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Old July 17, 2015, 01:37 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default FANTASTIC Ryan.

LOVE your action. Love your site. Will buy the book today.

there are several books I've been looking at, and feel I could crush a promotion seems to me you would be the Ideal Publisher.

But, I'd (preferably you) have to acquire the rights, but feel there is a lot of potential with direct marketing campaigns, so it would be more of a creative agreement rather than me owning the copyright. Are you open to anything at this point?

Also, glad to see you embraced the view from the rooftop and thanks to the link to our QOP (Me) and Harvey's Answers in that work we did a few years back.

I think you have found a SENSATIONAL Toll Position, congrats.


Originally Posted by RyanMcGrath View Post
You may or may not have heard of Harvey Brody.

The quick version of putting it is that Harvey is a genius…

If you don’t know Harvey, you can can grab the complete story here:

For the last 6 months, I’ve been studying Harvey’s original Toll Position Course. I’ve also spent hours with Harvey, going over his concepts with him on the phone, and trying to drill his ideas through my thick skull…

Anyway, if you go through Harvey’s teachings, you’ll find out the concept of acquiring “stored value” from Toll Positions other people have somehow abandoned…

You might wonder how someone might go about making this happen.

That’s why I’m going to show you, right here and now, how I took Harvey’s concept and acquired a toll position for myself in less than 90 days:

1. In January 2015, I was doing a heavy amount of research on real estate investing, a personal interest of mine. During my research, I came across an incredible out-of-print book, written in the 1980s, called Hidden Wealth in Local Real Estate. Knowing what Harvey has taught me, I started sniffing around to see if I could figure out what the status was with this book, who held the intellectual property rights, etc.

2. Thanks to some detective work on my part, I discovered the author was alive and well, retired in Northern Minnesota. After digging deeper, I located a probable mailing address…

3. I send the author a short 2-page letter via U.S. postal mail, pitching the author on my concept of taking his out-of-print book, republishing it as an e-book on Amazon Kindle, and then marketing it using direct response ads, PR and publicity, etc. My total cost at this point… the price of a stamp (49 cents).

4. BULLS-EYE. The author calls me up. He tells me the book has been out-of-print for years, and the publisher is doing nothing with it. I tell him my vision for the project and make my pitch again… I’ll republish and market his book to a whole new generation of readers -- if he’ll give me an exclusive license as his new publisher. Keep in mind; I don’t even have a publishing company at this time. In fact, I’ve never published a book in my life at this point… All I had was a vision and a few marketing ideas. Turns out, the author is a great guy, an entrepreneur who’s been around the block a few times on making deals with complete beginners. We make a “handshake deal” over the phone…

5. We uncover a small problem… it appears the original publisher still holds the copyright to the title. I do more research, and uncover the process of requesting “reversion of rights” back from the old publisher. I write up a letter. The author sends certified letter to his old publisher. Boom! Publisher writes back, gives the author back his copyright. Only problem now is we now have the rights to a book in PRINT... no electronic versions exist... and I want to make an e-book!

6. I find a website that will OCR scan and digitize a print book for $2.00. Get the PDF file. Turn into a Microsoft Word document. Spend a few hours formatting, copyediting, designing a cover, writing sales copy, etc. Set up an LLC. Set up a very basic website. Submit the book to Amazon.

7. July 17, 2015... Book is published! The execution phase of my marketing plan begins. If you want, you can see the actual e-book here: (Keep in mind that what you are seeing here is only a tiny piece of the overall marketing plan.)

What’s next? Well here is the fun begins. I won’t give all the details here, but this is only a small move in a grand plan. Starting with Harvey calls a "view from the rooftop" I am now working backwards to find the puzzle pieces to direct me toward my larger goal.

Anyway, I hope this post is helpful and inspirational for anyone looking to acquire a Toll Position of their own. I know I would've liked to see something this when I was first starting this process!

Please hit me up if have any questions...
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