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Old July 22, 2007, 09:38 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I can't manage myself...let alone others. HA!

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

Gordon, have you ever considered taking a bunch of these flying low ideas and somehow being the conductor and managing a few folks to do these things locally with you making a few bucks from each one?



Thanks Millard, thanks a lot pal. HA!

There is an old saying, " a prophet is without honor in his own house" {Yes, I know, based on what Paul said Jesus said...}

Here, I'm just a guy with many nicknames, depending on how you know me, some are not very flattering either.

As for being the conductor, Man, I'm tone deaf, that is why I started the OFF Key singing telegram business.

And for MANAGING????? other people????...I'm afraid I'm too much of a "curmudgeonly guru wannabe" to start managing other people. Besides that, I'm too lazy.

BUT, you have given me food for thought...maybe I can be an absentee "conductor". HMMM.

I'll think about this one.

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