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Pete Godfrey May 21, 2003 05:48 AM

Question for Michael
Hi Michael,

Regarding the Curb painting thread.

What do we call this in Oz? Gutter painting? Driveway painting? Just wondering if you know of anyone doing this here in Australia.


Pete Godfrey

Michael Ross (Qld, Aust) May 21, 2003 08:44 AM

Answer from Michael...

In Oz it would be painting house numbers on gutters.

ALL streets on the Gold Coast have it done. Many need it redone. And it is being redone... by the council. The council hires contractors - or asks for tenders - to do it.

Personally, I don't know anyone who is doing it. I didn't even see the guys who did our street, and they were there on two days - one day to paint the background the next day to paint the numbers.

Here's something interesting... today I saw a crew of painters painting the poles of sign posts. Sign posts that hold stop signs, give way signs, parking signs, etc. I never really paid much attention before but gee there are a LOT of signs.

If you are truly interested in the gutter painting, I'll get the number of the business doing the council work down here and send it to you so you can speak with them about it. Maybe get some pointers on getting your council to pay you to do it :o)

Michael Ross

Michael Ross (Qld, Aust) May 21, 2003 08:58 AM

Something to consider before rushing out and doing this...
Before rushing out and painting numbers on gutters, check that it is okay with your local council. They very well may have some rule that would make your numbers on gutters illegal - a form of grafitti or defacement of government property or some such nonesense. (If they won't allow business to erect signs - like real estate agents using pointer signs - and these are only temp, I can't see them allowing perm markings on their property.)

The last thing you want to is have to remove all the numbers you just painted.

Steve's erected signs might be the better option - looks nicer too :o)

Michael Ross

Pete Godfrey May 21, 2003 03:28 PM

Re: Answer from Michael...
Thanks Michael,

I think the council may actually do this in my town on all new subdivisions. Or as you said they may subcontract it out. Every new subdivision seems to have the numbers painted on the gutter. Can't see any numbers painted in the older suburbs (I've been taking notice on my morning walks since this thread began). May just be an opportunity here for someone with a bit of get up and go. Thanks again.


> Pete:

> In Oz it would be painting house numbers on
> gutters.

> ALL streets on the Gold Coast have it done.
> Many need it redone. And it is being
> redone... by the council. The council hires
> contractors - or asks for tenders - to do
> it.

> Personally, I don't know anyone who is doing
> it. I didn't even see the guys who did our
> street, and they were there on two days -
> one day to paint the background the next day
> to paint the numbers.

> Here's something interesting... today I saw
> a crew of painters painting the poles of
> sign posts. Sign posts that hold stop signs,
> give way signs, parking signs, etc. I never
> really paid much attention before but gee
> there are a LOT of signs.

> If you are truly interested in the gutter
> painting, I'll get the number of the
> business doing the council work down here
> and send it to you so you can speak with
> them about it. Maybe get some pointers on
> getting your council to pay you to do it :o)

> Michael Ross

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