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Millard Grubb March 18, 2021 03:20 PM

Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights
Has anyone had experience selling reprint rights?

I have a whole career full of files of magic shows, magic effects, routines, tricks, and other materials.

Additionally, I made a number of packages of audio recordings of advice to performers as well as recording describing my shows, tricks, and marketing of same.

Now the big question... I could put up a website and sell my stuff here and there or I could just sell the rights to all my stuff.

What seems to be a better deal?

I personally think that selling the rights to my stuff would be easier.

I joined a few "magic" groups on Facebook and sold some of my stuff, but not a lot. (I did not push it)

In any case, anyone have experience selling "rights" ?

Dien Rice March 21, 2021 04:33 PM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 41717)
Has anyone had experience selling reprint rights?

I have a whole career full of files of magic shows, magic effects, routines, tricks, and other materials.

Additionally, I made a number of packages of audio recordings of advice to performers as well as recording describing my shows, tricks, and marketing of same.

Now the big question... I could put up a website and sell my stuff here and there or I could just sell the rights to all my stuff.

What seems to be a better deal?

I personally think that selling the rights to my stuff would be easier.

I joined a few "magic" groups on Facebook and sold some of my stuff, but not a lot. (I did not push it)

In any case, anyone have experience selling "rights" ?

Hi Millard,

I've never sold reprint rights... Though I've bought many...

Most of the reprint rights I've bought I've used as free bonuses that are given away with other paid products. I can only think of one case where we sold it as the main product...

(I'm not talking about exclusive rights to a product - I've bought those too.)

In the case of the reprint rights product we sold as the main product, we modified it (which was allowed within the rights) to customize it and make it a little unique...

I think, if you're not planning to actively sell the products any more, then what do you have to lose?

(Except your good name, if people misuse it... But you can take your name off of any info-products, if that's a worry!)

But if you're still actively selling the products, then you're creating competition for yourself... There's enough competition already!

At least, that's the way I think about it!

I don't know if you write or wrote newsletters, but that kind of content can also be repackaged as a book or report... I gotta do more of that, too!

Best wishes!


Millard Grubb March 22, 2021 06:01 AM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights

Originally Posted by Dien Rice (Post 41729)
Hi Millard,

I've never sold reprint rights... Though I've bought many...

Most of the reprint rights I've bought I've used as free bonuses that are given away with other paid products. I can only think of one case where we sold it as the main product...

(I'm not talking about exclusive rights to a product - I've bought those too.)

In the case of the reprint rights product we sold as the main product, we modified it (which was allowed within the rights) to customize it and make it a little unique...

I think, if you're not planning to actively sell the products any more, then what do you have to lose?

(Except your good name, if people misuse it... But you can take your name off of any info-products, if that's a worry!)

But if you're still actively selling the products, then you're creating competition for yourself... There's enough competition already!

At least, that's the way I think about it!

I don't know if you write or wrote newsletters, but that kind of content can also be repackaged as a book or report... I gotta do more of that, too!

Best wishes!


Thanks for the tips.

I don't think I want to spend the time selling all my products anymore, however, selling the exclusive rights to someone makes sense to me.

Just have to think a bit about how to go about doing that. :)

GordonJ March 22, 2021 12:28 PM

Spitballing off the top of my head Millard...

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 41733)
Thanks for the tips.

I don't think I want to spend the time selling all my products anymore, however, selling the exclusive rights to someone makes sense to me.

Just have to think a bit about how to go about doing that. :)

I am being presumptive, please correct me if I am wrong, OK?

Instead of selling onesy and twosies at a time, you want a bigger TRANSACTION which brings in larger dollar amounts. If this is correct, then I have some follow up thoughts:

First, a look at the landscape. Glenn Osborn has attended several Jay Abraham programs where people paid up to 15,000 to be there. Why pay that much?

What were they expecting to come away with for their 15k?

Many people paid 5k to attend the Gary Bencivenga retirement party several years ago, why?

Why have scores of people paid 15k to 30k for a franchise to pick up dog poop?

Why did people buy Dan Kennedy's WHOLE ENCHILADA for 10K?

These questions go to VALUE. The reason people pay thousands for a franchise or for a Protege Program or for coaching is...

because they want to make money.

And they perceive these investments are going to help or allow them to do that.

So, WHY would people want to invest in the rights to your products?

What is the VALUE proposition?

I think you are going to need a long promotion for this, the longer for the higher the price.

Are you offering a turn-key operation, or just pieces and parts?

If you are thinking of MASTER reseller licenses, consider limiting it to maybe 3, or 4 by time zones or countries. In the USA, we have the 3 time zones for mainland US, so maybe you could offer an exclusive rights to those time zones, the problem being with DIGITAL products, people will want to be able to sell anywhere they want. So, that is one issue, how many MASTERS will you offer? What sort of exclusivity do they get?

If you just want other people to sell your products, then maybe a rethink toward affiliate and WarriorPlus or ClickBank type offers, albeit, too much slop and mess for me, and probably you too, but an option.

First thing, do a complete inventory, an evaluation of what you have, and think of the highest price you want for it, then WHO might be willing to pay that, either in a lump sum or in payments.

Where would such an investor exist? I also presume that magic acts will return to a more normal existence, and there is a Parade of Life in that industry with new magicians coming up. I think I have mentioned this before, but I suspect the most valuable thing you have is the EXPERIENCE of how to get bookings.

Without gigs, there is no money coming in. And as in love with the craft as one gets, if they don't perform isn't it a wasted skill?

So maybe, think of Dan Kennedy and his WHOLE ENCHILADA and get a decent figure for it or find several people to buy reseller rights.

I may be wrong, but I have to think your experience and know how is worth at least as much as a guy who wants to make a living picking up dog poo, eh?


Millard Grubb March 23, 2021 06:13 AM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights
I appreciate you taking the time to clarify an approach for me.

It's true that my experience is worth more than just my routines, tricks, and audience-tested methods for a great show.

You are right in saying that getting the bookings has been the most important thing in my success. Once I learned how to get my own shows rather than use an agent was a real breakthrough. This skill allowed me to work all over the country in all sorts of venues. Ultimately, I met my spouse of as a result of my performance at one of these venues, so i am grateful.

A long sell seems good to me, so I am going to set to work.

Thank you so very much, Gordon.

Vethermond March 23, 2021 10:00 AM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights
I think you can sell absolutely anything. You can sell the exclusive right for using it...I guess such a license is called "royalty-free".

LizieS May 3, 2021 09:52 AM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights

Originally Posted by Vethermond (Post 41741)
I think you can sell absolutely anything. You can sell the exclusive right for using it...I guess such a license is called "royalty-free".

I think you need to make something more like a finished product than just your archives. Maybe you should try to structure it like a book? And already sell the rights to the book?

Millard Grubb May 13, 2021 08:32 AM

Re: Selling Magic Or Reprint Rights
Have been looking at a few niches on youtube that have a million or more views per video. At the current ad rates, a million views will make a person about $5000.

My magic career may not create a million views, but using youtube is something I am going to look into a lot more.

Additionally, I think I will check out a few more niches that could prove profitable for me to investigate.

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