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Millard Grubb July 23, 2007 07:27 AM

Confessions of a Tightwad
I'll have to admit it... Sometimes I can be TOO MUCH of a tightwad. And with that, I'll also have to admit my thinking is changing.

My depression-era grandparents raised me right in the heart of rural America where every dollar had to stretch and clothes had to be handed down.

So, I have looked for ways to inexpensively get leads, jobs done, and the like.

There is no problem saving money, yet, I have made the most money and impact with a personal touch. Whether I have just met someone and started talking or sent an expensive package..... BOTH methods have worked for me.

I would ponder that as long as the results bring good profits, does it matter what it costs as long as you have the money to bring the profits in?

And that's the sticky part.... Knowing that if you send 100 packages that CANNOT be ignored to local businesses, but not having the cash to send the 100 packages. Ha! A friend of mine sent just 20 HIGH IMPACT packages to local businesses and made $50,000, PLUS started a new career.

Food for thought.


hockeycoachdoug July 23, 2007 11:09 AM

Re: Confessions of a Tightwad
Millard- Can you give us more details about your friend's new business and what he did to achieve his success (details about his approach, etc). Thanks in advance for sharing.

Phil July 24, 2007 05:24 AM

Re: Confessions of a Tightwad

Hopefully... Confessions of a Tightwad...

Means that you're... The Millionaire Next Door... :)

For those Not there Yet... It's Never too late to Start and become one... ;)

Great read, ideas & investment for just a used Buck or so...

Frugal Hotsheets!

The Millionaire Next Door...


GordonJ July 26, 2007 05:43 PM

The HIGH IMPACT package. Why not start with a drip..then a drop

I'm not sure I understand why you have to send out so many of these right away...because of the exclusivity being offered? Is it because you want to put this into a "first come-first served" type of thing?

Could you not do that in one section of town, or as a test, the next town over? Instead of 100 dentists (whatevers) you send your HIGH impact package to 5. That probably is affordable to get started, isn't it?

Now I admit, I don't know what you're trying to do. I do know about HIGH impact packages. Last one I rec'd was a satellite picture of my old neighborhood. It came in a tube that begged to be open.

What a kick I got out of seeing it. It got my attention, and he got my return call.

Again, my best advice is to start with the drip, drip, drip method if that is all you can afford to do...and plow back the profits until you get the roaring river of profits.

Try to THINK around this thing, how could you do it different, better, bigger, smaller, in a different package, with an off key singing telegram delivery...and are you prepared for the back ends?

Of course it depends on what you're selling, but I've got NO experience with a HIGH IMPACT package to a compiled list...Good Luck with that one.

Gordon Jay Alexander

Millard Grubb July 26, 2007 08:55 PM

Re: The HIGH IMPACT package. Why not start with a drip..then a drop

Thanks for the tips. ALL the High Impact packages I have shipped with ONE exception were to people I have never met. Many times I would get calls at 7:30 in the morning asking me for an appointment or an hour after it was received I would get a call. In the cases where I did not get a call, I ALWAYS got through if the target person was there.

The reason I am sending all the packages at once is get the exclusive factor, however, I can see that sending just a few would work at a time. I have been known to drop packages off myself to unknowing gate keepers so I could get the person on the phone.

I'm working on a VERY unusual calling card that I GUARANTEE will not be thrown away and will most certainly get me in the door.

What I am selling is a VERY EXCLUSIVE business development package that is pricey, so I don't mind going through a few steps.

I just don't want to make the mistake I made a few years ago where I spent close to ten grand on a nifty brochure that didn't get me a single booking as a performer.

Hope this helps.


Millard Grubb July 26, 2007 08:58 PM

Re: Confessions of a Tightwad
Just a side note...

I am more the millionaire next door.... Don't like to spend a fortune if i don't have to, but if the results are worth it I WILL spend the money.



GordonJ July 27, 2007 09:59 AM

Then all you really need is just ONE to start with, right?

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb (Post 16324)

The reason I am sending all the packages at once is get the exclusive factor, ... I have been known to drop packages off myself to unknowing gate keepers so I could get the person on the phone.

I'm working on a VERY unusual calling card that I GUARANTEE will not be thrown away and will most certainly get me in the door.

What I am selling is a VERY EXCLUSIVE business development package that is pricey, so I don't mind going through a few steps.

Hope this helps.


Thanks Millard,

It helps me understand better. IF the HIGH IMPACT package you hand deliver gets you in the door...without the cost of postage or shipping, AND, you are offering an EXCLUSIVE package, then during your presentation you can offer the target exclusivity...with a Time Limit, or simply telling them,

"I'll be working with only ONE ________ in the area, and it will be first come first served. IF you are ready sign the check, YOU are the one. And I realize you may want some time to think it over, and that is fine, but you must realize that if the next ________ signs the check, I won't be able to provide this for you. Fair Enough?"

I guess the part that puzzled me Millard is why you thought you needed to send out 100 very expensive packages, when you can hand deliver just one and make a presentation, and knowing you, probably a sale.

Thaks for taking the time to explain it further, good luck with this project.


hockeycoachdoug July 27, 2007 10:10 AM

Re: Confessions of a Tightwad
Millard- The more this thread develops, the more interested I become. Can you give us more background about what you are doing? What the high impact package is, what your offer is, target market, etc. I understand if you want to keep this info confidential so as to not lose a competetive edge, but if you are willing to share, I am willing to learn. Thanks.

Millard Grubb July 27, 2007 05:40 PM

Re: Then all you really need is just ONE to start with, right?

Well..... sometimes it just takes another pair of eyes to see something obviously right there all along......


Yep.... I can sell each.... one at a time... (Smack up the side of the head!)

Thanks, Gordon....



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