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Old December 4, 2013, 02:26 PM
Paul Wilson
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Poll: Who is making some $$$

Hi again,

Thanks for the excellent response to my post and request for help. I'd like to reply to Dien and Phil/Dave's comments.

Note to self: relax shoulders, deep breath and...

I had thought that "wrist watches" was a niche/targeted market with my assumptions based on the relatively low numbers I found when doing keyword research. Also when I looked around for the traditional online signs of a large market, they weren't there.

However after reading Dien's post I can see that was a little shortsighted of me -----> back to the drawing board on my market research...

Phil, in answer to your question, yes I'd really like to make money fast and clear up financial mess quickly. "Why not [Analyze] your Expertise through your Work related Experiences etc...". Unfortunately I suffer from a rare form of problem called "Low self esteem with paint by numbers syndrome". Meaning that when I take a long hard look at myself and abilities I find it hard to find anything that is readily saleable.

I currently work as an Emergency Response Manager. I work with the emergency services in the UK and France on mitigating the consequences of accidents/incident/disasters in a specific location. Clearly we try to prevent such things from occurring but need to be ready if it ever did.

We write tons of procedures, plan organise and direct exercises based around bad things happening + work day to day with our onsite firefighters and specialist technicians.

In relation to this I built a site called based around emergency preparedness etc, even created (with help from Gordon) a couple of products on bugout bags and how to create evacuation plans. I sold 0 copies and shut the site down. The info I'd offered was freely available from tons of Uk and US government related sites.

Phil, you mentioned a few possibilities "Even Brokering misc. much needed Services or some type of Spin on the Many possibilities and opportunities..." I know that I would be able to take on some of these ideas but the way I have learned in the past is by being shown how it's done and then doing it for myself (hence the paint by numbers reference). But I think the real issue is finding customers who want the services I'm able to offer, and who are willing to pay more than $5 a time.

Thanks for posting the links, I'm emailing the WF programmer about his software and looking at the other sites you posted. Dien, I'm also taking a fresh look from the target market perspective. You are right I had aimed at anyone interested in buying a watch, instead of a specific kind of buyer.

Best regards,

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