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Old July 22, 2007, 10:29 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default Find of the day...a FREE guide to "Remote Direct Marketing"

Ah, Sunday mornings (early) are a good time to browse the Net. I guess it is because of all the Saturday night partying...whatever...

It seems faster, less congested, less activity and I've found it for over 10 years to be a great time to surf.

So TODAY, I bring you a great FIND. For many of our seasoned SowPubbers it will be a refresher. But we're getting a lot more traffic (we've become more active in other little lakes of the Internet...if you remember the 5 great lakes and the Oceans of the Net...then you and I go way back...don't we)...

OK. OK. Let's not waste time. There is "kid". He's now a 36 year old kid, but still young at heart.

His name is Jeff Gardner. You may have heard of him.

Jeff has a FREEBIE for you. It is located at:

It is in the first eye position...and it is the 100,000 worth of the biggest money making secrets...grab it's FREE.

What you have are several things.

ONE- a "digest" of money making secrets that are spot on.
TWO- an idea generator.
Three- a "template" on how to use a FREE pdf file to get business
Four- a look at how to promote affiliate programs via "sampling"

I found it to be the best little FREEbie of the day.

Thanks for reading, And don't forget to visit both; and
for some good stuff too.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. As a thank you for your time, I'd like to offer my own freebie...the revised copy of Before You Buy Anything. It is being updated AGAIN, and you can not only help me, but you can get your site mentioned or contribute a little something too...SEE...I'm going to use Jeff's "template" for the new 2007 (August? release) of Before You Buy Anything. IF you want it, just send an email to [email protected] with BYBA in the subject header. The pdf file will be sent via return mail...NOT auto responder, so give me at least 6 hours or so (you know, time to eat, sleep and go potty) before you start bugging me about it, OK? OH, you'll receive the current 2006 copy of BYBA...and iffin you do make a contribution to the 07 model, you'll get that one FREE too, fair enough?

Last edited by GordonJ : July 22, 2007 at 10:33 AM. Reason: Spellen
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