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Dien Rice February 10, 2019 04:47 AM

An ADD/ADHD-related rant!
While I've never been tested, I believe I am somewhere on the ADD/ADHD spectrum...

My history shows it... I've been a physics academic, online publisher, online marketer, sales professional, English language instructor (for about 4 months in Seoul, South Korea), scientific editor, exporter (to West Africa), physics consultant, business consultant, band manager, and more...

One symptom I have is I am deathly afraid of boredom.

It can sometimes be so bad, that I hesitate to take a shower, because I'm afraid of being bored for the 10-15 minutes I'll be in the shower. (Even though I listen to music when I shower. I've recently started listening to short podcasts - less than 15 minutes - when I shower, again to combat boredom...)

I have a number of things I do to prevent boredom. Before smartphones, I used to always take a book with me if I left the house, so I could read (and avoid boredom) if I had to wait around for some reason. Now, I've got unlimited reading material on my smartphone, so it's much easier!

It can be both a blessing and a curse. Because of my getting bored, I've changed "professions" (and businesses) many times, and I've gained a ridiculously wide range of skills... Also, if I'm interested in something, I can spend a lot of time doing it with no problem...

But on the other hand, sometimes it's a struggle just to do simple things (especially if they're boring). Unfortunately, life is full of little boring tasks you have to do...

I know many here will be able to relate to this, and some will think it's nuts... Just thought I'd put it out there!

Best wishes,


P.S. Written while procrastinating, because I have something boring I need to do... :)

Glenn February 10, 2019 11:39 PM

Looking on The POSITIVE SIDE of Boredom Prevention
Thanks for Sharing Dien,

Your post Rings a bell for me.

On my amazon Fire I am reading more than 20 books at a time. I jump back and forth.

I Like PRINT - because I can SKIM and read fast
to get to the GOOD STUFF.

Before Stopping here at sow pub tonight.

I answered emails from an Aussie BrickLayer
who has a nifty idea to Set Up a SIDE JOBS Bulletin Board.

2nd email - Man in Atlanta who is 800K
in Debt investing in Apt Complexes.

3rd - M*illionaire in Los Angeles
who had a fire. Is having to Re-Enter
all his on-line contact info. Including Restarting his PayPal account.

4th - Real Estate investor in TEXAS

5th - California S*alesman who is Testing a Flyer
That Tripled S*ales for a Do it yourselfer

6th - Several Total Strangers - I don't know yet

You Get The idea.

Creating Info Products.


Traveling around the world - thru the eyes of my Customers.

Jumping in and out of different Industries and Jobs.

FITS My (I get bored easily) Personality to a T.

I had a J - O - B.

I rapidly moved into a situation where I was managing 800 employees.

Had 300+ contractors.

No Boss - so I was doing the Director and Asst Director of Housing Jobs.

AND LIKED to go out with
my Boss - to look at EMERGENCIES on the main Campus.


Because I was One of THREE people who had the entire 100 acre
University Campus MEMORIZED.

Every electric panel, plumbing shutoff valve, junction box, Gas line
ANYTHING that could break down or Fail - I knew where to Go to
STOP a Flood or Switch the entire campus to an ALTERNATE Power Grid.

OUT of there.

Because The 24 hr Security Force Started calling me For EVERYTHING
24 hrs a day. When others on the main campus did not answer their pager.

WHICH got me in Trouble - for making
THE other Managers LOOK bad.



Because I can TALK 300 Kinds of CONTRACTOR SPEAK.

From Angle of Repose to Dirt Compaction for a tennis court
to hollow core to solid core doors to Wire glass and Bullet proof glass
to The details of installing a soda fountain in a Restaurant.

NICE when talking to any Contractor or Builder
I am Consulting with.




So I can Brag a Bit About the Positive Aspects of
NOT Doing what others do.

We had a University Psychology Professor Get PERMISSION to put my 800 employees and me thru some DECISION MAKING Tests.

You know the kind.

IF You Decide to do X when this happens - Move to the left side of the room.

IF you Decide to do Y - Go Right

If you Decide to Do something TOTALLY different
Move over here and sit on the desk.

ONLY one who thought OUTSIDE the BOX on every question.

Ended up by myself - while the others GROUPED Up.

Didn't Bother me a bit.

THE REASON I WAS THE BOSS - Was I could make SNAP Decisions
and Resolve Arguments and make Decisions NOBODY else Could.

Like Fire an Employee with a gun in his belt.

Pres of The University Calls About a PARENTS COMPLAINT.
Call the parents DIRECT and FIX the situation.

GHOSTS in an Apartment - and the students Refused to Live there. (PIGEONS in the wall!)

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