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Glenn January 25, 2007 01:57 AM

How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?


One of my web experts is a GENIUS at finding STRANGE marketing tidbits.

THIS one is odd.

Because I thought subliminal advertising was proven to be ineffective. Apparently McDonalds Corp doesn't agree.


P.S. - I WATCH this show sometimes. I didn't catch it.

Gus' note is appended below...


Hi Glenn,


I figured You'd appreciate THIS one:

1 frame shows a McD's ad...


MMacGillivray January 25, 2007 03:07 AM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
... and I thought subliminal ads were against the law?? .... a long time ago, I did wonder about the 'net and subliminal ads.


Kbayer January 25, 2007 06:35 AM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
Probably intentionaly filmed, "discovered", and "revealed" JUST for this purpose... no doubt this clip will be passed around the net a billion times -- free McDonalds publicity yet again.

There was supposedly (late 70's) an ad that was geared towards dieters that said if you placed your nose in a bag of Frito's for a few seconds, your hunger would be alleviated. Of course, sales shot up as thousands bought Fritos to try it. Think the diet trick worked? Give a dieter an open bag of Fritos and see.

Also, subliminal messages go far beyond the flashbit shown in the video clip here. Bikinis in beer ads, white coats and stethoscopes in drug commercials, big bands and flags waving in Army recruiting ads, super close-up shots of glistening hot cheeseburgers on an open broiler... all meant to provoke an unspoken response...

Well, gotta run... craving a Big Mac now for some strange reason!

Sandi Bowman January 25, 2007 10:15 AM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
Subliminal ads are everywhere. They tend to do one of two things: either get so familiar they no longer register and are largely ignored by the general public (as in the bikini clads and the hunks in ads) or they become a turn-off instead of the motivator as intended because people just get fed up with them. That is not to say that, during the majority of their lifespan, subliminal advertising is not certainly is!

The illegality part is when ads are 'flashed' so quickly that they fail to register in the consciously aware part of the brain at all. This was the case particularly at the old drive in theaters where popcorn ads were flashed so quickly that people didn't actually 'see' them and have the image register in their conscious mind so they could exercise free will in making a purchase or not decision. That's what they tried to outlaw. In some experiments I did some years back, they failed because some of the flash ads still appeared.

If you want to resist the subtle messages, just be extra aware that any time you 'see' a flash of light or dark that looks like a very quick computer glitch, you've probably seen an ad. I automatically discount any leanings toward purchasing anything that is advertised during the show or whatever I am viewing if that happens.

Sandi Bowman

Glenn January 25, 2007 07:20 PM

Why I Quit The Day I Met a Drug Addict In Line
Dear Sandy,


Except for studying their marketing I quit McDonalds food the day a lady started chatting with me in line.

Something was off cuz she was gossiping like we'd known each other for years.

Then she mentioned she used to take Heroin.

Was here to visit the methodone clinic across from the McDonalds.

I'd just ordered a Quarter Pounder and fries.

WALKED out of there without my food. The girl at the counter chased me down with it in the parking lot.

Never went in ANY of their stores again.


P.S. - I guess I'm amazed at how their food can be SO bad and their sales so Huge. How they stay #1.

Phil January 25, 2007 10:58 PM

The Real Price of a Big Mac!
If you never caught the documentary by Morgan Spurlock "Super Size Me"...

Definitely some Food for Thought. :)

Interesting fellow. ;)


Joetrevison January 26, 2007 12:04 PM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
That was not a real test. The Goverment jump the gun. That test was later disproved. Subliminal Ads do not necessary work. Tapes are made of them and they do not necessary work. Now the Affirmations or hypnosist that is a different story.


Originally Posted by Sandi Bowman (Post 13718)
Subliminal ads are everywhere. They tend to do one of two things: either get so familiar they no longer register and are largely ignored by the general public (as in the bikini clads and the hunks in ads) or they become a turn-off instead of the motivator as intended because people just get fed up with them. That is not to say that, during the majority of their lifespan, subliminal advertising is not certainly is!

The illegality part is when ads are 'flashed' so quickly that they fail to register in the consciously aware part of the brain at all. This was the case particularly at the old drive in theaters where popcorn ads were flashed so quickly that people didn't actually 'see' them and have the image register in their conscious mind so they could exercise free will in making a purchase or not decision. That's what they tried to outlaw. In some experiments I did some years back, they failed because some of the flash ads still appeared.

If you want to resist the subtle messages, just be extra aware that any time you 'see' a flash of light or dark that looks like a very quick computer glitch, you've probably seen an ad. I automatically discount any leanings toward purchasing anything that is advertised during the show or whatever I am viewing if that happens.

Sandi Bowman

Joetrevison January 26, 2007 12:10 PM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
Try you might give me all the blinking ads for meat and because I haven't eaten meat for 20 years no blinking ad can make me do it. I know that.

Now I do eat fish occassionly but not every day or week or even monthly.

Sandi Bowman January 26, 2007 04:09 PM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
Joe, while you are right that the initial test by the government was later disproved, it by no means disproves the entire theory. In fact, later tests substantiated the fact that subliminal advertising can be devastatingly effective, at least the first time a subject is exposed to an ad.

One subsequent test they did on popcorn in an indoor theater, increased the sales and consumption of popcorn during the following intermission ect by an astonishing 60% over their previous highest sales record! Things have dramatically improved since then with refinements and that record is no longer that impressive comparatively, but it has been proven over and over that subliminal advertising (especially positive associations as in flashy cars, big house, sexy partners ect) are effective. If they weren't, why would we be seeing so many of them? Think about it...then update your research.

I stayed on top of it because it was a major part of my job at one time...and psychology was/is my major interest of study in college and out of it.

Sandi Bowman

Ankesh January 29, 2007 11:53 PM

Re: How In The Heck Do You Spot Subliminal ADS?
Not definative, but a Good read:

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