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BrentWhinfield April 20, 2010 04:08 PM

A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been away for so long. I missed you all on Sowpub.

To make up for my absence, I'm going to hand to you on a golden platter the details of an extremely lucrative niche.

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I want it to be as detailed as possible so you can start making money as soon as possible.

Inside this post I'm going to show you how to tap into a lucrative market with hardly any competition. I'll also show you how to quickly and easily create products for it.

For the past two plus years, I've been busy working the deaf/hard of hearing niche market.

Did you know that there are approximately 28 million Americans who are deaf? Twenty eight million just in the US alone! There are untold millions upon millions of people the world over who have this unfortunate disability.

Consider this fact:

The internet has been transformed from static pages, to multimedia.

Everywhere you turn there's some type of video on a website. In addition to Youtube, there are now hundreds of social networking sites, with more springing up every day.

They ALL have video!

Unfortunately, most of these social sites (with the exception of Youtube...they're to be applauded) do not cater to the deaf.

Deaf people have been virtually shut out of the online video revolution. The thing is...these handicapped individuals are aching, hungry, thirsty, almost begging for an entry into your world of video.

I have been busy creating captions of videos, and selling them to deaf people. I want you to also grab a piece of this humongous and extremely lucrative market.

You'll be supplying captioned (subtitled?) videos to deaf, hard of hearing people, and also to individuals who are "English Challenged."

Here's what to do:

1. First get your tools. You need the following FREE tools to download, transcribe, and caption videos.

a.) Sothink Web Video Downloader for Firefox. I simply LOVE this program. It'll grab 99% of everything out there. I also use as a backup, NetVideoHunter. This baby will scoop up any kind of video from any kind of site.

b.) I like to use Express Scribe. It is an excellent video player and transcription software, and the good news is totally free. I play the video in slow motion so I can type out the words, then in no time flat I have a transcription of the vid.

c.) After trying a large number of subtitling solutions, I've settled on Subtitle Horse to do all my captioning. It's free. (Don't you love that word?)

I used to do all the downloading, transcribing, and captioning all by myself. I felt that I needed to learn how to use these software programs (they're easy to learn). But now I use to find cheap labour. Would you believe that I pay between $1.11 and $1.63 an hour for someone to do it all for me?

That's right. You heard me correctly...I pay $1.11 per hour to workers from India and the Philippines to churn out my captioned videos.

Anyways, it's important that you first see what's hot before downloading, transcribing, and captioning your videos. You can look at all the various sub niches and supply captioned videos to a wide variety of people out there.

Just as there are a wide variety of videos on Youtube to serve a wide variety of tastes, you'll have no problem in deciding what's best for
you to serve a deaf sub niche.

I chose the news market. Deaf people are willing to pay for news about the death of Michael Jackson, and other big news stories. As I type this, a vomiting volcano is playing havoc with air travelers. This is a great news reporting captioned video item to sell to deaf people.

I get all my news videos from CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. These videos clips are only 2-3 minutes in length.

Create a membership site where people are willing to pay a small fee for captioned video clips. The membership must have silver, gold, and platinum levels.

Use these guys. They have a good product at a reasonable price. I have no affiliation with them:

Use Silver for short news vids of about 1-3 minutes consisting of ordinary news stories. I like to scan CNN and MSNBC for the "weird" news. You know the kind I mean: Man bites dog. There's actually a section over at MSNBC and CNN devoted to those types of DAILY stories.

Gold is for longer in-depth news stories such as 60 Minutes and other type of in-depth coverage.

Platinum is for movies and documentaries.

It's easy to get members. Get active on the deaf forums and the social networking sites.

Because there is virtually no competition (in all the time I've been doing this, I've only come across one video sharing site that is dedicated to the deaf. This site has deaf people sharing in sign language.), you'll clean up.

One of the reasons I'm sharing this with you is because this forum gave me my start.

When I first began my Internet marketing career, I read everything on this and Tony Blake's forum to learn all about IM. It's now time to give back.

I have much more details on creating a great income from the deaf niche, but this post is long enough.

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to post them here. I'll be happy to answer.

God loves you.
Brent Whinfield.

Glenn April 20, 2010 04:32 PM

Thanks Brent - A Question
Hi Brent,

Thanks for the peek into a new niche.


I went to the site.

ONE - I don't understand the site. There is no FAQ either.

(Is this just me?) If you want something you buy it. Or save up and buy it.

A wish list - I don't get it.

TWO - I'm not clear how a wish list fits into your Transcription of video for the deaf system.


Ankesh April 20, 2010 04:44 PM

Re: Thanks Brent - A Question
Brent may be meaning this:

BrentWhinfield April 20, 2010 06:58 PM

Re: Thanks Brent - A Question
Sorry Glenn. I made a boo-boo.

When you get to my age you
will also make boos similar to this. lol.

Here's the correct url:

btw, a fantastic sub niche for deaf is

Deaf people are going nuts about
theme cruises. There are cruises
being catered specifically to deaf

I suggest that you consider
creating a site dedicated to travel info, complete
of course with captioned videos about cruises and
other vacation destination.

God loves you.


BrentWhinfield April 20, 2010 07:05 PM

Re: Thanks Brent - A Question
Ankesh, you beat me to it. :) Thanks. Much obliged.

If you do any preliminary research on subtitling
software, you'll be sure to run across the popular,
Subtitle Workshop.

Me? I prefer FurySync in addition to Subtitle Horse.
Here's Furysync's address:

Do I need to say it?'s freeee!

God loves you.

Glenn April 20, 2010 11:20 PM

Alaska Deaf Cruise 2010 - 4600.00 a Person!
Dear Brent,



Tons of cruises for the deaf.

Just found one to Alaska.

ALL the prices start at 4 grand and go up.

Great niche market.

Thank You.


From $4,467.44 per person
Approximately 237 to 307 sq. ft.
Bathroom with shower
Spacious closet and desk
Refrigerator and TV

BrentWhinfield April 21, 2010 09:14 AM

Re: Alaska Deaf Cruise 2010 - 4600.00 a Person!
Glad you like that niche Glenn. Here's a hint for conferencing for deaf people. Go do your home work :)

Phil April 21, 2010 07:24 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Hi Brent,

Hope you're doing well these days with your own health, since your last few SowPub posts...

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your Great ideas...

Miss your Good ol' see it on Video newsletters and ideas... :)

Definitely! ...

All kinds of innovative business opportunities throughout the Deaf niche...

Including Joint venturing... Social networking... With like minded people and disabilities...

Marketing Specialized products, services... Toll positions and endless other possibilities!

A few Quick picks (old & new) for a little more related Brainstorming...

Study the Competition and go for it by Staying one step ahead and/or Together... ;)

Sign of the Times: Video, Email Are Boons to the Deaf free

Use your computer mouse to drag and read more on the overall idea on the left side of the page...,1851289

Online Dating News: Niche Online Dating Sites for the Deaf and the Hard-of-Hearing Community

Developing An Internet Niche For the Deaf

Adviser establishes niche among deaf; Manages $80 million for clients in 48 states...


Garth April 21, 2010 10:18 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Brent, thanks.

I also have experience with this market in the medical field.

I think possilbe resources to create for this market could be
auto repair videos, fitness and health information

BrentWhinfield April 22, 2010 10:36 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Hi're welcome.

One thing though, there aren't that many deaf people who drive :) Fitness and health info though is a wonderful idea to offer to the deaf.

I created hot videos (including health and fitness) by inserting closed captions from hundreds of free transcriptions I found at sites such as


Check out those sites as well as others like Monkey See, for transcripts.

Go for it!

God loves you.


BrentWhinfield April 22, 2010 10:46 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Hey Phil!

How ya doing buddy?

Good to "see" you.

Yeah, I had a bummer of a time the last four years.
However, by God's amazing grace I'm now just about
back to my old self.

Co-incidentally, today is my final radiation treatment.
I'm going to do a little dance of celebration at 2:45pm
today for those radiation technicians.

I've been going daily to the cancer hospital here in
Toronto for cancer radiation to my neck.

They yanked out my thyroid which was just about
covered with those beasties. Coupled with my heart
problem (I carry around a little computer in my chest
they call a defibrillator), I was sick like a dog the past
few years.

But baby...I'm baaaack!

So you'll be "seeing" 'ole Uncle Brent back on this here
Sowpub a lot from now on.

Phil, I always love the way you extrapolate an idea and
build on it. Indeed, those are terrific services and products
that you mentioned, to offer to deaf people.

Thanks a lot.

God loves you.

Phil April 28, 2010 03:18 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche

I'm doing well and I'm sure as yourself... Appreciate each and every Day!

Life is just way too short to sit back and watch it all pass by...

Take chances and live Life to the Fullest. Seize each and every New day! You have your Health you have just about Everything in the whole wide world...

Unfortunately, Money doesn't buy everything... But it certainly Helps... :)

Congrats on the end of your radiation treatments. Glad to hear that you're doing much better and Winning with your Health and in business...

Looking forward to Digging deeper into those ever so Interesting posts/ideas and Extrapolating things... ;)

All the best and take Especially good care of yourself...


Rick D June 1, 2010 11:52 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Very interesting business idea & thanks for sharing! Do you have a sample video to share so we can see what the finished product looks like? Also, are there any copyright/tm issues to deal with?

Phil June 2, 2010 01:09 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche

Not to answer for Brent here but just in case you haven't read through another informative Video related post by Brent...

Checkout his sig file...

Patiently review and listen Carefully right to the very end of his video... :)

If you Dig real deep into the SowPub archives you'll Find some Quality sharing and ideas from Brent...

Quality no matter, whether through Brent's Free ideas and/or Paid products...

Awesome business ideas all the way...

Of course...

Serious Action required to produce those Endless multiple streams of income and Golden revenues... ;)


Rick D June 2, 2010 11:24 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Got it Phil. Thanks. We've "figured" out Sothink, express scribe, and furry sync. It appears that furry requires a conversion of any flash videos to WMV; not a problem since sothink has a converter program.

Now to do a membership site. :rolleyes:

The real issue though is the videos from the CNN's, ESPN's etc. What are the copyright issues with those? Can you post those? If not then you're left with the videos from seemonkey etc. & is there enough for a membership site?

BrentWhinfield June 2, 2010 11:06 PM

Your official title: News Aggregator
Hi Rick,
Thanks for asking.

You're being stumped by copyright issues to video news stories from CNN and other news outlets.

Don't be.

I made that post in order to give a real-life example of what to offer the over fifty million deaf people, globally.

I personally chose to offer video news items after being inspired by my favourite news aggregator, The Drudge Report:

As you can see all that page is, a vast link farm to great news stories. News columnists and News bloggers fight to get linked by Drudge.

Matt Drudge is one smart cookie of a journalist who a long time ago figured out that all people needed was to read the latest, hottest news.

No cared to go hunting all over the internet for news.

Today Drudge boasts millions of page views daily, and is regularly read by some of the powerful politicians and media moguls around the world.

I figured that I can do a Drudge Report with video, but on much, much, smaller scale...and to narrow the niche even further by offering the service to deaf people.

That's the key right there...narrow niches.

I chose news videos for the deaf, but you don't have to. There are hundreds of other niches to be exploited.

Here are a few that are ready and rearing to go:

!. World Cup soccer. Hurry, kick off begins June 23, 2010.
2. NBA finals
3. Anything to do with the "gommit" (government) as Don Alm would say.
4. Health and Fitness
5. DIY (Do It Yourself)

These are just a few niches to get your creative juices flowing. My buddy Phil can suggest tons more.

Please do not restrict yourself by thinking of offering just membership sites. I started by offering packages of videos for just seven bucks.

Ask Phil whether or not this is true: people are generally lazy to do research for themselves. This is why people like Phil, who have taken the time to learn how to do efficient research, are earning good money.

The internet is a vast storehouse of information just waiting for the smart entrepreneur to get rich.

Go for it!

God loves you.

P.S. - Tomorrow you`ll learn why I kissed the deaf market goodbye, and is saying hello to a hardly scratched multi-multi-multi (did you hear me? I said multi) BILLION dollar market.

Talk about taking candy from a baby. Tee-hee.

Dien Rice June 3, 2010 01:41 PM

Brent, I'm glad you're back!

Originally Posted by BrentWhinfield (Post 26321)
Yeah, I had a bummer of a time the last four years.
However, by God's amazing grace I'm now just about
back to my old self.

Co-incidentally, today is my final radiation treatment.
I'm going to do a little dance of celebration at 2:45pm
today for those radiation technicians.

I've been going daily to the cancer hospital here in
Toronto for cancer radiation to my neck.

They yanked out my thyroid which was just about
covered with those beasties. Coupled with my heart
problem (I carry around a little computer in my chest
they call a defibrillator), I was sick like a dog the past
few years.

But baby...I'm baaaack!

So you'll be "seeing" 'ole Uncle Brent back on this here
Sowpub a lot from now on.

Hi Brent,

I just want to say, I'm very happy you're back!

Life is full of challenges. Yet if we approach them right, they can strengthen our character for the better...

Thank you very much for sharing. I hope to see more of you here too!

Best wishes,


P.S. Sorry for my slow reply... I've been having a bit of a "tough time" myself. However, I expect to be "back" now too...!

BrentWhinfield June 3, 2010 03:08 PM

Re: Brent, I'm glad you're back!
Hi Dien,
I had no idea you're sick. Sorry to hear that. I wondered where you were.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I KNOW you'll be back soon.

God loves you.

Dien Rice June 3, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Brent, I'm glad you're back!

Originally Posted by BrentWhinfield (Post 26485)
Hi Dien,
I had no idea you're sick. Sorry to hear that. I wondered where you were.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

I KNOW you'll be back soon.

Hi Brent,

In my case, it's not to do with me getting ill... My father passed away a little over a year ago, and there are various complications relating to his estate which have been a bit of a heavy toll. (His passing away was also a heavy toll too.) But... things are better now, though there's still a lot of work to do...

Best wishes,


Rick D June 3, 2010 06:24 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
OK, I'm getting there, thanks for your help. Which "free" program do you use to add the subtitles (.srt) to your video?

At the very least I'm learning a new skill. Who said you can't teach an old dog new trix? Woof, woof!

BrentWhinfield June 4, 2010 12:07 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
After trying a number of them, I settled on Subtitle Horse for it's ease of use.

Phil June 4, 2010 08:35 PM

Talking about a few Niches to get your Creative juices flowing...
No affiliation regarding the following FREE at this time warrior forum WSO...

But as long as you're Interested in FaceBook and other related Social networking WEB 2.0 ideas...

If you happen to be a Creative Brainstormer... Great at Marketing & Deal making etc...

This one's Full of long-term Golden nuggets, especially if you fall into one of Brent's favorite intriguing passions... :)

Might be a perfect fit for a few SowPubbers, as long as you're willing to share a Simple email address...

Highly recommend following this one and Seriously applying the idea with your own little “Twist”...

Hope I haven't given anything away...

Pay close attention to comment #8... ;)

[FREE WSO] You can profit immensely by helping others to profit. I promise, you have not seen this!!


Rick D June 5, 2010 08:50 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
I created my first video! Yea Me! My head is spinning, need more coffee. That was hard work, passing my last kidney stone seems easy by comparison. :)

I'm gonna try a few more before I go full bore with World Cup videos.:D

-TW June 5, 2010 02:01 PM

Rick - can you post a link to the vid for us?

I'm workiong on a video too.

-- TW

Rick D June 5, 2010 03:39 PM

TW--a setback
SNAFU! A recap before I get to the problem. I'm running SoThink video capturer. It doesn't seem to capture all the videos even when I run the SWF catcher also. No problems, there are plenty to get.

I have four I've downloaded that I've transcribed. Next the flash videos need to be converted to wmv, I am using Freeze flv to avi, mpeg, wmv, etc
For some reason furysinc doesn't recognize flv and I don't know why.

Next I transcribe the videos at 30% speed with Express Scribe and save as txt file.

I had trouble downloading Subtitle Horse, I don't have the programs (.php?) to run it so I am using furysinc. It's fairly easy. This creates an .srt file. The .srt file and the wmv must be in the same folder and have the same name. The tricky part is that I need to be running a submux program in order to see the subtitles.

I have not figured out how to embed the subs into video permanently. So if I were to upload or just email the video the subs don't show up because the other computer doesn't have the program to play subs with video like my laptop. Once I get a handle on this then it's just converting the video back to flash and uploading it to my award winning site. :o

It's really not bad & hopefully will figure out that little problem b4 the World Cup starts Friday! ;)

I have 4 videos done so far, my wife thinks they're good, I just need to synchronize a touch better. It may be a matter of having longer sentences or more sentences or something. I'm learning.

BrentWhinfield June 5, 2010 10:22 PM

Re: TW--a setback
I love it!
I ab-so-lute-ly love it when people
take action even though they don't
have all the immediate answers.

Good for you, Rick and TW.
(Rick, when I see your name I always think
of the famous Rick Dees :)

Because you both have taken the initiative
to actually DO something with this, I'll
try to take a little time away from current
project in order to do a quick video showing
how I do subtitles.

Watch for that soon.

BrentWhinfield June 5, 2010 11:12 PM

Re: Rick - can you post a link to the vid for us?
Rick, create a squeeze page offering something
along the lines of: Top 50 Weirdest World Cup

"I scoured Youtube and ten other sites to gather together 50 of the weirdest FIFA World Cup goals imaginable, by some of most famous players in World Cup history. Then I captioned them all...just for you!"

I suggest you do exactly that. Take a few hours and search Youtube, Metacafe and others for World Cup Goals. It's not hard. Each video clip (I guarantee) will not be more than a minute long.

This means either you or someone you pay at can whip through captioning them in no time flat.

This will be one powerful squeeze page to offer deaf people. It'll all of course, be captioned. Keep practicing, you'll going to get better and better at it.

Once you have your name squeeze set up and you're capturing hundreds of email addresses, you can sell all sorts of video packages to deaf people.

Remember, these people are HUNGRY for valuable video content. After the World Cup is over you'll now hopefully have a sizeable email list to which you'll then market your products.


BrentWhinfield June 5, 2010 11:47 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
When I first started using Subtitle Horse
It was a free download. Now I see the
developer is charging for it...and quite
rightly so. It's a good software.

But you can still try it out for free in the
download for 30 days. The online version
is still completely free.

I just attempted to create a video as
promised demonstrating my method
for creating subtitles, but my voice is
much too hoarse.

Sorry about that, but this thyroidectomy
has left me sometimes speaking in a

Here instead is a short step by step of
what I do. This is the same instructions
that I gave to my Philippino outsource
workers :

How to Caption a Video
Step 1. Open the Subby folder.
(This the folder containing the
Subtitle Horse download, which
I renamed, "Subby")

The only two files you'll be using are
"offline" and "video." Ignore the other
files in the folder. They are necessary for
the captioning process, but you do not
need to use them in any way.

Step 2. Copy and paste the flv video
clip to be captioned inside this Subby

Step 3. Delete the existing file entitled,
"video" found inside the folder.

Step 4. Rename your newly pasted video
clip, "video" (without the quotes.)

Step 5. Double click on the "offline"
browser file, opening it.

Step 6. You will be copying and pasting
the transcribed text, one line at a time,
into the small box found just below the
video player.

Each line will be approximately seven
words long.

7. Click the play button on the video
player and as the video starts to
play, you can stop it after the first
few words have been spoken.

8. Copy and paste those spoken
words from the prepared transcript,
into the small box area found to
the right of the video player.

9. Click on "Create." Look over to the
right inside the large box area, you
will now see the transcribed text turn
into captions. That is your goal.

10. Again click play on the video
player in order to continue the
video. Again, after a suitable amount
of words have been spoken, stop the
player and copy and paste the next
six to eight words into the small box
below the video player.

11. Continue doing this until you have completely captioned the entire video.

12. Once you have completed
captioning the video, next click
on "Titles" then choose "Export."

From the resulting drop down menu,
choose SRT. This will show you the
entire text nicely captioned.

13. Copy and paste the entire code.
Paste it inside Notepad and name it
exactly the same as the original title
of your video. Make sure the code now
has a .xml extension. Save it as a .xml file.

14. Congratulations! You have just
completed your first captioned video.

Rick D June 7, 2010 10:53 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Ok, I "think" I have 3 videos to share. They are 2 ESPN videos & 1 Fox Sports Video. Where can I post these for all to critique? I'm getting better with the synchronization & probably will have it down soon. I had to modify Brent's instructions due to my laziness in installing Subtitle Horse. Hopefully it worked, if not the bar opens soon it's gotta be 12:00 somewhere.

Rick D June 17, 2010 10:39 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Here is the ROUGH draft. I'm having trouble w/ the width of the video that distorts the right side of the page. I haven't signed up for an email responder yet so don't fill that out, and I'm using the free player so go full screen to minimize the players signature. I've spent so long on the website that I haven't had time to perfect the video. Embedding aint easy thats for sure. Once I work out those kinks it should be nice. What do you think?

Go to to critique it. :)

BrentWhinfield June 18, 2010 05:24 AM

Rick, here's a little gift from me ;-)
Hi Rick,
Congrats on a great effort for that name squeeze page.
I like the colour and layout. Excellent banner, also.

However, I can see the video is giving you problems.

I created a brand new video and squeeze for your
consideration. It's obligation, if you like it.

I'll simply place all the images and everything into a
zip file and zip it off to you. (Ha!)

I also took a look at your video and am offering a
captioned replacement. Tell me if you prefer this one.

Take a look here for your new video and squeeze.

Like I said, if you like it I'll send it off to you, along
with a blow by blow detailed tutorial of how to
pull it off.

I'll send you info on where to go to get the player,
and how to configure it. Plus I'll send you about a
dozen different video squeeze templates to choose from.

Just say the word!

You're doing great Rick...keep it up!

God loves you.

P.S - Let me know if I can help you in any other way.

Rick D June 18, 2010 03:24 PM

Re: Rick, here's a little gift from me ;-)
Wow thanks so much! I appreciate it, you can send me anything and everything thru the email on here. My troubles with videos was that the squeeze page template I'm using has a size limit of 317x273. That size isn't one I can downsize to so it's either 240x160 or 320x240. So if you have one that I can use a bigger video on that'd be awesome! I really liked the one you showed here. And don't worry I'll get the subtitling down. Embedding the videos took a bit but if you can't find what you need on google you're not searching enough.

Thanks for everything!
Rick D

BrentWhinfield June 20, 2010 07:16 AM

Re: Rick, here's a little gift from me ;-)
Here's a obligation video squeeze
page for anyone who wants it. Just
download the zip file and customize it to
your heart's content.

Any questions...or help required...
drop me an email.

BrentWhinfield June 20, 2010 07:17 AM

A free video squeeze for anyone who wants it

Here's a obligation video squeeze
page for anyone who wants it. Just
download the zip file and customize it to
your heart's content.

Any questions...or help required...
drop me an email.

God loves you.

Rick D June 20, 2010 07:27 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Thanks love the links!

Denley June 23, 2010 05:16 AM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
Nice information.Thanks for sharing the information.

bobmcalister September 10, 2011 05:14 PM

Re: A Lucrative "No Competition" Niche
he he..that is the way to keep their attention Brent !! good job! leaving a lucrative market like you have for another MORE lucrative market will keep everyone ( including me ) subscribed to the thread ! THANKS!

It is an amazing thing ...this life. we make plans, get ''busy" with our own little world, and ~BOOM~ along comes an awakening that opens our eyes to the TRUE beauty of life and living. thanks for the wake up call!

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