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SteveSki March 25, 2007 04:51 AM

More Controversy on "The Secret"....
Found an interesting free 5 minute audio
about how "the secret" really works at...

If you like the clip email me and I'll send you a
link to download another 55 minutes of free audio
on this subject.

IMHO there is no need to pay some of the people who
starred in the movie $2000 to tell you the secret behind
the secret.

The above audio points out some of the misconceptions around
the movie because of the insane belief that all one has to do is
wish for magic.

Steve & Susha

strange1 March 26, 2007 11:05 AM

Re: More Controversy on "The Secret"....

Originally Posted by SteveSki (Post 14602)
Found an interesting free 5 minute audio
about how "the secret" really works at...

If you like the clip email me and I'll send you a
link to download another 55 minutes of free audio
on this subject.

IMHO there is no need to pay some of the people who
starred in the movie $2000 to tell you the secret behind
the secret.

The above audio points out some of the misconceptions around
the movie because of the insane belief that all one has to do is
wish for magic.

Steve & Susha

So Steve what other information do you have to back this up John!

strange1 March 26, 2007 11:47 AM

Re: More Controversy on "The Secret"....
Steve, the 5min clip was great what other information do you have that you can share with the group on the Secret!!!!

mtran2000 March 26, 2007 12:43 PM

Re: More Controversy on "The Secret"....
The secret seems like someones philosophy or interpretation of life. More opionion than fact.


SteveSki March 26, 2007 11:22 PM

Your Success Depends On Your Ability To Do....
Hi John, I found a free 23 minute video I can share with you.
"How To Manifest - The Secret to Creating Your Dreams" at...

Our success in life depends on our ability to do to manifest what
we want and my point is that paying $2000 to some secret teacher
is not going to get you a magic genie or wand.

You can't buy success - you have to earn it.

For most people there is there is only one way to manifest money.

You have to sell something. You have to sell a product, a service or knowledge.

Since you have to sell something why not choose to love it and
become really good at it?

Thoughts are things and they shape our realities.

Good positive thoughts will help you to enjoy life more than negative stressful thoughts. But positive thinking alone will not pay the bills. We all still have to create a product or service or special knowledge and go out and sell it.

Those who haven't learned to enjoy the process usually end up selling their personal time/services for a fraction of what they are really capable of.

Hope you enjoy the above video and if you do email me and I'll send you a free 55 minute audio recording on the secret!

Steve Shulenski

Duane Adolph March 27, 2007 12:42 PM

Re: More Controversy on "The Secret"....
Hi Steve,


Just listened.

Nice clip.

I like the part near the end, when "he" says that the successful people don't "know" the "How To" Anymore than than you do....

They Just ACT!


Who is this? and Where's the rest of the clip?

Joetrevison April 6, 2007 09:38 AM

Re: More Controversy on "The Secret"....
I bought the secret you can find in Hill's book for $3.95. It is that simple. Why don't people use it for good and all people know it?

It is simple you are what you think. It is so old it is in the old testiment.

It is this passage so beatifully put: Proverbs 23:7

"For he thinketh in his heart so is he."

That is the great secret of the ages. And that is what is in the movie. No more no less. It is also in the $24 New movie about the 13 Principles in "Think and Grow Rich"

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