly logical.

People make decisions based on emotion - that is correct. But they don't throw away all their logic away. The problem you are facing is you don't know the logic they are following. You are in a blind spot.

Amply evidenced by people buying ring tones. Its the same reason why people apply nail polish. Its a fashion symbol. Something that allows them to show to the world that they are different. It is logical from that point of view. But your angle of viewing is completely different. And that is why you think its illogical to buy ring tones.

The point I'm trying to make is: its not emotions and logic you are fighting. You just think that way because you are in a blind spot.

How to get out of this blind spot? Ask questions. And listen. Without judgement. Thats the only way.

For eg: for the lady who called you and asked why you hadn't called her... ask her why.

"I am a one man shop and have limited resources. I find it hard to reach all my clients at the right time - but would like to do a better job. Would you have 5 minutes to help me find this right time? Yes? Awesome. First question is: Should I wait for them to call me because everyone has a different need, or is there a best time I can call everyone at? Why? Why? Second question is: When is the best time for me to call to book a repeat sale? Why is that a best time? Why? Why?"

You will find that most of their points follow logic. There may be some leaps here and there, but they won't be completely illogical.

Hope this helps you.

GordonJ January 30, 2012 12:50 PM

The right way to ask questions is...

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 29981)

Ask questions. And listen. Without judgement. Thats the only way.

Great answer Ankesh,

On my top 10 reading list of must reads is Barry Neil Kaufman's Option Process, the best book on sellng that isn't anything about is about asking questions, in a non will improve anyone's selling experience.

The Option kept secret in selling, persuasion and influence.


docsulo February 1, 2012 03:05 PM

Re: The right way to ask questions is...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 29982)
Great answer Ankesh,

On my top 10 reading list of must reads is Barry Neil Kaufman's Option Process, the best book on sellng that isn't anything about is about asking questions, in a non will improve anyone's selling experience.

The Option kept secret in selling, persuasion and influence.


I could only find an "The Option Process" cd set. Couldn't find a book with that title.

I did find a book called "To Love Is to Be Happy With: [the First Book of the Option Process]" on Abe Books.

I'd like to read the book you refer to but I want to make sure I get the right one.



Bill February 1, 2012 09:07 PM

Re: The right way to ask questions is...


Originally Posted by docsulo (Post 30002)
I could only find an "The Option Process" cd set. Couldn't find a book with that title.

I did find a book called "To Love Is to Be Happy With: [the First Book of the Option Process]" on Abe Books.

I'd like to read the book you refer to but I want to make sure I get the right one.



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