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GordonJ February 13, 2019 01:27 PM

Print is dead. Again?
I like sources, seems citations have gone away and IMers just throw out any thing they want to be a fact (a lot like POTUS).

So, it is fun to see a site, who has cited their sources and even more fun to see that PRINT is alive and well, thank you very much.

Sure, sites like graphicarts mag. love to tout the idea that PRINT is dead, but the reality isn't going away any time soon.


“According to a recent survey by MarketingSherpa, 82 percent of internet users trust print ads when making a purchase decision — making them the most trusted form of advertising.”

There has been a rush toward "Digital Agency" as a way of selling SEO, Social Media, IM in general, and anyone can claim they know or they ARE a digital agency....HA!

I've recently run into scores of local businesses at a meeting, and they have been bombarded with all kinds of sales calls, sales people cold calls, and even DIRECT MAIL, Ha-Ha!!, hyping and touting the advantages of digital marketing.

We may get there someday, but not today. Not yet, I'd wager the majority of small mom and pop businesses still get most of their customers the old fashioned way, through PRINT advertising.

Just today, my mail was full of PRESIDENT DAY ADS, why so many beds? I guess dead presidents put us all into a snooze mode?

Anyhow, so far, no SMS, few email ads, very few online offers for the specials to be had at real stores, for this holiday (is it still one???).

BIG LOTS, they don't send out ads that often, but they had a big one in today's mail.

This came up in a conversation I was having about CO-OP ads, and spoke this morning with two people, one an old friend still grinding away in his Print Brokering business, the other asking about conferring with me on a BRIDAL SHOW co-op advertising campaign.

Been to a bridal show lately? Or any trade show? We just had the home and garden show, and you know what I came home with? A giant bag full of PRINT offers.

Seems all things house and garden still like to pass things out which can be read...and studies have shown,

According to The Wall Street Journal, sales of traditional print books rose by 5 percent in the US last year, while sales of ebooks plunged by 17 percent

just one of many statistics which show people LIKE paper and ink, have you gotten a card in the snail mail lately? Much better for most of us than an ecard, albeit, the sentiment may be the same. We give more THOUGHTFULNESS credit to the sender of a paper and ink card, don't we?

Anyhow, I've been working with a few people who are still out there selling advertising, the paper and ink kind, and some are doing quite good with it.

The biggest mistake I see is TOO MANY ads on your vehicle, be it a giant postcard, a daily menu board, or a mug, mat or magnet. Less is faster.

Faster is MORE money in your pocket quicker.

Sure, some guys sell 15 slots on a giant postcard, in a month or two, but how much TIME is wasted chasing after people, so much slop and mess, when others can and do, just a few.

One guy gets ONE CORPORATE sponsor for his daily special menu board, and he's happy as a clam (never understood that saying, how happy can a clam be??).

Anyhow, he gives away a free board, and has one of the restaurant suppliers SPONSOR it for several hundred dollars a year, no muss, no fuss, no run around Sue, just one quick take it or leave it offer.

Imagine, a restaurant which serves both Coke and Pepsi (doubtful, but for example) have COKE sponsor the sign, or ask them first and say, well, if you don't want it, I'll ask PEPSI?

Always good to mention competition.

Anyhow, PRINT is not dead. Still money to be made from things a small business can see, feel, touch, hold in their hands...all the while someone is trying to sell him eyeballs via SEO.

Money to be made in PRINT, AND plenty of expertise to call upon.


Dien Rice February 20, 2019 09:57 AM

Re: Print is dead. Again?
Hi Gordon,


Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39615)
Seems all things house and garden still like to pass things out which can be read...and studies have shown,

According to The Wall Street Journal, sales of traditional print books rose by 5 percent in the US last year, while sales of ebooks plunged by 17 percent

just one of many statistics which show people LIKE paper and ink,

I've read about how physical bookstores are going stronger again nowadays, compared to when they were all shutting their doors in the wake of Amazon's early rise...

As for print magazines and newspapers, it seems to me that it's a mixed bag. Some are doing well, and some are faltering... I think the ones that do better (at least it's my impression) are the more specialized ones...


have you gotten a card in the snail mail lately? Much better for most of us than an ecard, albeit, the sentiment may be the same. We give more THOUGHTFULNESS credit to the sender of a paper and ink card, don't we?
That's true! An "e-card" just ain't the same, in my opinion...!


Anyhow, I've been working with a few people who are still out there selling advertising, the paper and ink kind, and some are doing quite good with it.
That's a good sign!


One guy gets ONE CORPORATE sponsor for his daily special menu board, and he's happy as a clam (never understood that saying, how happy can a clam be??).

Anyhow, he gives away a free board, and has one of the restaurant suppliers SPONSOR it for several hundred dollars a year, no muss, no fuss, no run around Sue, just one quick take it or leave it offer.

Imagine, a restaurant which serves both Coke and Pepsi (doubtful, but for example) have COKE sponsor the sign, or ask them first and say, well, if you don't want it, I'll ask PEPSI?

Always good to mention competition.
Good sales technique! :)


Anyhow, PRINT is not dead. Still money to be made from things a small business can see, feel, touch, hold in their hands...all the while someone is trying to sell him eyeballs via SEO.

Money to be made in PRINT, AND plenty of expertise to call upon.
I'll have to be frank, I'm doing a lot of Facebook advertising nowadays...

The main advantage is how finely you can target.

But I love print, and I hope it thrives!

Best wishes,


GordonJ February 20, 2019 10:24 AM

As an International Businessman, you want the Facebook reach...Papa Joe and

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 39626)

I'll have to be frank, I'm doing a lot of Facebook advertising nowadays...

The main advantage is how finely you can target.


Facebook is great. No doubt. But Mama Felice at the pizza shop and Dale the auto mechanic right next to her...get most of their business in a very tight radius of their locations. Maybe Facebook (more likely SMS) might drive Millennials to them, but...

PRINT reaches THEIR prospects.

Anyhow, thanks Dien. Although I have no International rep, and nothing to speak of outside of Summit and Stark counties, for some reason, many people still regard me as an expert on Remote Direct Marketing.

And, almost all who contact me, KNOW...I'm going to probably suggest a direct marketing campaign when it comes to generating more customers or for a special promotion.

In fact, it would surprise most of my clients to find out I even know how to log on to a computer...HA! This link is to an article on a handwritten DIRECT MAIL promotion. I found it via Warrior in the copywriting subforum, posted by Colmodwyer.

Personal letters.
Newspaper or rags ads.
Co-Op vehicles, like postcards, or coupon books, or weekly specials.

I'd love to do a mano a mano test against a Facebook (IM, SMS, SEO, etc.) salesperson where the results are winner take all. The object being an increase for the business in sales. Bring it on.

Now of course, I want momma and poppa LOCAL businesses to work with, where a one person decision can be made, where they can write the check on the local bank, that day, and where I have to see them on a daily basis.

And, although it could be done by any 'print broker', I don't mind being an old school, dinosaur of the day, ancient man known as a DIRECT MARKETING Consultant. Print being the fastest, easiest choice...but with guys like you, the Facebook experts in my Rolodex to call on if need be.

I'll do the Print Dien, you do the Facebook, and we'll have customers lined up, eh?


Rob43 February 25, 2019 10:04 AM

Re: Print is dead. Again?
Well done. Keep it up!
My friend Timur Artemyev has never been known before. But when he hired experienced marketers who promoted his website. The whole world found out about him as a good businessman.

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