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Old May 26, 2008, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Michael, yor right and your wrong

" is not in the interest of the politicians to have us not connected to a power grid they control and not in vehicles they don't have a say in via their gas-tax windfall. Because that would make use more economically successful...."

If you watch the above mentioned video, you will see why we would not be more economically successful with other sources of fuel. You see, our gas prices are DIRECTLY connected to the national debt. The video explains this much better than I ever could. It shows why the prices are going up and probably will stay up and we have little hope of ever tapping into the oil reserves we have here in the US as well. Its not the greenies as everyone would have you believe.

I really hope this guy is a quack because if he's not and he is factual about what he talks about, we will soon have lots of lemons to squeeze.
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