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GordonJ September 23, 2018 10:31 AM

Some Sunday morning thoughts, new and old.
Making money: OLD; you don't get paid for doing NOTHING. NEW; Place a value on your time in dollar amounts.

Art: I art as a child, scribbling in hurricane fashion on the construction paper of my mind. Being a starving artist, is a choice.

Where the head goes, the body follows. (Junior high football coach).

Doubt is the shadow of our fear.
Confidence, a reflection of our experiences.
ACTION, the revelation of our faith.

There are NO rules. Sure, man makes rules for a given society, and the overcrowded prisons throughout the world illustrate a willingness to break them.

Yes, rules of nature. You can't fly. Never will. Not without mechanical assistance.

OK. So, let's talk about MONEY. We like that subject here, eh? You may note this post continues, I like to post and then edit, saves from having the whole thing deleted by my fat little fingers getting carried away on the keyboard.

Money is a concept. A way and means of exchanging VALUE. The value is an agreed upon idea between whoever is exchanging it.

It is a measurement. It is used to get what people want, and need.

Most people exchange time/effort for a payment. They work. Most work for other people. Many like or even love their work, they have chosen it as a profession. A career.

But many don't like it. They don't like the type of work, or the people they work for, with and are around all day. THESE are, my peeps, for the most part. The ones who would rather be doing their own thing, doing what they want to do and making an amount of money they are happy with.

Some, like their work, and like side hustles, absentee investments, or working with other people or monetizing their hobbies or skills.

You don't have to hate your job or boss to be a part-time Entrepreneur and often make a full time income too.

Now we look at the WHAT one does. And the different MODELS.

Basic models: low cost item/service VOLUME sales or bigger back-ends.
High cost; fewer exchanges.

Examples from a marketing company who did both: SCI, a BILLION dollars in sales of EdenPure heaters, a higher ticket item, from 200 to 400 per unit.

SCI, millions of dollars with jewelry, low ticket (about 19.95) with huge volume.

One man band examples. ME. Low ticket reports a few times a year, with large % of buyers on a list. FEW a year with larger ticket, up to 2500 for consulting.

YOU?? Whichever way suits you. Harvey Brody has over 50 years of continuous success with ONE low cost item (Zoom Spout Oiler) with only a 125+ customers who all buy in VOLUME. This model very hard to beat. Although the estates of Michael Jackson and Charles Schultz still haul in millions a year long after they have gone, via Intellectual property rights.

STORED VALUE. My personal harp song. Not some angelic melody to please the gods, but harping as in being a shrew. Most of you have STORED VALUE in your brains, in your experiences, in your past that could be mined for untold sums of money. BUT.

BUT, it just sits there.

There are at least 20 people who will read this, and think I'm talking to them. Chances are, I am. You know who you are.

If you're happy with the results you are getting it is OK if you never get around to doing the other thing, that is your choice.

So, if you're happy and you know it clap your hands. YAY!

But if there is the slightest twinge inside of you which knows you could be doing more, giving more of what you have, being a better or even happier version of yourself...what are you waiting for?

I doubt if there will be any discussion, which is OK for us, both Dien and I are busy, however, if you want to have a discussion on this money making post, feel free to comment or ask questions.


GordonJ September 26, 2018 11:05 AM

A man with a plan.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39366)
Making money: OLD; you don't get paid for doing NOTHING. NEW; Place a value on your time in dollar amounts.

Art: I art as a child, scribbling in hurricane fashion on the construction paper of my mind. Being a starving artist, is a choice.

Where the head goes, the body follows. (Junior high football coach).

Doubt is the shadow of our fear.
Confidence, a reflection of our experiences.
ACTION, the revelation of our faith.

There are NO rules. Sure, man makes rules for a given society, and the overcrowded prisons throughout the world illustrate a willingness to break them.

Yes, rules of nature. You can't fly. Never will. Not without mechanical assistance.

OK. So, let's talk about MONEY. We like that subject here, eh? You may note this post continues, I like to post and then edit, saves from having the whole thing deleted by my fat little fingers getting carried away on the keyboard.

Money is a concept. A way and means of exchanging VALUE. The value is an agreed upon idea between whoever is exchanging it.

It is a measurement. It is used to get what people want, and need.

Most people exchange time/effort for a payment. They work. Most work for other people. Many like or even love their work, they have chosen it as a profession. A career.

But many don't like it. They don't like the type of work, or the people they work for, with and are around all day. THESE are, my peeps, for the most part. The ones who would rather be doing their own thing, doing what they want to do and making an amount of money they are happy with.

Some, like their work, and like side hustles, absentee investments, or working with other people or monetizing their hobbies or skills.

You don't have to hate your job or boss to be a part-time Entrepreneur and often make a full time income too.

Now we look at the WHAT one does. And the different MODELS.

Basic models: low cost item/service VOLUME sales or bigger back-ends.
High cost; fewer exchanges.

Examples from a marketing company who did both: SCI, a BILLION dollars in sales of EdenPure heaters, a higher ticket item, from 200 to 400 per unit.

SCI, millions of dollars with jewelry, low ticket (about 19.95) with huge volume.

One man band examples. ME. Low ticket reports a few times a year, with large % of buyers on a list. FEW a year with larger ticket, up to 2500 for consulting.

YOU?? Whichever way suits you. Harvey Brody has over 50 years of continuous success with ONE low cost item (Zoom Spout Oiler) with only a 125+ customers who all buy in VOLUME. This model very hard to beat. Although the estates of Michael Jackson and Charles Schultz still haul in millions a year long after they have gone, via Intellectual property rights.

STORED VALUE. My personal harp song. Not some angelic melody to please the gods, but harping as in being a shrew. Most of you have STORED VALUE in your brains, in your experiences, in your past that could be mined for untold sums of money. BUT.

BUT, it just sits there.

There are at least 20 people who will read this, and think I'm talking to them. Chances are, I am. You know who you are.

If you're happy with the results you are getting it is OK if you never get around to doing the other thing, that is your choice.

So, if you're happy and you know it clap your hands. YAY!

But if there is the slightest twinge inside of you which knows you could be doing more, giving more of what you have, being a better or even happier version of yourself...what are you waiting for?

I doubt if there will be any discussion, which is OK for us, both Dien and I are busy, however, if you want to have a discussion on this money making post, feel free to comment or ask questions.


Well. One guy sent me his PLAN. To become a millionaire in six years. In his world, he would be rich, could do anything he wants and be free.

Here is what he sent (offered with his permission).

Start: selling info, low cost. Short term goal: 88 dollars a day in 6 months, and then continue 88 bux a day to end of one year. His goal is 22 thousand in the first year, or roughly 60 bux a day on average. Six sales of a ten dollar front end piece, a PLR product he will add to.

Then, the second year, he scales up with the goal of doubling his daily to 176 dollars a day. By then he will have his front end, a back end and higher priced product and his goal for year two is 64k or about 3x his first year income, by DOUBLING his goal of 88 a day in six months (yea, he's put some math into this).

From 176 to 352 a day for a year three income of 128,480 using his double strategy. Year four would be 700 a day and 256k for the year, and then five would be double that and year six VOILA, a millionaire.

So, he wants to know, can he do it? I replied OF COURSE, with some details.

Your thoughts?


GordonJ September 26, 2018 01:00 PM

MY reply.

Originally Posted by GordonJ (Post 39368)
Well. One guy sent me his PLAN. To become a millionaire in six years. In his world, he would be rich, could do anything he wants and be free.

Here is what he sent (offered with his permission).

Start: selling info, low cost. Short term goal: 88 dollars a day in 6 months, and then continue 88 bux a day to end of one year. His goal is 22 thousand in the first year, or roughly 60 bux a day on average. Six sales of a ten dollar front end piece, a PLR product he will add to.

Then, the second year, he scales up with the goal of doubling his daily to 176 dollars a day. By then he will have his front end, a back end and higher priced product and his goal for year two is 64k or about 3x his first year income, by DOUBLING his goal of 88 a day in six months (yea, he's put some math into this).

From 176 to 352 a day for a year three income of 128,480 using his double strategy. Year four would be 700 a day and 256k for the year, and then five would be double that and year six VOILA, a millionaire.

So, he wants to know, can he do it? I replied OF COURSE, with some details.

Your thoughts?


I replied; it is good you have been thinking of a plan, but...

YES, I do advocate daily dollar amounts as GOALS. But in the context of the year, or given time period. The 88 bux a day, could be 9 days of nothing and one 880 dollar day, with a launch or a new product.

Doubling your income every year gets very difficult above the 100K level, you might want to consider multiple streams of income at that point, and there is a question of living expenses vs. how much to put back into the business to allow for that kind of growth. Your plan needs to have a spreadsheet of projections, guesses on growth expenses and most of all

CUSTOMER ACQUISITION costs. Which could quickly eat through your profits.

And what about TAXES and the cost of the administration of the income?

It is a good thing to make a plan. And even better to EXECUTE it quickly, but the missing element in most plans are the ADJUSTMENTS. You will find out what doesn't work, fails, stops working, reaches diminishing returns...all that stuff and then make an ADJUSTMENT to your plan.

Plans need to fluid, not carved in stone, and it is reflected in the SQ1 POA which I referred him to.

But he had plans, and by offering them to me to look at, and comment on, he took action. All good things which will bode him well on his journey.

I didn't have to send him a round washer called a tuit. Like some of you need, those who will get AROUND TO IT, one of these day.


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