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Old September 14, 2012, 12:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: The Chattel Challenge - Operation Benjamins

You spelled chattel wrong in the title of your original post. You spelled it "chattle" instead of "chattel". Since it is wrong in the original post, it is wrong in the title of every reply to that post (including this one).

Originally Posted by shelbyc View Post

Thanks for the knock on the head, I see what you mean, better to keep that money in circulation, I've already probably missed out on a few deals where I could make the money up. In your experience is this some kind of metaphysical law such as "An Object in motion tends to stay in motion"?

What did you mean mentioning the spelling then? Just a friendly suggestion to increase search rankings?


I've got some more play money now from selling the Kinect, I will do this now with that money. I will also relist this tomorrow when I have a few minutes for a lower price.

Now for both of you, you're saying that everyone of your deals is flipped within 1-2 days because you're offering such a great deal? Say I think the market will bear $350 because the average price is $400, you would list at $140 and move on?

Thanks again for the tutelage,


Last edited by GordonJ : September 14, 2012 at 10:21 AM.
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