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Samir September 9, 2011 12:07 PM

An observation about Ad clicks
It seems the younger crowd is more likely to click on Ads than the older crowd.

My web site about modeling, which is targeted towards the teenage crowd, gets plenty of Ad clicks.

However, my site about earning money, which gets plenty of visitors and has an "Avg. Time on Site" of more than 5 minutes, gets almost negligible clicks.


GordonJ September 9, 2011 01:30 PM

I think you are right Samir...
Almost all click through ads are INVISIBLE to me. I really don't even see them.

When I visit a website...I either have a reason to do so...or went there via a link...but if the site isn't of interest to me...certainly the ads aren't going to be either.

But I think you are right about younger surfers.



Originally Posted by Samir (Post 29060)
It seems the younger crowd is more likely to click on Ads than the older crowd.

My web site about modeling, which is targeted towards the teenage crowd, gets plenty of Ad clicks.

However, my site about earning money, which gets plenty of visitors and has an "Avg. Time on Site" of more than 5 minutes, gets almost negligible clicks.


Phil September 9, 2011 08:17 PM

Observation about Ad clicks, Where's All your Likity, Like buttons & short codes.. :)
Hi Samir,

Just some Quick info, ideas and Suggestions to Think about...

Unfortunately... A Click on Ads Young or Old won't Help very much on the ''Revenue'' side of Things Unless you Clearly have a Full understanding on the True Story of Real Money making [Niches] and Google's High-end Click related Formula...

Definitely worth the Small investment for Those Really interested in investing their [Time] Building Adsense related business models...

Quick Food for Thought regarding FaceBook... Social Media etc...

Where's All your Likity, Like buttons & short codes... :)

Gotta Try and Figure Out a way with [RSS] to Keep Visitors interested and A way from Disappearing onto the News sites... Gone Too Fast Clicking into the News Unfortunately is the Downside unless you Can Start {Mind Controling} your Vistors to Follow and Do what You Start Suggesting for them To Do Next...

There's Always a Better Way to Do everything! ... Just Gotta Think a little Harder and Keep on improving Every business model One step at a Time until you've Got it Perfected, perfectly... ;)

Rinse... Repeat... Multiplied by 1,000 or So and/Or... The Next innovative & Creative idea is Gonna be the Really Big Winner! ...

All the best...


Samir September 9, 2011 09:29 PM

Re: Observation about Ad clicks, Where's All your Likity, Like buttons & short codes.. :)
Thanks for the pointers Phil. The "Adsense Revelation" definitely looks like a worthy investment. I am with you on the 'social media' interaction also.

With regards to figuring out "a way with [RSS] to Keep Visitors interested and A way from Disappearing onto the News sites," I've followed the Google News mantra that says if you organize all the news information in a way that makes it easily accessible and useful to people, they will keep coming back. Also, I think making each news link open in a new browser window helps.


Skip Rosell September 11, 2011 11:02 AM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks

Originally Posted by Samir (Post 29060)
It seems the younger crowd is more likely to click on Ads than the older crowd.

My web site about modeling, which is targeted towards the teenage crowd, gets plenty of Ad clicks.

However, my site about earning money, which gets plenty of visitors and has an "Avg. Time on Site" of more than 5 minutes, gets almost negligible clicks.


Hi Samir,

Thanks for asking about clicks on ads.

Thought you forgot about us since we had not heard from you in a while after a flurry of posts. Glad to hear all is well.

I'm no SEO expert, far from it but I notice your "make money site" is confusing as far as keywords. Here is what I see in your META keywords.

money, make money, top songs, free movies, healthy living

So Google and other search engines say ok "what is this page about?" Is it about "make money or is it about "songs?, Movies? Health? So if you use Adsense or Ad Choice they do not know what ads to show.

Even worst on your main page you have articles about "Sharper mind in 7 days" and "Natural allergy relief" that have nothing to do with "make Money.

Because of that and the words that are on the page the ads being served up when I go to your site are "dollar store business" "microsoft Office" "profitable franchise" and "NYC eWaste recycling"

Why would I click on THOSE ads if I'm looking for a small business to start like the Balloon business or the "Make money with Craigslist"?

You are targeting people that want to make money from a "Small" business but serving ads for "Big" business or not about business at all.

Keep each page on target. If you are sending people who are interested in a small business idea then only show those articles and put the other articles about Sharper mind and allergy relief on a different site. Or at the very least give just a link to those pages. I would remove them.

You are getting your visitors to stay longer on this site because it has some articles about Small Business Ideas, that they are reading, because that is what they are interested in. If you make each page focus on one category then the ads that are served up will match your visitors better and they will click on those ads.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell

Samir September 11, 2011 07:58 PM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks
Hi Skip…I know I've been absent but I have not forgotten you all. This is where I was able to convert my offline idea into an online success and I am especially thankful to you, Phil and Cornell.

I was hoping to make the 'go to' website for the Health, Wealth, and Entertainment niche. I have natural recipes for weight loss, arthritis, and plenty of other ailments that millions of people suffer from. I also have plenty of ideas on the entertainment front and a whole host of proven money making ideas but as I still have a lot to learn about Internet Marketing, my efforts are clumsy.

I have also realized that I just do not have the time to do it all in a timely manner so focusing on one category, as you've suggested, would probably be good for me.

I am going to remove the health articles and stick to the money making ideas. Now that i've been able to restart my balloon distribution business, I have a good steady stream of income coming in and would like to use my free time to help others who may be going through a tough time financially. Also, hoping to create some insurance for myself in case the unthinkable happens again.


Ankesh September 12, 2011 05:20 AM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks
My experience says otherwise.

I've had health based websites where ad revenue was phenomenal. And technology and gadget based websites where ad revenue wasn't that good.

My experience is: Its not age. Its the number of hours people spend online. People who spend a lot of time online will get immune to a lot of kinds of ads. So make money type of niches generally don't do well with ad revenue.

Samir September 13, 2011 12:19 AM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks
That's an interesting point. But there is so much PPC competition in the Make Money online type niche. Aren't these advertisers likely to be targeting people who spend a lot of time online?

sandalwood October 12, 2011 07:59 PM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks
I read an article today that said 26000 people per day will be 65 years and older this year. Not muck of this year left but do the math and you'll see that is still a lot of us.

Does this mean these people will be on the Net? Not necessarily. It simply means there are a bunch of us old fogies. We are the ones, supposedly, with the money. We do not spend our time looking for money making opportunities.

We look for money extending ideas. We don't want to outlive our income. We also want to be as healthy as we can be so we spend time reading about health foods, medicines, retirement spots, travel destinations and old fogie related likes.

What does this mean? It means the younger crowd probably should be the target for money making programs. Old people should be the target of the "be young again" fluff products.

Don't know if this helps but I see it everyday.

Just my 2˘...


sandalwood October 12, 2011 08:08 PM

Re: An observation about Ad clicks
In Gordon's post he says:

"Almost all click through ads are INVISIBLE to me. I really don't even see them."

seems to be true for a majority of us old timers. Maybe we have selected vision or just don't care about ads but they are certainly invisible. I know I don't even look at the ads unless the title catches my eye or I think the material will provide a piece to the puzzle.

I was gonna include that in my previous post but plum forgot. See, when I say old fogie, I'm not kidding.

tk :)

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