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Dien Rice August 5, 2022 01:29 AM

The mobster I didn't deal with...
A while ago I was working with someone in a business partnership...

This person, many years ago in his youth, knew a guy who later became a very rich, successful businessman...

He had the idea of getting back in touch with this guy, and maybe doing business with him.

When I Googled the guy's name...

All the results that came up were about his mob ties!

Yes, he had made a lot of money.

And even hung out with famous people...

But do you really want to deal with someone who had well known mob ties?

(Even though he was never convicted of a crime?)

To cut a long story short, my business partner did end up contacting this guy with reputed mob ties... And they relived old times...

But... we never did business...

In my mind... that's a good thing!

I've decided not to name names... For obvious reasons...

But I gotta say... when you're in the world of business, sometimes crazy things can happen!

This made me think of recent news - that they're still looking for the body of Jimmy Hoffa...

The fate of Jimmy Hoffa is something that comes into the news cycle every now and then...

Everyone believes he was the victim of a mob hit. But nobody has ever been convicted (and there's no proof he's even dead, though everyone believes he is)...

It's a murky world...

My advice - no matter how much potential money there is... It's better to stay away from the dark...

There's plenty of excitement in the light!

Best wishes!


GordonJ August 5, 2022 09:13 AM

How about the shade?
Odd thing, many a revered Guru has had less than sunny, light filled careers.

Joe Sugarman, Gary Halbert and Ben Suarez both in Fed Prisons. Kevin Trudeau, Chase Revel...and a long list of those that went the Darth Vader route, or walked that path for a little while. And to a man, none of it was their fault, mostly the gov't meddling.

At least with mobsters, there is no ambiguity, you know what you are getting (or not getting) into there.

Although, I don't consider lottery or sports gambling to be on the dark side, there are those that do, and so maybe I will concede they are in the shade, but still, probably a better choice than owing Uncle Guido a favor. Eh?


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