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Old July 27, 2014, 06:15 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Make Money from YouTube... (how to _Really_ do it)

One guy has shared how to make money from YouTube... How he did it. He makes $27k per year in passive income from YouTube...

Now that may not sound like a lot, but it's passive income, which means that once it's up and running, it keeps generating moolah...

Before I link to the complete information, I'll just quote his "misconceptions" about doing this, which I think are big eye-openers!

Here they are...
"Some common misconceptions to start things off

"Misconception # 1: You earn money through advertising on YouTube

"Advertising dollars is the smallest of your revenue streams. The main revenue streams from a YouTube business is through selling of products from your own site or through other off-site methods.

"Misconception # 2: You need to post up videos constantly for a channel to keep earning money

"If your videos suck, your channel would be dead, there's nothing more to it. However, a well optimized, well positioned video will stay ranked for years. (type in "how to dance" to see my video). And that video will collectively generate hundreds of thousands, even millions of visitors over the years. Just like how a well written article can rank top on google for years.

"Misconception # 3: YouTube videos are suppose to be an hour long, filled with end-to-end solutions.

"YouTube videos ARE HOW-TO SALES VIDEOS! A Good YouTube video educates and teaches to build trust and sells the viewer on why they should come to your site to do business with you."
If you want more information on how to do this, check out the following link (all free)...

His free 50-page manual is available from this link (PDF format)...

Best wishes!

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