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Goldblogger January 26, 2008 01:39 PM

TW Please Define "Marketing Machine"...
Aloha TW,


Originally Posted by -TW (Post 18419)
If you are looking to create a marketing MACHINE (which I see as the ultimate goal), then being a magnet -- or trying to -- is a losing proposition.

I am curious to hear...

1) Your specific idea of a "marketing machine".
2) Why magnetic marketing is detrimental to that.


Jason Cain

-TW January 26, 2008 02:21 PM

Re: The Game & Lifestyle Epiphany
Marketing machine: A 'device' in which you shovel potential customers in the top, and customers come out the bottom. Has a gas pedal too. The harder you push the gas pedal, them more customers come out the bottom. A real mrktng machine has this attribute: The gas pedal is under the marketER's control, not the marketEE's control.

I never said so-called 'magnetic' marketing is detrimental to a mrktng machine. On the contrary, it is most often ESSENTIAL to a well-funtioning machine. All I object to is, calling it 'magnetic.' That name is misleading. There's nothing 'magnetic' about it. That's all.

I use strategies like that all the time! I would be lost without them! I just don't call them magnetic. They are not.

Actually, some would say, being 'a magnet,' which I think is the wrong way to go (or to strive for, anyway), DOES NOT include using those so-called 'magnetic mrktng' methods exactly BECAUSE those methods are NOT truly magnetic. They DO involve ACTIVELY contacting the prospect REPEATEDLY -- which is a method that I DO advocate.

So, in summary: I DO advocate what is commonly called 'magnetic' markeitng (a la D. Kennedy), because it IS effective (but not really magnetic). And I DON'T advocate trying to 'be a magnet,' 'build it and they wil come,' etc.

Defining your universe (gather a list of potential customers), then bugging them repeatedly (you reaching them, not the other way 'round) IS the way to build an effective marketing 'machine.' No matter what Seth Godin says.

Make sense?

-- TW

Goldblogger January 26, 2008 02:21 PM

A Powerful Lesson In Intimidation...
There is a powerful lesson for people in that Godfather analogy. A lesson that has been put forth in two indispensable works...

Thick Face, Black Heart
Winning Through Intimidation

Many marketers will find their income is directly proportional to their ability to "intimidate" prospects and clients.



-TW January 26, 2008 02:25 PM

PS: Jason -- just to clarify...
Being a 'magnet' (or trying to become one) isn't 'detrimental' to building a mrktng machine! It can only help!

The question is, how MUCH can it really help? THAT'S the question one has to ask oneself BEFORE spending a lot of time + money + energy making becoming a 'magnet' as a goal. THAT'S what I would caution against -- thinking it's gonna solve more problems than it really will.


-- TW

Goldblogger January 26, 2008 06:41 PM

I See No Difference...
Aloha TW,

Being a student of Dan Kennedy for many years, I don't see any difference between your thoughts and what Dan Kennedy espouses. It seems to me that we are (I am :) ) getting hung up on semantics.

I do agree with everything that you have said -- and I think Dan would too.



-TW January 26, 2008 06:59 PM

I'm just sayin'...
What Kennedy says to do is right on -- it's just not 'magnetic,' and shouldn't be called 'magnetic.' That term is misleading.

Conversely what SHOULD be called magnetic (and is 'magnetic') is NOT the way to go, imo.

So, Kennedy, yes. Magnetic, no.

-- TW

Bill January 26, 2008 07:15 PM

Re: A discussion of being the "center" of the room and have people come to you.

Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 18446)
Thanks Gordon. Excellent point about Distribution.

If you can get things done, people will come to you. Besides distribution, it could also mean having a better track record. People watch Warren Buffet carefully because of his immense track record. But setting up a track record takes time.

For better distribution, build a better network of contacts.

How else can some one who is just getting started build a better distribution network?

Partner with someone who already has a distribution network. I wonder if Harvey Brody will be considering such partnerships with people here.



Deconstructing Harvard University. It is probably the most popular educational institution. How did it become one?

1. They have strong barriers in place: and allow only kids who show good promise to become students. As their students got famous, so did they.

2. They came up with their own Press. They published books that promoted them.

So... 3 Action points:

1. Have some kind of a qualifier, a barrier in place. So that you seem to be exclusive. (Eg: Paddi Lund.)
I was going to mention exclusivity also.


2. Work only with the cream. (Hefner will never take an ugly girlfriend.)
Well, he seems to take quite a few girlfriends who have fake breasts, which many men to find to be ugly. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I get your point though.


3. Have a tool to spread the word about you. (Like Ben Suarez and his book.)

I would also add it that would help if you have an unusual or unusually interesting/compelling story that lends itself to getting tons of free publicity. Free press is a great tool.

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