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Glenn December 28, 2018 02:30 PM

3 Psychological Dr to Dr Sales Ideas Used by MILLIONAIRES
Happy New Year Tommy,

3 Proven Munny Making ideas for Your Niece
to Guarantee her Fund Raising efforts are Successful.


Here is a List of the WEIRD items We have Successfully used in
Both Flirt Tipping Tests and Then in S*ales.

Check out CHAPTER #11 - at
In Your Nieces Case BRASS OVARIES.


The LED Glasses and The Food Grade LED IceCubes
are the ONLY items I have had Multiple Kids/Adults - men AND women
come up to me and ask, "WHERE CAN I B*UY that?"


A - Your Niece Might Make Some Quick C*ash by Doubling or Tripling
the Cost of a Box of 12 - LED Glasses or LED iceCubes.

IF you are a PRIME member - you get F-r-e-e S & H at Amazon
with 2 DAY Delivery. So she could get PAID. Order and Deliver without using
her own munny.

M*illionaire Insurance Agent - Dr to Dr - While Preparing a Home Insurance
P*rice for Home owner A - Gary goes Left and Right and Back and Front.

KNOCKS on the Four Neighbors doors in The Evening
especially Friday or weekends. When they are HOME.

Says, "Just Knocking So You Won't Call The Cops. I am doing a F-r-e-e
Home Insurance Eval for your Neighbor Tommy. Looks like inflation
means he needs a bit more insurance."

100% - or all 4 ASK, "Can you eval my home too? (Then he does it again and again and works his way down the street.)

SAME SCRIPT should Work for Your Niece.

"Just Knocking so You Don't call the Cops. I am Measuring up Your Neighbor TOMMY's Driveway and Curb to Give him a Price for Fluorescent Reflective Painting.

(EDITORS NOTE - This would be Particularly effective for your Niece. Cuz
the LED glasses and IceCubes are AMAZING at night.)

One of my M*illionaire Clients has Adapted the Insurance Agents
Ideas by using DOOR HANGERS.

One of his Clients is P*aying him to Attract Students to their Computer
Software Program Training Courses.

And Wally is using Door Hangers and a follow up Post Card.

Working very well.

THE BENEFIT for your Niece is She Could SPRAY PAINT
the door Hanger.

Or use a bit of Tech. Put a Bar Code on the door hanger - Scannable by iPhone -
which takes a home owner to a website - which shows pics and a short
video of a CURB GLOWING in the dark.



Find the MULTI-MILLIONAIRE #1 Realtor or #1 Broker. Always a local Female (Often mother/Daughter) Realtor - near you who is using THE MOST POWERFUL Door Hanger S*ALES System I have ever found.

A PERSONAL - Handwritten NOTE INVITE to Her Open House PARTY.
(F-r-e-e food, drinks, CHOCOLATE CAKE!)

So all the CURIOUS neighbors can SEE inside their Neighbors house.
AND figure out what their own house is worth.

GO TO HER and offer to Paint HER Home
Curbs for F-r-e-e.

In Return - For Her

A - Inviting your Niece to her open house.

B - Showing off a Pic of her own PAINTED Curb

C - Endorsing Your Nieces Work to dozens and Dozens of Neighbors.


Your Niece will Want to Get Permission to PAINT the Curb in front of the OPEN HOUSE too.


GordonJ December 28, 2018 08:19 PM

Great stuff Glenn. And gander these soles:

My daughter had 5 people ask about them while eating lunch at Panera's. Your niece might find these to be a good investment. These are rechargeable.

Great attention device.


Glenn December 30, 2018 12:04 PM

How Do You RE-CHARGE the Tennis Shoes Gordon?
Happy New Year,

Do two prongs pop out of the back of the shoe
like one of those Rechargeable Flashlights?


Is your Daughter wearing the New Sketchers Sneakers?

Or something else?

P.S. - I had a Long Talk with a 4 Year old girl at a Restaurant. She Was TWIRLING
and dancing around. To show off her Sneakers that were Twinkling
and she Admired my LED Icecubes.

So - with her Grandparents - PERMISSION - I gave her one.

GordonJ December 30, 2018 09:32 PM

Re: How Do You RE-CHARGE the Tennis Shoes Gordon?

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39510)
Happy New Year,

Do two prongs pop out of the back of the shoe
like one of those Rechargeable Flashlights?


Is your Daughter wearing the New Sketchers Sneakers?

Or something else?

P.S. - I had a Long Talk with a 4 Year old girl at a Restaurant. She Was TWIRLING
and dancing around. To show off her Sneakers that were Twinkling
and she Admired my LED Icecubes.

So - with her Grandparents - PERMISSION - I gave her one.

Here is a link which shows a pic, plug in back, usb I think

khouji123 January 4, 2019 02:47 AM

Re: Big-Red-Nose-Club Members ONLY
Nice. :)

Glenn January 4, 2019 03:04 PM

What I Learned from The LED Flashing Shoe Website
Thanks Gordon,

Pretty Cute how they walk Persnickety Women
thru the process of MEASURING their foot on a Blank
Piece of Paper.

Then Using THAT to Choose what size Tennis Shoe to Buy.

I am thinking that SAME PROCESS
could be used to Sell other items
Usually only s*old face to face.


Call me Cynical.

What they did on This LED Shoe Website was to UNSELL me BY OMISSION.

#1 - BY OMISSION I learned that the Tennis Shoe Battery Can't be Replaced.

#2 - BY OMISSION I learned that the Battery does not Last as Long
as the shoe.

#3 - BY OMISSION - Possibly - the Life of the Shoe is Shortened by putting a Battery inside and hanging Lights outside - off the shoe.


Glenn January 4, 2019 03:59 PM

CHAPTER #22 - How to FIND OUT In Advance If Your Book Will SELL WELL
Happy New Year Dien,

CHAPTER #22 - How to FIND OUT In Advance If Your Book Will SELL WELL

I Suppose This BACKWARDS method of Writing a book or Creating
a New Audio or video Course TAKE GUTS.

So I Am Sharing it on our BiGBrassOnes site.

Sharing How to Guarantee Your Book Sells - BEFORE You Write it.

So Maybe This Method DOES
take a Bit of NERVE.

I was Surrounded By Affluent Entrepreneurs.

All Using Hi-Profit Versions of The METHOD I now use on-line.

AND IT NEVER STRUCK me that what they were Doing Was UNUSUAL.

Plus I Was HYPER-FOCUSED. That happens when You Are Spending 100K to WATCH - From Behind The Scenes - How others were making BIG Munny.

I Did it Face to Face - BY THE WAY - By Flying to 15 Jay Abraham events, Gary Halbert, Bob Morrison, Ted Nicholas, Jerry Buchanan, Bill Myers, Dan Kennedy, Walter Hailey.

Bob Morrison gave me the 1st HINT. He would direct mail a Test to a list of 1000
of his hottest Repeat B*uying Prospects. IF The Book didn't Sell enough copies.
HE REFUNDED the Munny to the b*uyers - within 30 days.

Gary Halbert went to Prison for mail Fraud. When his "Partner" didn't get the
product to buyers in 30 days.

THAT Made me look for a BETTER WAY.

Bill Myers was Able to MAKE HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS Doing Direct Mail Tests for PEANUTS. By getting INSIDE The Heads of Niche Lists of GOLD BUG Guys, Cable TV Guys, Wealthy Computer Nerds.

On and on - I kept learning and Testing.

I Got Hints.

And Put them together to Develop the Following SIMPLE Method.

THAT METHOD Predicts What will Sell well.

So you do not WASTE TIME, Sweat and Moolah to write a book that nobody wants.

STATED SIMPLY: (For On-Line Testing from Home)

STEP I - You ASK Your Customer List or a Forum - Like SOWPUB - Or a PodCast Or Radio Audience - Or Borrow EYEBALLS from a Gardening or Teacher or Other niched Forum - And Get The OWNERS PERMISSION to Ask - "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUY?"

STEP II - You Create a BRIBE REPORT. Most Folks today are TOO BUSY to
Give You Their OPINION so a BRIBE helps Boost Response.

STEP III - You Write a page or 2 of Possible Book Headlines for the BOOK You Plan to Write.

STEP IV - You Count the HEADLINE OPINION VOTES. If there are not Enough
Votes - YOU DROP That Book idea - Like a HOT POTATO. IF You Get LOTS of Headline VOTES - You Stick the winning Headline at the
top of your New E-book AND WRITE LIKE CRAZY.

Simple, right?

While I was Learning how to do this - I thought I was a BIT RETARDED. Slow
in the head. After all - 100% of my mentors were making M*illions and Making
it look EZ.

And Yet it C*ost me a few years and over 100K to Figure it out.


With so few IN THE KNOW. I Don't think of myself as such a SlowPoke. But
I DO think that If I can Learn this - Anybody can.


READY to Have Some FUN?

Which of these 3 BRIBE REPORTS - Won The Voting by 300%?

BRIBE REPORT #1 - “How We Adapted Ideas from a McDonalds Restaurant Client, a Vegas 7-11 Client And a New Jersey Health Food Store to Help The Owner of 4 Restaurants SKYROCKET S*ALES In Super Competitive Miami, Florida.

BRIBE REPORT #2 - How We Masterminded with an Aussie Construction Worker so Albert (A) Gets p*aid by other Construction Workers he talks to (B) Gets P*AID by the owner of the Local SPECIALTY STORE For Construction Supplies AND (C) Gets P*aid to Host Weekend Parties at the store.

BRIBE REPORT #3 - How I Won a Battle with a GRUMPY Waitress
where we used (JEALOUSY and GREED-NLP-Flirt-Tipping) to Flip her from
STONE COLD - hating my guts - to SMILING - Bringing me 2 TIMES more Food than my 7 Bucks P*aid for.

won by 300%...

Glenn Osborn

P.S. - Perhaps this Is THE BRASS BALLS Part of the Process. You Have to
Be Willing to BE WRONG - almost 100% of the time.

Over the past 24 years of Doing these Tests. After Creating over 100
e-books and Mp3 audio and Video Programs.

I Have Guessed The WINNING HEADLINE - Only ONCE!

P.P.S. - PICK One and Go to CHAPTER #23 to Find out if you GUESSED RIGHT.

Glenn January 4, 2019 04:31 PM

CHAPTER #23 - And The Winning BRIBE REPORT In The Voting IS...
Thanks Gordon,

CHAPTER #23 - And The Winning BRIBE REPORT In The Voting IS...


I have ASKED the Owners of Various Websites that help
You AUTOMATE the Process of A/B Split Testing to ADD a BRIBE Option. And They all say, "No Can Do."

So I DO IT Myself.

A Couple Dozen VOTES In Already - But all over the map.
TOO SOON to Pick The Winning Headline.

But I am SURE the One I Like
Won't be The Winner. Based on Past Guesses.

Big RED Nose NLP Testing Club Ezine #3792

Happy New Year,

Thanks for VOTING so I know Which BRIBE REPORT
You WANT when you VOTE for Your FAVORITE Headline Below.

The Winning
Which got 300% more Votes than the others IS…

BRIBE REPORT #1 - “How We Adapted Ideas from a McDonalds Restaurant Client, a Vegas 7-11 Client And a New Jersey Health Food Store to Help The Owner of 4 Restaurants SKYROCKET S*ALES In Super Competitive Miami, Florida.


of Which HEADLINE you Like is…

I’ve Gone Thru My Archives and Pulled out 54 REFERRAL SYSTEMS We Have Never SOLD Before.

my Box
Successful Headlines to Write TWO PAGES of NLP Headlines.


Since I ALWAYS Guess Wrong.

I DEPEND on You Guys and Gals in the “Big Red Nose New NLP Idea Testing Ezine” to HELP ME Choose ONE WINNER.

So Here We Go:

Choose Your ONE FAVORITE Headline
and Then Send it to me - to Get Your

I - Please Read Down The List.

II - Pick The #1 Best Headline (In Your Opinion)

III - Email me the LETTER You Chose to Me at [email protected]

Headline from The
Following List:

A - Solve Your New-Client-Getting-Problem
w/54 New Referral Systems

B - What M*illionaire Small Business Owners Know
About These 54 Referrals Systems That You Don’t

C - What If You Had Access to the DETAILS of
54 Referral Systems That Nobody ELSE Knew About?

D - 54 Referral Systems We *Borrowed*
From Their M*illionaire Inventors

E - 54 Solutions to Your New Customer Referral Problems

F - The Reason Why Our NEW Referral System Collection
Is Better Than 10 Grand In The Bank

G - Visualize Yourself Kicking The Stuffing Out of
Your Competitors with 54 Referral Systems

H - 54 Referral Secrets of M*illionaire Entrepreneurs

I - IF YOU AGREE “The Herd” is Always Wrong
Then 54 Proven Referral Ideas from MAVERICK
M*illionaires World-wide Will Interest You

J - Imagine Yourself RAISING Your P*rices Using
54 Referral Strategies Nobody Else Has

K - How to REFER Yourself To Extra MUNNY
With 54 Invisible Guns AKA Referral System

L - YOU CHOOSE - Get Robbed By Social Media
Bandits Or Grow Your S*ales w/54 Referral Systems

M - Just Suppose You Could REFER Yourself Clients,
RAISE Your Fees & AVOID Thieving Competitors w/
54 SECRET Referral Systems?

N - SUFFERING From **Lack-a-Referral-Itis**?
Then Our 54 NEW Referral Systems Might Be
The Cure.

O - Start Your Own P*ROFIT-PARTY
w/54 Totally New Referral Referral Systems

P - SCANDALOUS - How Dare You Refer Yourself Richer in 2019
Using 54 COVERT Referral Systems

Q - Your Invitation to LAUGH-All-The-Way-To-The-Bank
w/54 ODD Referral Systems

R - You Already Depend on Referrals - So Why Not
Add a 7-Figure Referral System YOU CONTROL?


Thanks for VOTING,
Glenn Osborn

P.S. - To GET Your BRIBE REPORT - Email Your #1 Headline PICK to me at [email protected]

khouji123 January 7, 2019 04:42 AM

Re: Big-Red-Nose-Club Members ONLY
I think I need to buy one. :)

Dien Rice January 9, 2019 08:23 AM

That method is truly gold...!!!
Happy New Year, Glenn!


Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39516)
And Put them together to Develop the Following SIMPLE Method.

THAT METHOD Predicts What will Sell well.

So you do not WASTE TIME, Sweat and Moolah to write a book that nobody wants.

STATED SIMPLY: (For On-Line Testing from Home)

STEP I - You ASK Your Customer List or a Forum - Like SOWPUB - Or a PodCast Or Radio Audience - Or Borrow EYEBALLS from a Gardening or Teacher or Other niched Forum - And Get The OWNERS PERMISSION to Ask - "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BUY?"

STEP II - You Create a BRIBE REPORT. Most Folks today are TOO BUSY to
Give You Their OPINION so a BRIBE helps Boost Response.

STEP III - You Write a page or 2 of Possible Book Headlines for the BOOK You Plan to Write.

STEP IV - You Count the HEADLINE OPINION VOTES. If there are not Enough
Votes - YOU DROP That Book idea - Like a HOT POTATO. IF You Get LOTS of Headline VOTES - You Stick the winning Headline at the
top of your New E-book AND WRITE LIKE CRAZY.

Simple, right?

You're a genius, Glenn!

I like Step IV... You're finding out if they really like it, but in an indirect way (by asking them to vote on their favorite headline)...

Very clever... I like it! :)


Which of these 3 BRIBE REPORTS - Won The Voting by 300%?

BRIBE REPORT #1 - “How We Adapted Ideas from a McDonalds Restaurant Client, a Vegas 7-11 Client And a New Jersey Health Food Store to Help The Owner of 4 Restaurants SKYROCKET S*ALES In Super Competitive Miami, Florida.

BRIBE REPORT #2 - How We Masterminded with an Aussie Construction Worker so Albert (A) Gets p*aid by other Construction Workers he talks to (B) Gets P*AID by the owner of the Local SPECIALTY STORE For Construction Supplies AND (C) Gets P*aid to Host Weekend Parties at the store.

BRIBE REPORT #3 - How I Won a Battle with a GRUMPY Waitress
where we used (JEALOUSY and GREED-NLP-Flirt-Tipping) to Flip her from
STONE COLD - hating my guts - to SMILING - Bringing me 2 TIMES more Food than my 7 Bucks P*aid for.

won by 300%...
I guessed... and guessed WRONG!

(Chapter #23 is Glenn's next post, after the one I'm quoting from...)

Thanks for sharing this, Glenn! :)

Very, very, very valuable... :)

Best wishes,


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