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Steve MacLellan September 10, 2017 01:01 PM

Neuro-Linguistic Programming study
Part 1
Bernays was also the PR genius who popularized bacon as a breakfast food. Nobody had thought of eating these fatty pork strips first thing in the morning until Bernays launched his bacon-for-breakfast blitz.

During the next few decades, Bernays and his growing number of PR colleagues developed the principles and methods by which masses of people could be brainwashed through messages repeated over and over in the media. And it wasn’t just products that could be sold in this way. It was also ideas and concepts, no matter how abhorrent.

Part 2
According to Stauber and Rampton, "We are the most conditioned, programmed beings the world has ever known. Not only are our thoughts and attitudes constantly being shaped and moulded, but our very awareness (of this process) is subtly erased... It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day... If everybody believes something -- if it is part of the conventional wisdom -- it’s probably wrong."

Some current examples of such implanted conventional wisdom, as listed by Stauber and Rampton, may be discerned in the field of health care...


Dien Rice September 10, 2017 01:36 PM

The power of propaganda!

Originally Posted by Steve MacLellan (Post 38515)
Part 1
Bernays was also the PR genius who popularized bacon as a breakfast food. Nobody had thought of eating these fatty pork strips first thing in the morning until Bernays launched his bacon-for-breakfast blitz.


Part 2


Some current examples of such implanted conventional wisdom, as listed by Stauber and Rampton, may be discerned in the field of health care...

Thanks Steve... Great couple of articles!

I think everyone should learn about propaganda, its techniques, and how it works...

In fact, it is closely related to many other topics we talk about here, such as influence, NLP, persuasion, copywriting...

Many of the examples in the articles you mention use "social proof"... That is, "proof" that everyone else has a particular point of view, so you should too! Others use "authority" (such as the mention of using the American Medical Association to promote the idea that smoking is healthy for you).

I did read more about the techniques of propaganda in the past... I think it's about time to refresh my memory.

People think they are not influenced by propaganda... In fact, you are being blanketed with propaganda messages every day. Especially from politicians... But not only from them.

Thanks Steve - great post!

Best wishes,


Steve MacLellan September 10, 2017 01:44 PM

Re: The power of propaganda!

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 38517)
In fact, it is closely related to many other topics we talk about here, such as influence, NLP, persuasion, copywriting...

I recall Gordon speaking about it many years ago. However I couldn't remember if it was on this forum or Dave's "patch" :-)

Of course the discussions at the time were based around it's use in marketing, and not so much mass mind control. But, maybe it's time we branch out a bit :D


GordonJ September 10, 2017 02:35 PM

Cambridge Analytical and etc.

Originally Posted by Steve MacLellan (Post 38518)
I recall Gordon speaking about it many years ago. However I couldn't remember if it was on this forum or Dave's "patch" :-)

Of course the discussions at the time were based around it's use in marketing, and not so much mass mind control. But, maybe it's time we branch out a bit :D


Posted a link this article shortly after it was written. Trust me, I'm following this story as closely as I can and is one reason I've lost much of my interest in marketing...a lot bigger fish to fry.


Steve MacLellan September 10, 2017 03:42 PM

More dangerous than most people realize
The article says, "We have entered a new political age. At Scout, we believe that the future of constructive, civic dialogue and free and open elections depends on our ability to understand and anticipate it."

Interesting after Charlottesville and the president saying the 'alt-left' is as bad as the 'alt-right' we now have 'Antifa'.... which proves him right. Although the term has some history, it suddenly comes to light as a more organized force. Some supporters are promoting Martin Luther King Jr. as a martyr of the group, which I find outlandish.

However the point of this post isn't to engage in a political discussion as I know this is off limits on the forum. The point is, some of us wouldn't be surprised to learn that 'Antifa' rise, has been fueled and funded by a group of rich influencers to create more civil unrest and make the US government policies more palatable.

Yes, I could be wrong. If not, it's a great example of NLP and manipulation that is resulting in public brain-washing.


sandalwood September 10, 2017 06:31 PM

Re: More dangerous than most people realize

Originally Posted by Steve MacLellan (Post 38521)
The article says, "We have entered a new political age. At Scout, we believe that the future of constructive, civic dialogue and free and open elections depends on our ability to understand and anticipate it."

Interesting after Charlottesville and the president saying the 'alt-left' is as bad as the 'alt-right' we now have 'Antifa'.... which proves him right. Although the term has some history, it suddenly comes to light as a more organized force. Some supporters are promoting Martin Luther King Jr. as a martyr of the group, which I find outlandish.

However the point of this post isn't to engage in a political discussion as I know this is off limits on the forum. The point is, some of us wouldn't be surprised to learn that 'Antifa' rise, has been fueled and funded by a group of rich influencers to create more civil unrest and make the US government policies more palatable.

Yes, I could be wrong. If not, it's a great example of NLP and manipulation that is resulting in public brain-washing.



You don't have to worry about politics interfering in your remarks. Here are some sites you want to visit to learn about the left and their idea of free speech:

and if you want to read a decent review of this idiot's book read:

Maybe our NLP and other propaganda techniques have come home to bite us in the ass. Just my thought for which, BTW, antifa would have no problem beating me to a pulp.

Can't wait for the next 5 years to see what happens.

All the best.

sandalwood September 10, 2017 07:20 PM

My remarks continued

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 38523)

You don't have to worry about politics interfering in your remarks. Here are some sites you want to visit to learn about the left and their idea of free speech:

and if you want to read a decent review of this idiot's book read:

Maybe our NLP and other propaganda techniques have come home to bite us in the ass. Just my thought for which, BTW, antifa would have no problem beating me to a pulp.

Can't wait for the next 5 years to see what happens.

All the best.

Let me throw some more shade on this conversation. Here is a shortened version of a conversation I was in 53 years ago:

Him: Are you saved?
Me: What?
Him: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?
Me: Well, I'm Catholic and my church tells me I have.
Him: No. have you actually accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?
Me: Again, I believe I have.
Him: No you haven't. You are not saved. You haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. You are going to hell.

Advance to today:

Him: Have you renounced fascists, the alt-right, Trump, Neo Nazis and racists?
Me: I think free speech allows them to say anything they want and then accept the consequences.
Him: So you haven't renounced those groups. You are a fascist/fascist supporter and deserve what you are about to receive.

Can you tell me how to use any technique to have a sane non threatening conversation with either of these people?

BTW, the Air Force was kind enough to train me in propaganda techniques. I say that only to inform the audience I am no stranger to the verbiage.

How about a Muslim who believes you are an infidel because you aren't a Muslim. He, like the other 2 people, is ready to defend his belief(s) with force. Are you ready to defend yourself with force?

IMHO that is all it boils down to. How committed is a person to their belief? If you aren't ready to stand your ground, you get rolled over or killed. No amount of NLP, propaganda or persuasion techniques will avoid the conflict. That, to me, is the world we live in.

Please don't take this added dialogue as me aiming it at you. It is for general discussion.

An added point:

This forum has the right to ban anyone it believes violates its rules. However, if antifa reads this forum and sees the moderators and/or owners have not discredited the above named people/organizations, it will be viewed as a supporter and subject to threats and violence.

How do they avoid the potential of being labeled an alt-right organ promoting fascism? Remember, capitalism is very real on this board. In fact it is promoted regularly.

Antifa hates capitalism. We may not want to think about that in this cozy discussion universe but it is very real in today's universe.

The mind is a wonderful tool, isn't it?

No more continued remarks.

Steve MacLellan September 10, 2017 08:06 PM

Violence to counter violence creates more violence
I think most of us would defend ourselves with force if we had to. Personally speaking, I've had a little training, and have survived through a few dust-ups. However, violence to counter violence creates more violence, and is not a solution. And if some of us are right, the backers behind Antifa want civil unrest. There have been marches in major cities here in Canada with clashes between both sides... but no, I don't go. As always, I decide a course for myself.

A couple of years ago a friend and I were having a conversation when I mentioned how racism and discrimination were increasing. He claimed it wasn't true, and asked for specific examples, to which I was at wits end to come up with a defense of my position. Yes, I should have some examples at hand...

I started a Google+ collection where I share articles and discussion that I've found on media sites on the topic of racism and discrimination. You can see it here:

It's my hope that the collection will help some people re-evaluate their stance on these issues. I know, it isn't much and can't be compared to punching a fascist in the nose, but it doesn't write anyone off either.


GordonJ September 10, 2017 08:52 PM

Holy ****, we need to delete this whole thread.

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 38524)
Let me throw some more shade on this conversation. Here is a shortened version of a conversation I was in 53 years ago:

Him: Are you saved?
Me: What?
Him: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?
Me: Well, I'm Catholic and my church tells me I have.
Him: No. have you actually accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?
Me: Again, I believe I have.
Him: No you haven't. You are not saved. You haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. You are going to hell.

Advance to today:

Him: Have you renounced fascists, the alt-right, Trump, Neo Nazis and racists?
Me: I think free speech allows them to say anything they want and then accept the consequences.
Him: So you haven't renounced those groups. You are a fascist/fascist supporter and deserve what you are about to receive.

Can you tell me how to use any technique to have a sane non threatening conversation with either of these people?

BTW, the Air Force was kind enough to train me in propaganda techniques. I say that only to inform the audience I am no stranger to the verbiage.

How about a Muslim who believes you are an infidel because you aren't a Muslim. He, like the other 2 people, is ready to defend his belief(s) with force. Are you ready to defend yourself with force?

IMHO that is all it boils down to. How committed is a person to their belief? If you aren't ready to stand your ground, you get rolled over or killed. No amount of NLP, propaganda or persuasion techniques will avoid the conflict. That, to me, is the world we live in.

Please don't take this added dialogue as me aiming it at you. It is for general discussion.

An added point:

This forum has the right to ban anyone it believes violates its rules. However, if antifa reads this forum and sees the moderators and/or owners have not discredited the above named people/organizations, it will be viewed as a supporter and subject to threats and violence.

How do they avoid the potential of being labeled an alt-right organ promoting fascism? Remember, capitalism is very real on this board. In fact it is promoted regularly.

Antifa hates capitalism. We may not want to think about that in this cozy discussion universe but it is very real in today's universe.

The mind is a wonderful tool, isn't it?

No more continued remarks.

Speaking of propaganda. YIKES!!

sandalwood September 11, 2017 11:16 AM

Re: Holy ****, we need to delete this whole thread.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38526)
Speaking of propaganda. YIKES!!

Evidently the point was well made.

GordonJ September 11, 2017 11:38 AM

As an agitator and provocateur, your point was well made.

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 38530)
Evidently the point was well made.

You, admittedly are skilled and trained in propaganda, therefore we have no reason to doubt you applied your skills with your post. You carefully selected a few, out of hundreds of possible articles, which lean to and reinforce your bias and position.

There is no antifa, it is probably Bannon and Rush Limbaugh funded, skinheads in masks.

As for extreme leftists, Fidel and Che were "freedom fighters", and like far right fascists, Mussolini, they both had no problems with violence.

Go far enough either direction, they come together...always have, nothing new there.

Probably an Illuminati position, that chaos is a ladder of opportunity is behind it all anyhow, they control the propaganda machines.

Bernie is far left, Trump far right...but so far they are not violence advocates, although, the jury is still out on Trump.

As Steve said, violence as a solution is unacceptable, and the Christians should have learned that lesson during the crusades.

We'll allow you some leeway on your attempts at propaganda, but the leash is short.


ron lafuddy September 11, 2017 03:03 PM

Re: Neuro-Linguistic Programming study
Seems this thread is maybe a continuation of this one: "Repurposing a discussion forum for lead generation".

Maybe not.

Thanks for the link to the AI article.


Steve MacLellan September 11, 2017 03:17 PM

That's interesting...

Originally Posted by ron lafuddy (Post 38533)
Seems this thread is maybe a continuation of this one: "Repurposing a discussion forum for lead generation".

Maybe not.

Thanks for the link to the AI article.


I suppose it does have similarities: repurposing bacon for a breakfast food.


sandalwood September 11, 2017 04:06 PM

Re: As an agitator and provocateur, your point was well made.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 38531)
You, admittedly are skilled and trained in propaganda, therefore we have no reason to doubt you applied your skills with your post. You carefully selected a few, out of hundreds of possible articles, which lean to and reinforce your bias and position.

There is no antifa, it is probably Bannon and Rush Limbaugh funded, skinheads in masks.

As for extreme leftists, Fidel and Che were "freedom fighters", and like far right fascists, Mussolini, they both had no problems with violence.

Go far enough either direction, they come together...always have, nothing new there.

Probably an Illuminati position, that chaos is a ladder of opportunity is behind it all anyhow, they control the propaganda machines.

Bernie is far left, Trump far right...but so far they are not violence advocates, although, the jury is still out on Trump.

As Steve said, violence as a solution is unacceptable, and the Christians should have learned that lesson during the crusades.

We'll allow you some leeway on your attempts at propaganda, but the leash is short.



Appreciate your exchange. Of course, you can cut the leash anytime you wish. It is your forum. What you can't cut the leash on is your mindset. Nobody can. You either think one way or you think the other. Your choice.

At no time did I advocate any position and I certainly don't advocate violence. I advocate your right to say any damned thing you wish and go one step further and believe you should have the balls to take, if any, the consequence(s).

I provided examples. The sites I quoted were more sympathetic to the violence prone idiots as is Bray's book. If he believes what he writes, and if I was a violent person, I'd feel no compunction about smashing you in the face for what I would call your rant.


Because Mr Bray's reasoning permits me to make myself judge, jury and executioner if someone says something I don't like. That sir is undeniable. Read his book and tell me differently.

As for all the players you mentioned, what do they have to do w/what I wrote? You provide extremes and say extremes always come together. Yeah, they both want to rule the world if that is a definition of coming together. They think they know what is good for the common herd members. Just follow them and it'll be peaches and cream. Viva Maduro, ey amigo?

Can you remember when Patriot was a dirty word? Just another point in the long list of points on which we can waste our time.

Either way, it is your forum and you set the parameters. If it's good bye, then it's good bye.

GordonJ September 11, 2017 07:14 PM

I stand by my assertion with balls.

Originally Posted by sandalwood (Post 38535)

Appreciate your exchange. Of course, you can cut the leash anytime you wish. It is your forum. What you can't cut the leash on is your mindset. Nobody can. You either think one way or you think the other. Your choice.

At no time did I advocate any position and I certainly don't advocate violence. I advocate your right to say any damned thing you wish and go one step further and believe you should have the balls to take, if any, the consequence(s).

I provided examples. The sites I quoted were more sympathetic to the violence prone idiots as is Bray's book. If he believes what he writes, and if I was a violent person, I'd feel no compunction about smashing you in the face for what I would call your rant.


Because Mr Bray's reasoning permits me to make myself judge, jury and executioner if someone says something I don't like. That sir is undeniable. Read his book and tell me differently.

As for all the players you mentioned, what do they have to do w/what I wrote? You provide extremes and say extremes always come together. Yeah, they both want to rule the world if that is a definition of coming together. They think they know what is good for the common herd members. Just follow them and it'll be peaches and cream. Viva Maduro, ey amigo?

Can you remember when Patriot was a dirty word? Just another point in the long list of points on which we can waste our time.

Either way, it is your forum and you set the parameters. If it's good bye, then it's good bye.

I asked Dien to leave the thread up. I think it is a learning lesson.

YOU, a guy schooled by US Military in Propaganda techniques (covert persuasion) made the post. You chose the links. Within your post you used the DIVISIVE, us against them approach as Bernays et al taught. We just saw this expertly used by Joel Osteen, once he got his shet together after stumbling around Harvey for awhile and we saw his cult respond with literal cheers of joy and "you tell em Joel".

Subtle word choices? NOT by someone as expert as yourself in these matters, the use of "good Christians" vs "non christian catholics", like Mel Gibson I suppose, he with the most watched movie ever about Jesus Christ.

A trained propagandist knows how to use these "us vs them" psychological triggers, as seen by Steve Bannon on Sunday. You know what you are doing. The links were carefully chosen to show the ideas of either one man or a small group of his followers so you know how to disseminate information, or mis information as the case may be, all weapons of someone schooled by the military would use.

Why would we not believe you didn't have the intent to agitate, you want to control the conversation, I'm more than willing and ready to enter the discussion, and then there was that little shading of the forum, the owners/moderators, who should fear the wrath of the so-called antifa.

As for Bray, I put him in with L.Ron Hubbard, Frank Wallace and Aleister Crowley. To shed light on his ramblings serves your purpose, it is a standard propaganda move, as far as my education goes, they didn't teach it in either cooking school or submarine school....

But in order to have a point, you need a counterpoint, every PROtaganist needs an antagonist, eh?

I stand by my assertion, you are here to disrupt, you used your propaganda training in your post, and I want everyone to see it and they can then judge for themselves, fair enough?

You do want to agitate and you are a provocateur, and if need be, we will limit the amount of propaganda you do post, but I hope this stays up, it is a good education piece, to see how ONE side of a topic is shown, displayed with the use of very good psychological triggers. For that I thank you, truly.


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