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GordonJ December 25, 2016 11:26 AM

Merry Christmas---Let's talk for profits.
First, the #1 Card in the deck of 52 scattered ideas.
1- Talking. My December 20th Fly Low Collect the Dough UPDATE HOTLINE touched on this. Recently I have reprised my little half day workshops and it has proven to be good idea. In fact, I'll be taking several of these on the road with me.

You have a mouth, eh? Do you know ANYTHING, which others don't or might want to know? I bet you do. Why not make 2017 the year you put some money where your mouth is?

Here are a few ideas to consider:
Advice- Got some? Consider using
Ether - They charge a flat 15% of fees. Give advice, get a list of potential customers For dating advice Offer free advice, gain a following
I am NOT affiliated with any of these sites, they are presented as resources and idea simulators.
See? You can use your mouth online at sites like these, to build cred, find customers, and build out your lists too. Along the talking route, you have:

Skype. I do a lot of Skype talking, with Dien in Australia, and other associates spread around the world, it is an affordable alternative to long distance and with video, a face to face meeting can occur.
How about holding a webinar, and there are dozens of sites. Recent webinars I've attended have been at,, and many others. You do some research to see if one best suits what you do. Hey, as long as you are mouthing off, record it, and you have an MP3 or MP4 product; to sell or use as a lead generator.

One of my favorite sites of talk is This resource by itself could keep you busy all of 2017. One thing I like about what Michael Senoff has done is put the transcribed audios into a pdf you can read.

DO YOU GET IT, MOUTHY? If you take some time opening your trap and share your knowledge and experience with others, this very first CARD in the deck could quickly make your purchase worthwhile, honestly if there isn't 10 bux worth of ideas right here, please unsubscribe from my list, you are wasting my time.

I guarantee you have some worthwhile advice, what you may not have is the way and means to extract it and then SELL IT. Again, Senoff uses those dozens of interviews as front end, lead generators and ways to parlay his business. Heck, even I could be interviewed, since I'm Mr. Know it All (as one sad Warrior called me when I critiqued his copy) why not YOU cashing in on my knowledge?

As you saw in Episode 18, the steps up the ladder, sure, I can teach golf one to one, but my income really soared when I started to LEVERAGE my time and create workshops and record audios. I did it and there is not a reason you can't do it too. You'll find some more info on talk and share in other of the cards on the floor, but I wanted to start you off thinking about


you could quickly convert it into cash. Fair enough? Onward!

So, if you have something to say, then shout it from the rooftops,
but get paid to do so, eh?

In the early 80's I bought a course from Howard Shenson about seminars and consulting. It spurred me to join Toastmasters and that was invaluable.

See, even now, talking in front of a group is high ranking fear. But talking to a few people sitting around the table...anyone can do that.

Which might explain my most popular email subject which I've gotten from the Fly Low for information about the 2-3 hour roundtable workshops which can easily and quickly put 200 to 300 bux in your pocket.

Many years ago I wrote about the American Seminar Leaders Association, and used them as an example of how to buy into a seminar business.

They might be worth looking at for some ideas. Get their ONE page biz plan, it is a way to help you think about what you want to do.

I also contend every single reader of this post has skills, knowledge, or experience they could easily convert to a little workshop. Most questions I've rec'd have been about ORGANIZATION and MARKETING.

We can continue our dialog here, if you have questions. Also, several of you have emailed me with your ideas, and I say DO IT. Let your little light shine and let your big mouth bring in some bux. Why not?


Tomorrow: #2.

PS. If you can't wait for the next 51 days, you could always just send me 10 bux via PayPal [email protected] and I'll send you a copy of the 52 Scattered Cards idea report by return email, as a pdf attachment. There is NO DOWNLOAD. Be patient, I might be out, but you won't wait long.

Dien Rice December 26, 2016 11:52 AM

Re: Merry Christmas---Let's talk for profits.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 37578)
PS. If you can't wait for the next 51 days, you could always just send me 10 bux via PayPal [email protected] and I'll send you a copy of the 52 Scattered Cards idea report by return email, as a pdf attachment. There is NO DOWNLOAD. Be patient, I might be out, but you won't wait long.

Thanks Gordon, valuable stuff!

And $10 bucks gets you started faster...!

There's a lot of moolah that can be made sharing your knowledge... A lot of people don't know how to sell what they know, or they lack confidence, in that they don't realize how what they know is valuable!

But... if it is marketed right, and to the right people... Others will pay for your knowhow...

I think it's one of the most satisfying ways of making moolah... Especially if you really feel you are helping people who appreciate it...

Best wishes,


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