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weaocalua November 27, 2018 01:15 AM

Introduce myself
I am very happy to be a new member here. Thanks to the administrator to provide such a great site. I am going to share ideas with people who have the same interests with me. Send me messages now!

MarcsAlan November 27, 2018 10:02 AM

Re: Introduce myself
Hello and welcome aboard!

GordonJ November 27, 2018 11:13 AM

We are OK with introduction posts, however, be forewarned...

Originally Posted by weaocalua (Post 39445)
I am very happy to be a new member here. Thanks to the administrator to provide such a great site. I am going to share ideas with people who have the same interests with me. Send me messages now!

What are your interests? We do prefer you post some information before trying to use the Private Message feature of the forum software.

When anyone posts an introductory post, it would help YOU to follow these guidelines:

In addition to WHO you are, share your areas of interests, expertise, and knowledge.

Let us know WHERE you are, we have members all over the world, you might be close enough to one to have a meet up down the road.

We DO allow links in the posts, and in signatures, however, we do NOT like little one sentence "drive-by" posts hawking your wares, be they of your own, or as an affiliate.

We don't permit provocateurs with political agendas, although we do permit different opinions, even different political views to be discussed in an adult civil manner.

We prefer you focus on BUSINESS, current events, or money making information, although we do often venture into areas of mystery, the arcane, and ever supernatural.

So welcome to the forum, all new members, it is only as good as you all make it, most prefer to NOT share, so it may go stale now and then. Both Dien Rice and myself have other projects to work with and SowPub, is more a labor of love than it is for business, although, we both would probably prefer that it pay for itself.

Let us know somethings about you, and hopefully, you'll find a friendly place to share.

Gordon Alexander

GordonJ November 27, 2018 11:31 AM

Also, about our archives. Some 22 years of posts.
We see several hundred people a day searching our archives now.

Including our own 18 years of continuous service, you may find posts, especially of mine, which were originally posted at other forums, there were many of them back in 1998.

Keep in mind the vast technology advances since then, so one should expect to find some very "dated" material in the archives, but...

there is also a lot of experience, wisdom, knowledge and universal principles regarding human nature and behavior there too, which hasn't changed that much.

All of our posts, including our archives are our property or that of the original poster. If you posted in 2003, and want to use YOUR post today, by all means. However do not use the archives for creating products or compiling information products without our consent.

We've been at this a long time, and have only banned two people from the forum, if you find it is not your cup of tea, then feel free to go elsewhere.

We respect our members as mature adults, so if you do any joint ventures with any other members, that is between the two of you. We are not police or a protective service, enter into any and all business arrangements having done due diligence and with clear eyes and open minds.

The forum goes through periods of high activity, and low use, again, it is up to you all on how and what you find here.


Dien Rice November 30, 2018 10:10 PM

“Newfangled” vs “Old school”...

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39448)
Keep in mind the vast technology advances since then, so one should expect to find some very "dated" material in the archives, but...

there is also a lot of experience, wisdom, knowledge and universal principles regarding human nature and behavior there too, which hasn't changed that much.

Hi Gordon,

What I see a lot of now is related to new technology, such as social media... What I don’t see much of is...

Perhaps what they might call “old school” stuff. But you know, it still works. Sales skills, that get people to *buy*...

If you know this, you have an advantage over many of the people out there!

With the “newfangled” knowhow, you can get a lot of “eyeballs” looking at your stuff (if you pay the dollars to spread it, or can get it to go viral)...

But it’s the “old stuff” that will often get them to whip out their credit cards (or put in their PayPal or Stripe details) and *buy*...

So, I’m glad when people ignore “old school” stuff. Because it gives me an advantage...

I’m all for ignorance! (Other people’s that is...) ;)

Best wishes,


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