SOWPub Small Business Forums

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Dien Rice August 31, 2006 07:57 PM

Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Okay, I still gotta lot of "tweaking" to do... and trying to figure out how this thing works...

However, I've managed to set it so anyone can post. (You DON'T need to register in order to do so...) Hopefully all will work okay.

You can register though if you want to...

So, please go ahead and test it out!

I'm also open to any suggestions...

Sorry we had to switch software. As you may know, the old forum was hit by Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, which are very nasty. The old forum software we were using, WebBBS, was particularly vulnerable because it uses a lot of system resources - so they were able to easily crash the server. This forum software should be more robust against that...

On the archives from old Sowpub forum, I know there's a lot of valuable "nuggets" of gold there... I'm planning to make that accessible in some form - though I don't know exactly what form yet. But I'll be working on getting that back "online" in some form over the next few weeks...

Thanks for your patience... I must say, I've been suffering from "Sowpub forum withdrawal" so I hope we can make this a vibrant place!

As I said, I'm open to all your suggestions about how this forum should behave and look... (Though I'm still figuring out how to work it all myself at the moment!)

Thanks! :)


FirstBorn August 31, 2006 08:08 PM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Hi Dien,

I like the setup and theme to the NEW Site.

Great Job!

Are the rest of the Archived Pages Lost or will You
be getting them online somehow in the future?

If You need Help setting up the Archives,
Please don't Hesitate to Ask.
(online Databases are My Specialty... )


Dien Rice August 31, 2006 08:20 PM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!

Originally Posted by FirstBorn (Post 8)
Hi Dien,

I like the setup and theme to the NEW Site.

Great Job!

Glad you like it! Hopefully we can "turn lemons into lemonade"... :)


Are the rest of the Archived Pages Lost or will You
be getting them online somehow in the future?

If You need Help setting up the Archives,
Please don't Hesitate to Ask.
(online Databases are My Specialty... )


Thanks for the offer Christopher! The archives are not lost, I still have them all. I MIGHT be able to actually incorporate them into this very forum (apparently there is a code to help do that) - so I'll be working on that in the next couple weeks. Even if that doesn't work out, I'm pretty sure I can get the archives online in another form...

They are pretty useful, so don't worry - getting them online is a priority! :)



JohnP August 31, 2006 10:41 PM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Thanks Dien for getting Sowpub back on its feet. Glad to be back and connecting again with all of you.


Ankesh September 1, 2006 02:20 AM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Thanks Dien for working hard behind the scenes to get another forum back up!

If you need any help, please let me know.

Here are a few suggestions - maybe you can go over them when you have time after everything has settled down a bit.

1. Could you make this the forum homepage?:
Would save an extra click.

2. Add a "sticky" post with the "rules" in them - so that they remain on top.

3. Add the subscription box to Entrepreneur's Hotsheet to the main forum page and use that to keep in touch with people - letting them know if something bad happens again.

Phil September 1, 2006 04:34 AM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Thanks very much Dien for all your hard work in getting things back to business!

Unfortunate for the way it happened, but I'm glad to see the Big change to a Full Featured system.

I was hoping that SowPubs would one day update itself with a Fresh new look...

Hopefully, all visitors take a moment and register so they can benefit from the features of this forum software. The view feature alone will now tell me if anyone actually reads my stuff. :)


hdoyle September 1, 2006 09:47 AM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Another thanks to you Dien - I haven't been able to get over here as much as I used to but when I saw the board was down (:eek: ) I missed you too. I'm glad you're back!

Do you think you'll be able to salvage the archives? There were so many golden nuggets in there, it would be a shame to lose them.


BrentWhinfield September 1, 2006 10:39 AM

Dien, you're listed as 'Junior Member" - Hilarious
Hello Dien,
Congratulations on this new home. I applaud your hard work.
I'm sure all Sowpubbers would agree this a splendid new place.

I for one am looking forward to reading and contributing to posts faaar into the future.

God's richest blessings to you.


Goldblogger September 1, 2006 12:18 PM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Good job Dien! I was jonesing too. =)


Jason Cain

Dien Rice September 2, 2006 07:19 AM

Re: Welcome to the new Sowpub forum!
Hi Ankesh,

Thanks for your suggestions!


Originally Posted by Ankesh (Post 24)
1. Could you make this the forum homepage?:
Would save an extra click.

Thanks for the suggestion - I changed the link from the Sowpub home page as you recommended. :)


2. Add a "sticky" post with the "rules" in them - so that they remain on top.

3. Add the subscription box to Entrepreneur's Hotsheet to the main forum page and use that to keep in touch with people - letting them know if something bad happens again.

These are great ideas too... Once I figure out how to do them, I'll do it! (I'm still working it all out...!) :)

- Dien

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