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Don Alm December 11, 2014 06:45 PM

The POWER of KeyWord Domains
Holy Camoly folks....if you think about 2 things in your attempt at Money-Making.....using your Fingers on your Puter;

1) WHAT do biz owners WANT
2) HOW can little ol' you.....give it to them?

1) Biz owners WANT.....MORE Biz
2) What if little ol' you were to show them how they can get MORE BIZ?

So.....let's take a Niche that is of HIGH INTEREST in December of 2014.

Let's say you live in the Denver, Colorado area and you want to find (in December of 2014)..some biz to help you with PREPARING Your Taxes!

You ...Go To Google and type in; "Tax Preparer Denver"..and up comes a lot of "Crapola"......directories, local stuff and a "TEXT" format!

What if ..on the FIRST PAGE appeared a FULL COLOR THUMBNAIL ...... indicating there was a VIDEO behind the thumbnail and all they needed to do was..CLICK and UP would come a VIDEO!

You kiddin' ME! MOST would click ON the Thumbnail!

So....what if YOU......had a THUMBNAIL that sent consumers to a Video that also sent viewers to....THEIR WEBSITE?

Would THIS be of interest to "Tax Preparers" in the Denver area?

Anyways......I'm not offering consultation on how to make money with this BUT.....right, Dec 11, 2014....the Domain...

So....what I would do is GRAB this Domain......(I use Kompozer).....set up a 1 Page site and.....offer it to "Tax Preparers" in the Denver area!

Now......because Tax Preparers make MUCHO DINERO from each of their Clients......I.....would offer this website AND Domain for $497 A MONTH! with a 3 mo initial commitment.....$1,491!

So......You DON'T think a Tax Preparer in Denver would JUMP at this?

Gimmee a Break!

Don Alm...continuing to toss out freebies......wondering if anyone is "alive" on this Forum

ron lafuddy December 12, 2014 06:16 AM

Re: The POWER of KeyWord Domains

Originally Posted by Don Alm (Post 34208)
Holy Camoly folks....if you think about 2 things in your attempt at Money-Making.....using your Fingers on your Puter;

1) WHAT do biz owners WANT
2) HOW can little ol' you.....give it to them?

1) Biz owners WANT.....MORE Biz
2) What if little ol' you were to show them how they can get MORE BIZ?

So.....let's take a Niche that is of HIGH INTEREST in December of 2014.

Let's say you live in the Denver, Colorado area and you want to find (in December of 2014)..some biz to help you with PREPARING Your Taxes!

You ...Go To Google and type in; "Tax Preparer Denver"..and up comes a lot of "Crapola"......directories, local stuff and a "TEXT" format!

What if ..on the FIRST PAGE appeared a FULL COLOR THUMBNAIL ...... indicating there was a VIDEO behind the thumbnail and all they needed to do was..CLICK and UP would come a VIDEO!

You kiddin' ME! MOST would click ON the Thumbnail!

So....what if YOU......had a THUMBNAIL that sent consumers to a Video that also sent viewers to....THEIR WEBSITE?

Would THIS be of interest to "Tax Preparers" in the Denver area?

Anyways......I'm not offering consultation on how to make money with this BUT.....right, Dec 11, 2014....the Domain...

So....what I would do is GRAB this Domain......(I use Kompozer).....set up a 1 Page site and.....offer it to "Tax Preparers" in the Denver area!

Now......because Tax Preparers make MUCHO DINERO from each of their Clients......I.....would offer this website AND Domain for $497 A MONTH! with a 3 mo initial commitment.....$1,491!

So......You DON'T think a Tax Preparer in Denver would JUMP at this?

Gimmee a Break!

Don Alm...continuing to toss out freebies......wondering if anyone is "alive" on this Forum

Thanks, Don.

Don't know about tax preparers but I can think of several others
who would be up for it and who would pay well to have it.

Tax preparers tend to be cheap. Even though they make good money
(a lot do).

Remember in the old days, when yellow pages ruled. That was one category with the least amount of display ads.

Cheap, cheap, cheap.


Steve MacLellan December 12, 2014 02:19 PM

Re: The POWER of KeyWord Domains

Originally Posted by ron lafuddy (Post 34210)
Remember in the old days, when yellow pages ruled.

They still do for most people 55+... at least here in Nova Scotia, Canada. I've read a lot of reports that confirm this and even asked a lot of friends about it. I've found the less Internet savvy + age, means more eyeballs on the yellow pages. Meaning those who ARE Internet savvy and 55+ are more likely to just do a Goggle search.

The sad part about it is that there are businesses who ONLY use yellow page advertising -- that don't want websites -- and aren't being seen by the demographic age groups they are trying to target. In which case... the advertising is just a waste of dollars.

The yellow pages aren't hurting in this neck of the woods. I've seen numerous google ads for them where you can get a listing in the printed book, listed in the yellow pages online, and they will build you a website starting at $250 per month. Not bad... getting paid every month for a website that hardly ever gets updated. In 3 years they made $9000 off of one website -- and that's a very basic website. And yes... there are people opting for this....

Steve MacLellan

Don Alm December 12, 2014 03:26 PM

Re: The POWER of KeyWord Domains
Wow! Steve from Nova Scotia. Long time no see. Hope all is going well for you.

You and I did something together many moons ago, having to do with Car Lots. I forgot what it was. to you and hope to see ya again.

Don Alm

Ohh...regarding this thread; Ryan McKinney's report (Offline Legion) tells how he ranks videos for longtailed keywords like, Emergency Dentist Denver CO......Best Tax Preparer in Denver CO......emergency roofing contractor Denver co...etc.

Uses a phone service like Twilio or CallFire to send calls to a biz he selects.....phones biz when he sees a few calls have come in, and asks if they want to continue receiving calls. If they don't, he has phone service send calls to another biz in that niche and keeps going till one pays for the service.

He also uses the "Whisper" feature that announces who's producing the lead calls ("another lead from Advantage Marketing") then connects to the biz.

Pretty neat. Works for the times I've done this. Sure is nice to have monthly residuals coming in for little "work"

Steve MacLellan December 12, 2014 03:41 PM

Re: The POWER of KeyWord Domains
Hi Don,

Yes, that was a long time ago; don't quite remember either. Nice to see you're still keeping busy.


Don Alm December 13, 2014 12:01 PM

Re: The POWER of KeyWord Domains
Yup......everythings paid the kids in the bank and investments HOWEVER.....2 of our 5 kids are having "income" problems PLUS.....5 grandkids could use some bux to get thru college main goal is to build monthly residuals that require very little or NO attention.

It's called Ranking Videos for Keywords (EmergencyPlumberRoseburg, EmergencyRoofingGrantsPass, etc)

PLUS.....Gene Pimental has a great course called "Rapid Pro Sites" where he has 24 Niche Pre-Made websites (with videos) that offer a Free Booklet. goal is to get 100 clients paying $97 to $497 a month. I can then transfer my PayPal account to some of the kids.

Hope all is well with you up there in "Nova Scotia" land where it's usually "Colder than a Well-Diggers Butt"

You should consider coming down to "mild-winter land" SW Ore-GUN.... where Conservatives are still in the majority.

Take care,

Don Alm.......heading to my basement to oil my 30-aught six

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