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GordonJ May 9, 2022 09:24 AM

Magic vibrations of the universe. How to use them.
LOOOONNNNGGGG time ago, in Cub Scouts, we made little crystal radios.

It might have been a kit sold by Olson Electronics, or maybe Radio Shack.

Around this time, the TRANSISTOR radio was being mass produced, I think this is how SONY became a powerhouse, it was my first pocket radio.

It was also around the time of Sputnik, and the beginning of outerspace RF transmissions...which today are the cause of many of the world's woe.

How did that crystal pick up radio signals? Well, that is what the Cub Scout lesson was all about, and started THIS kid on his electronics KIT building career.

But at the heart of it all, is the VIBRATION. Electrical waves, sound waves, light waves.

Today, we are bombarded with energy from the cell towers, power lines, and the many thousands of satellites.

And we are BOMB BLASTED with HUMAN ENERGY, especially on the Internet.

YouTuber, TikTok and other platforms are blasting loud people into our computers and cell phones everyday, I call them talking heads, and just can't deal with them.

Many women have picked up the baton, and they are yelling at us too.

Yea, yea, yea...

What about the magic vibrations you promised in the title?

Well, your brain is both a generator and a receiver, you are a human radio station. In face to face, I practice an energy projection technique which has taken years to master, and we can see this in the work of Glenn Osborn, who is less covert about it.

Blasting energy into someone in close proximity is easily visible.

Blasting energy into someone REMOTELY, well, that is the reason why all these folks are YELLING at us on YouTube and in the ads we get every day.

They AMPLIFY their energy, and try to project it, their "enthusiasm" for their secrets and sharing them, well it has become a modern trope.

One which most of us have tuned out of.

Even information I want to hear, gets shut off due to the talking head.

So what?

Well, there is a new device, as simple as the kid proof crystal radio, one which has a century of use, tested and proven... and it comes from those unknown heros of science, like Oleg Losev and Tesla ( the hidden studies) and Royal Rife...

early pioneers of all things electronic.


trevord92 May 9, 2022 12:56 PM

Re: Magic vibrations of the universe. How to use them.
Thanks Gordon - fascinating and intriguing.

Have come across Tesla & Royal Rife but not sure what the new device is.

GordonJ May 9, 2022 01:54 PM

Consider that I AM a nutter.

Originally Posted by trevord92 (Post 42866)
Thanks Gordon - fascinating and intriguing.

Have come across Tesla & Royal Rife but not sure what the new device is.

I think in the UK, a nutter is considered a crazy person, maybe eccentric.

Or as Billy Joel might sing, "it just may be a lunatic you're looking for".

Consider this: what gives any gov't the right to control Radio Waves? In USA we have the FCC and the NTIA and it is illegal to use certain controlled frequencies.

We think of radio as AM or FM, some Citizen's Band, and a few reserved bands for law enforcement, etc.

So, consider me just another crankpot with my own little theories...

I've been fascinated by radio and magnets, invisible FORCE fields if you will, and have a natural curiosity toward looking at 'BANNED' and/or controlled things, so when I started learning about radio waves, I asked WHY are they controlled, what is it?

Of course, as with most things, MONEY is the player of note and fortunes were/are made with all things invisible floating through the air.

They are free to grab, albeit ILLEGAL according to some Gov't.

Little black boxes are not allowed, except by CIA, FBI, LBJ IRT, and more alaphabets...they can drive around town or sit in an office and capture air waves of information.

So, against the backdrop of studying all things invisible in our air, but with a look at magnetic and electromagnetic properties, and acknowledging I am a nut job, totally crazy and out of my mind...

I think there are forces at work, and if we learn how to tap into these, just as we have tapped into the spectrum of all RF there is another wave, which we are just starting to understand, the band of human consciousness.

Does it operate like a broadcast or is it both, a receiver and sender and how is it measured and can consciousness be out of body (having had an OBE, I say yes) and if so, can communciation take place between other "stations" and or even in time/space???

Anything that allows me to test these theories and IFFIN I gets me some results, then it is worthy of sharing.

The crystals of early radio, and our modern tech, esp led and pulsing...comined with existing wave length carriers...are producing some intersting results.

But, be assured, I am a NUTTER, albeit a happy go LUCKY one.

Hey, maybe my new website, HA!


PS. Will discuss more on this in coming days.

trevord92 May 10, 2022 04:11 AM

Re: Magic vibrations of the universe. How to use them.
Hi Gordon

Nutter has many different definitions here in the UK but I don't put you in that category :)

Radio frequencies are relatively scarce so they're licenced - not that everyone obeys, I remember years ago (back before mobile phones) when "farmers" cordless phones were sold here. A range of miles. Legal to buy and sell. Illegal to use, although I can't imagine any farmer just having one for decoration.

I've used Rife-like devices with frequencies listed by Hulda Clark and they've worked well.

I've also used NLP style spinning to get rid of pain. Well weird - a few puzzled people who were happy the pain had gone but didn't really understand how or why.

Lots of invisible things and - as you say - lots of things that are in theory restricted to "official" use. Or stuff like Pegasus spyware but that's another can of worms completely.

Fascinated to read more!


GordonJ May 10, 2022 10:23 AM

I'm not a nutter? Thanx!

Originally Posted by trevord92 (Post 42869)
Hi Gordon

Nutter has many different definitions here in the UK but I don't put you in that category :)

Radio frequencies are relatively scarce so they're licenced - not that everyone obeys, I remember years ago (back before mobile phones) when "farmers" cordless phones were sold here. A range of miles. Legal to buy and sell. Illegal to use, although I can't imagine any farmer just having one for decoration.

I've used Rife-like devices with frequencies listed by Hulda Clark and they've worked well.

I've also used NLP style spinning to get rid of pain. Well weird - a few puzzled people who were happy the pain had gone but didn't really understand how or why.

Lots of invisible things and - as you say - lots of things that are in theory restricted to "official" use. Or stuff like Pegasus spyware but that's another can of worms completely.

Fascinated to read more!


Like with most non traditional or alternative methods, one has to consider placebo plays a large part in anecdotal "recoveries" or treatments.

Dr. Clark was a pioneer, albeit, a lot of critics too. But, that comes with the territory.

I do think health is related to taking care of our bodies, eliminating parasites, protection from radiation (skin carcinomas) from the sun and from man.

A good deal of good health is also genetic. We have to play the hands (and other body parts) we are dealt.

But good on you for testing things, finding out for yourself.

I appreciate anyone who is not afraid to challenge the "norms" and find out for themselves about the mysteries of life. And there are many of them.

There are hypersensitive people, I'm one of them, so I know there has to be many others out there and we have our own spectrum sensitivities, mine is barometric pressures, and noise, with less acute ones in sight and smell.

Now there are natural frequency generators, like quartz and other things, and we have measured the human, head to toe too.

So diet, exercise (oxygen) {which can elevate body frequencies} and tuning in help out.

My studies were more selfish. More about me.

What can I do with all this energy I am surrounded by? What is the potential?

In 1969-71 I conducted experiments on board my submarine, this one being a nuclear powered carrying atomic missiles. Could I send and receive my own self generated radio waves?

I knew that at night when we came up to periscope depth, we rec'd the radio signals sent to us, but at a certain depth, we couldn't get those.

So, if RF waves could be sent to submarines, could I send consciousness throgh the water and air? And could they be rec'd? Still think I'm NOT a nutter? HA!

Then, there is TIME. Hollywood is obsessed with time travel, and as people we spend a lot of time in our past, with a lot of regret too.

But what of the future? Is time on a spectrum, continuum, wave?

Can we see the future, ala Nostradamus, and what would I look for if I could?

Well lottery numbers make sense to me, for one thing.

But here again, anecdotal evidence, might be a placebo too, the once in awhile dream, the suddent thought, the clearly tracked and thought about patterns?

And what of people? Can we really read minds? Project thoughts into other people? Well yes, I use Glenn Osborn as an example of positive use, but road rage news on a daily basis is proof we can project thoughts through the air with nothing more than a perceived slight at the wheel.

I've been hooked up to all kinds of machines, including frequency generators and also with a helmet on to measure brain activity, to see those wonderful firing off of neurons.

And pics of Kirlian photography, and having people see my aura, a skill I think anyone can develop.

Yea, I'm rambling here, don't want to appear too cogent to the illuminati elst they come lock me away for revealing all the secrets hee hee...

We live in a world of energy, most of it measured in wave lenghts, and electromagnetic fields, doesn't it not make sense we should study our parts and how we are effected by such energy?

Sure I'm not a nutter?

Anyhow, the new device, is an all natural one with a small battery source which allows one to tune into




trevord92 May 10, 2022 02:38 PM

Re: Magic vibrations of the universe. How to use them.
Done too many weird things myself to think you're a nutter.

I do hypnosis & NLP quite regularly (the latter in print as well as face to face).

Placebo effect? Could be, but placebos work well, sometimes too well :)

I'd forgotten about Kirlian photography - been a while since I've done that (last century!)

Some physicists think that all time is happening at once, so don't know where that puts us mere mortals who think it's linear.

Your new device sounds fun!

GordonJ May 15, 2022 01:52 PM

So yesterday, a coincidence...
My daughter and I were going out to breakfast yesterday, I was thinking Panera's, when last minute we opted for Eddy's, a local estab.

We got seated and in walked a guy wearing a Tensor Coil, and I asked him about it, and we struck up an interesting conversation.

I learned alot, and told him it was a coincidence we were there, and he said he was running about an hour late, so we agreed, maybe NOT a co inky dink after all.

Went to Momma's Rocks yesterday too, very interesting place full of energy, will continue my experiments with (working name for now)...

Psychic Frequency Generator will keep you all posted, one thing, probably not as good at sending as receiving, but I have to become more aware when the Universe is talking too.

Fun stuff in this world, eh?


Originally Posted by trevord92 (Post 42875)
Done too many weird things myself to think you're a nutter.

I do hypnosis & NLP quite regularly (the latter in print as well as face to face).

Placebo effect? Could be, but placebos work well, sometimes too well :)

I'd forgotten about Kirlian photography - been a while since I've done that (last century!)

Some physicists think that all time is happening at once, so don't know where that puts us mere mortals who think it's linear.

Your new device sounds fun!

trevord92 May 16, 2022 01:24 PM

Re: So yesterday, a coincidence...
Sounds good - not surprised that receiving is "better", much the same as it takes a lot less effort to receive a TV show than to send it out.

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