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Glenn November 19, 2018 01:57 PM

GORDON - A Country Club Golf Question
Thanks Gordon,

I am creating a Marketing System for a coaching client who wants
to S*Ell to Golfers at Country Clubs.

Would you say it is TRUE.

That Most Golfers are FRUSTRATED and Really
ANGRY most of the time while they are golfing?

Because they FAIL with every swing?


I ask because I want to create a 3 part Flip Photo Book
which Gets INSIDE the Emotions of these Affluent Golfers.

GordonJ November 19, 2018 02:10 PM

For what purpose?

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39437)
Thanks Gordon,

I am creating a Marketing System for a coaching client who wants
to S*Ell to Golfers at Country Clubs.

Would you say it is TRUE.

That Most Golfers are FRUSTRATED and Really
ANGRY most of the time while they are golfing?

Because they FAIL with every swing?


I ask because I want to create a 3 part Flip Photo Book
which Gets INSIDE the Emotions of these Affluent Golfers.

What is the intent of the flip book, and why do you want to get inside their emotions?

BECAUSE, the anger and frustration is mostly contained at country club levels, much more apparent at public courses. Maybe the cc'er doesn't have the economic worries of the public, they can afford dues, whereas on the public links, it is expensive to play.

Also, depends on if they are playing with other members, whom they know, and/or guests, who are often business targets. And, not all clubs operate alike, you have some very private, exclusive clubs, and others which are more open.

So, my answer would probably be NO, I don't think it is true "most" of these guys are frustrated and angry...but it is the nature of the game to have momentary bits of both take place.

As you well know Glenn, it goes to intent, and what you want the results of your stimulus to be, the reason for the flip book...whether it is to sell golf equipment or golf improvement, or if it has a different purpose.

At the upper levels, you can't go wrong with Greed, cause that is a more permanent state of mind than temporary frustration over a "game", these guys want to WIN at LIFE...think Trump, you'll easily tap into all the emotion you need.


PS. 27 yeas ago this ad brought in over 20k worth of business, ran one time on Thanksgiving day, cost me 400 bux. If he teaches the game, maybe he'll get some ideas. Or not.

Glenn November 21, 2018 01:48 PM

MORE ABOUT my Country Club Golf Question
Thanks Gordon,

4 Clients in a Real Estate Mastermind Group in South East.

5 Times'd In-come for The Mastermind Leader

Tom - who s*ells 6K water Filters
we taught a B*illion D*ollar NLP Sales Script - he reports he now owns 1/2 the Company

Jerry - Do it yourselfer - we Doubled in-come for
and he quit his job.

Ben - newbie Realtor - has been selling to 1st time home b*uyers
renters to home owners.

ALL 4 WANT to Work with More Affluent Prospects.

PART ONE - Am Wanting
to Create a Photo or 2 or 3 Page Photo Book for the Do-it-Yourselfer.

Or a One Page Report - that INSTANTLY Creates Rapport
and a Conversation.

PART TWO - Next we Create a Instant Credentials Page.

Here's an Ad
that Does What I want to do.

80,000 People Showed up for this YARD SALE!

a Niche Group of MARRIED COUPLE Share.

Just Married.
Keeping Hers - Selling All His.
Yard Sale (Address and Date of S*ale)


GordonJ November 23, 2018 09:49 PM

I don't see anything which relates to golf, however,

Originally Posted by Glenn (Post 39441)
Thanks Gordon,

4 Clients in a Real Estate Mastermind Group in South East.

5 Times'd In-come for The Mastermind Leader

Tom - who s*ells 6K water Filters
we taught a B*illion D*ollar NLP Sales Script - he reports he now owns 1/2 the Company

Jerry - Do it yourselfer - we Doubled in-come for
and he quit his job.

Ben - newbie Realtor - has been selling to 1st time home b*uyers
renters to home owners.

ALL 4 WANT to Work with More Affluent Prospects.

PART ONE - Am Wanting
to Create a Photo or 2 or 3 Page Photo Book for the Do-it-Yourselfer.

Or a One Page Report - that INSTANTLY Creates Rapport
and a Conversation.

PART TWO - Next we Create a Instant Credentials Page.

Here's an Ad
that Does What I want to do.

80,000 People Showed up for this YARD SALE!

a Niche Group of MARRIED COUPLE Share.

Just Married.
Keeping Hers - Selling All His.
Yard Sale (Address and Date of S*ale)


I'll stick with GREED. All four want to work with more affluent prospects? Well, they all should get to know what country clubs are in their area, and chances are, all probably know someone there. Maybe a tested and proven REFERRAL program might give them all what they want? Got one?


Glenn November 30, 2018 12:26 PM

One of my Clients Just Told me He is Going to The EMMY'S
Thanks Gordon,

Affluent Types Tend To Congregate IN HERDS for Short Periods of Time.

My Client will Be SURROUNDED by Movie Stars, Producers, directors
and other People
who are AFFLUENT (Maybe Briefly rich) because their movie
is a Big Success.

Same thing with A Country Club Golf Course.

I met a Financial Planner
who has paid 100Grand EACH to Join 4 Different Country clubs.

Just so He can Meet Affluent Prospects.

Most of MY CLIENTS Do not wanna Throw That Kinda BREAD out the window.

So We Develop SHORTCUTS.

Cheap Ways to Surface Among the Affluent.


A DrugStore Near a Country Club Golf Course is a GREAT way to meet
Affluent Golfers.

THAT is where they Show up to GET THEIR DRUGS to Combat
sore muscles and all kinds of PAIN.

KNOWING How a Golfer THINKS after a Round of Golf
Can Tell us WHERE he or she will go NEXT.

(Cuz Country clubs FROWN on Outsiders S*ELLING to their members.)

Although some of my clients simply FOLLOW the Mercedes and BMW's
out of the Country Club Just Before Lunch - to Locate The MOST POPULAR Restaurants.


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