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Saleem November 3, 2006 03:54 PM

Any Tips On How To Make Money On Ebay?
Hi All,

When I first started on eBay, I thought it was the easiest way to make money. Then after I cleared out everything that I didn't need anymore from my closet, I ran into a brick wall.

Since I didn't want the stuff anymore, I considered it a 100% profit.

But then I had trouble coming up with new products.

I tried digital products, but with ebooks selling for a $1, it's not even worth the time and effort to write one.

I've also tried thrift stores, garage sales, and drop-shipping as a way to source and sell products...but I can't seem to find stuff that people want to buy.

So, my question is this: how do I get eBay to work for me again?

Best wishes,


Garth November 7, 2006 05:37 PM

Stay In The Ebay Race Longer With Low-Glycemic Junk Buying Formula
In the fitness world having low glycemic levels keeps you fit longer.
In the Ebay world finding low hanging whole wheat products could help to keep a healthy wallet.

I think you've found a good enough whole wheat product source (garage sales and the like) but you've hit upon a classic diet to riches mistake.

They stop doing what was working.

You found junk. Sold it to people looking of your junk. Probably endless supply of people that could continue this with.

The problem is how do you go through enough of other peoples's high fat die young junk to find the whole wheat wallet energizers.

One way is cattle herding.

Map out your yard sales so you can hit them like you do your local convenience store, fast.

Lower your body mass index.

In other words niche. Going to the whole food yard sale? Are they out of special edition Sean John Captain Crunch cereal? Yes. Go. No. Buy.

Either way, Next.

This is the Low-Glycemic Junk Buying Formula.

For added super special ingredients check with whole wheat wallet guru's Gordon Alexander, Jim Straw and Glenn Osborn.

Sandi Bowman November 7, 2006 05:48 PM

Re: Any Tips On How To Make Money On Ebay?
Hi, Saleem,

Like Garth said in a very round about way: seek out what had been selling for you. Just go to the places you mentioned and, instead of trying to figure out what people want, just buy more of what you've already sold. If it's clothing, buy clothing to resell, if it's sports gear, buy more sports gear at these places to resell on eBay. Make sense? Go with what worked for you in the past and watch your future brighten up. Good luck!

Sandi Bowman

Joetrevison November 8, 2006 10:20 AM

Re: Any Tips On How To Make Money On Ebay?
Here is something that might help. I wrote about in my book about garage sells but it works on ebay too. Why not? It is only a garage sale on the net.

Here we go. Let say you found that clothing sells go to your friends and write ads for people to give you items on consingments. How much you make and pay them is something you can work out for youtself. It works in garage sales, it should work on ebay. I hope I helped

bobmcalister November 8, 2006 02:29 PM

hey ..jim...that
was a good site...

now ....

how bout guessing with me how that outfit gets those gift certs...surely not by calling every restaurant...

but the site is making a killling...

love to have a simialr product....obviously the demand is there ...


evenforever November 9, 2006 12:55 AM

The Silent eBay Money Making Machine

I think everyone is pretty much right on with their replies. I would like to suggest an alternative way to making money on ebay.

All information marketers know that the list is everything; an opt in list of people who have bought from you already and already know they can trust you is more valuable than anything. Imagine having a list of names that know you, like you, and are willing to buy from you!

Now let me cut to the chase. Use ebay as a way to create a list. If you have a business, sell a series of 7 reports that you have made regarding your business, and give them resell rights to your products. Sell them for a $1. If they buy, great. You will be building a list. Record these names. They are more precious then a million garage sale items. This list will grow, then contact them often, give them tips, become thier friends, then sell them what would help them.

There is much more, but that will do for now. Good Luck!

Learn From the Best: Dan Kennedy, Robert Allen, Ron LeGrand spill their guts in the Information Millionaire's Boot Camp. "...what I’ve learned from Ron LeGrand has already earned me over $ 501,629 in the last several years.."

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