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GordonJ May 21, 2008 05:32 PM

Will it be a LONG hot summer with power outages?
AH. Your opinion is welcome. Share your vision of the Summer of 08 and we'll check in and see how everyone did in September.

Here's my OPINION. I just posted a new blog post at regarding my belief that the antiquated power grid we have in the US is about to take a major hit from overload and "rust" and neglect. I hope I'm wrong. But,

I see many repercussions from this current "energy" crisis. Gas prices could effect family vacations, the state of Michigan is running some serious advertising here in Ohio, and I have to wonder where are Ohio's ads? OH, we're too busy with the state Attorney Generals philandering.

So destinations may take a hit. The flip side; Disney's loss could be your gain if you are in the FUN business as day trips and long weekends will take place. The county fair will get big again (get those boiled peanut trucks out there).

The question I ask on the blog is: Do you think gas prices (as well as food prices and household supplies) will COME DOWN?

I don't think so. We've just getting into HURRICANE season, let's hope we have a very quiet year in the gulf. I mention this because my "people" in FL have had their share of problems, but are more prepared than most, and their neighborhood is very good at helping each other out. They all have electric generators, they have a neighborhood PLAN to weather the storm...last time it was 3 WEEKS without power, YIKES!!

And that is just one of the WINDS of Change that I wrote about last Fall. You can read that report at

The Summer Olympics could be explosively HOT, and who knows what goes from there. The US presidential election will be HOT. Dirty. Grimy as always and nothing changes for us citizens, no matter who gets elected.

These are my OPINIONS. Feel free to share your own.

OH, as to OPPORTUNITY, I like the electric BIKE and all things electric generating (that doesn't consume fossil fuel)...and I do like the Boiled Peanut idea. Which reminds me.

Last Monday I saw my old friend "GYRO BOB" down at the car show. GB has a little stand he sets up in Kent, OH during the school year and the rest of the time he goes to "EVENTS" like car shows, fairs, etc. GB also has 3 ice cream trucks he sets up at events, won't drive them in the street anymore. We had worked on a HOW TO VEND project a few years back, we may pick it up, so if you are interested at all in knowing the ins and outs of a street food vendor...take it from a guy who has over 15 years of experience, that would be Gyro Bob. Let me know if you are interested in this project.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. Gyro Bob's best day was around $9,000.00 at a FL motorcycle rally, and he averages a couple of thousand in profit at big events, several hundred dollars at our little weekly car show, but he does have a good product...Gyros, which are more expensive, but many find them a better choice than the boiled weenies for 2 or 3 bux too.

Fishman May 22, 2008 02:57 PM

Re: Will it be a LONG hot summer with power outages?
Hey Gordon,
Just a quick note. Ohio is hitting the Indiana marketing. Last night on TV you guys had at least 2 maybe 3 commercials that I saw in about an hour.
Same commercial everytime. Just thought you'd like to know.


GordonJ May 22, 2008 05:19 PM

Thanks Fred, I'm sure they all have something to offer too...

Originally Posted by Fishman (Post 21276)
Hey Gordon,
Just a quick note. Ohio is hitting the Indiana marketing. Last night on TV you guys had at least 2 maybe 3 commercials that I saw in about an hour.
Same commercial everytime. Just thought you'd like to know.


We happen to be about 1/2 way between NYC and Chi town...or within a few hours of a LOT of fun stuff. In Ohio, we have the world class roller coasters at Cedar Point, Wine country in Upper Northeast OH, Football Hall of Fame, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Blossom Music center here in Cuyahoga Falls...well, a LOT to do within a tank of gas or two.

I'm glad to see we're trying to get some of YOUR state's money...without casinos in Ohio; Detroit, Erie, WV have all become day destinations for too many Ohioans...and too many millions of dollars are leaving the state to never return (like our brain power too!).

Thanks for letting me know my tax dollars are being spent trying to persuade our neighbors to come for a visit and leave your wallets here when you do...HA!


PS. I spent a whole week in Indianapolis one day. (he he, it's an OLD joke).

Fishman May 23, 2008 12:48 AM

Re: Thanks Fred, I'm sure they all have something to offer too...
I have to be brutally honest here... Indiana SUCKS! I hate it. I grew up here and am trying to leave here. As far as the Casinos. Cesars just become, I don't know... something or somebody else. A long time ago THEY (the Casino, and the County(Harrison) said that a portion of the money would go to fix ROADS. Yeah... RIGHT. They fixed 'em. For a while. Then just like always they let them go and then they fix them like always.... at there own schedule. I've had people tell me about Cedar Point... definately want to see that before I leave to go back to the west coast. I love a good roller coaster ride and a good swim! I have to say if a Casino was put anywhere, it should have been put on the banks of the Cinci. Ohio. Really the only thing we have here is Caves, a little bit of Lincoln history and lots of CORN! Hey Gordon, thanks for the reply... at least you guys have a real reason to leave our wallets there!

Phil May 23, 2008 02:42 AM

Re: Will it be a LONG hot summer with power outages?
Time to get Ready to Live off the Land... :)

Sustainable living and business ideas...

Retailer unboxes DIY flat-pack homes

Boiled peanuts.........

And All kinds of other “twistable” Sustainable living ideas & possibilities... ;)


Dien Rice May 25, 2008 04:43 AM

"Peak Oil" and Survival...
Thanks Gordon and Phil...

There does seem to be a new "survivalist" market out there. With worries about the economy, the price of gas going through the roof, and worries about dwindling future energy supplies ("peak oil")... you can see why...

I just read this article on the phenomenon...

Energy fears looming, new survivalists prepare
May 24, 2:12 PM (ET)

I'm no expert on "peak oil". But from a business point of view, the "survivalist" trend is a growing market...

A couple relevant web sites...

- Dien

MichaelRoss May 25, 2008 03:23 PM

"Peak Oil" Is A Crock

Thanks for mentioning the Peak Oil thing.

I'd like to Bust some Myths Held As Fact about oil.

Oil is NOT a Fossil Fuel. It was Not made from large amounts of forest and dinosaurs Melting and percolating to become flammable sludge. Just because some bits old prehistoric fauna and flora may have been found in the sludge doesn't mean they melted to become the sludge.

Coal is solidified oil. Oil comes out of the ground around 90°C. Over time in the cooler outside environment, it hardens first to a gel like substance and then to a harder rock like substance. This is why coal is Black and extremely light weight - oil is black and floats on water

Australia EXPORTS oil to 40+ countries. That being the case, why do Australians pay $1.40+ per liter (around $5.60 per gallon) for the stuff? Not only does Australia export to these places, there are VAST oil reserves and fields south of the Australian Bite and West of the coast of Western Australia. Found by a Mobile Floating Oil Rig whose Sole Job is to move to a location, anchor, drill for oil and then Cap the found oil reserves. (Thanks to my uncle in the oil industry for 20+ years for this info.)

We are told prices are due to Supply and Demand. This is Controlled by the Oil Suppliers in a few ways. By not putting oil rigs onto all the many capped reserves they have found - of which the public knows nothing. And by convincing the public of something called Peak Oil - a phrase coined and theory put forward by a guy who worked at Shell (conflict of interest, don't you think). Once convinced of peak oil, they can slow down production to suit themselves and call it Peak Oil or some such.

If an oil reserve legitimately runs low on oil (pressure) they know they can Rest the reserve for a period of time and it comes good again. Meaning, oil is flowing Into the well from somewhere (from deeper within the Earth).

Did you hear the latest BS from our leader... remove the Goods and Services Tax from our fuel at the pump... but... replace it with an Environment Tax. (How does Tax help the environment?) Reminds me when former leader Fraser put prices up and said it was to Discourage use as we were using too much.

BTW, if the public knew that coal and oil were not fossil fuels, they wouldn't be so easily convinced of the limit of supply and following justification of high prices. There are tens of thousands of people around the planet who work in the industry and know this. Why doesn't the media report on this?

Michael Ross

Sandi Bowman May 25, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: Will it be a LONG hot summer with power outages?
Michael, some questions for you, please.

There is a saying that a diamond is simply a lump of coal that stuck to it's business (ie: by being under pressure and not yielding). True or not? If true, wouldn't diamonds be black instead of clear?

When we had coal delivered to our home, there were two types of coal: bituminus and a softer coal (can't recall the name) and it made a BIG difference in heat production as to which one was burned (and the resulting soot). Whenever they brought the wrong type, Dad made them take it back. Now, if oil is the source of both, and decaying vegetable matter is the source of both, why the differences?

Is there any reason why oil could not be artificially produced by speeding up the decaying vegetation process and, in the process, use some of the world's garbage for more productive uses? Seems to me with the technology we have, destroying our earth to bury garbage and dig out oil would be pointless endeavours if we applied some common sense to some processes and developed the potential here.

I'm no techie and am probably waay off base here but it just might spawn some good, practical, ideas to overcome a lot of problems (that's the hope anyway).

Sandi Bowman

Andy May 25, 2008 05:58 PM

Plenty and a I mean plenty of oil...
That's not the problem. Now I admit I don't know much about Lindsey Williams and I don't care much for conspiracy theories but this video answers so many questions. If you have some time, watch this. Its about an hour or so but well worth the time. It appears to have been made 2 or 3 months ago. I watched it last Monday. On Wednesday Fox News reported Iran is hoarding oil in tankers and nobody knows why. If you watch this video, you will know why.

Michael, Phil & others, I would love to hear your take on this. Its got me a bit nervous and I need a shot of reality. Here's the link.:eek:

Phil May 25, 2008 08:43 PM

Re: Plenty and a I mean plenty of oil...
Talking about opinions...

More interesting reading...

Read the 20 chapters/articles, although a little old...


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