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Old July 19, 2015, 09:16 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default It will be fun to watch Ryan grow his publishing business via stored


I predict in less than a year (IF he has TIME to tend to it) his publishing company will grow by exponential leaps and bounds.

Hosting other people's work in exchange for exclusive rights (in most cases) is a tested and proven method of publishing.

Melvin Powers started with one book, NON exclusive rights, and built a dynamite publishing house which is still going strong a couple of years after his death.

I think most writers, especially with either out of print OR barely circulated books, would love a chance to have someone host and sell their work.

Of course you run into ego, but just too many fish in that sea to even worry about them.

Doesn't hurt that Ryan is a master copywriter either.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Ryan,

Thanks... This is an extremely exciting post!

It's also exciting to "meet" someone traveling along similar pathways...

The pathway of acquiring toll positions is a fantastic one. As Harvey himself says, it's actually often to acquire than to create your own toll positions (though you can do that too).

When you acquire toll positions, though, you are leveraging "stored value" that's out there, and which is underutilized, or not even being utilized at all!

These should be exciting words for any who want to make a living from toll positions...

When you do it right, your toll positions will be working for you. Why be stuck on a treadmill? Many "successful" people do just that - they're still stuck on a daily or weekly treadmill - when there's no need to live that way...

While I haven't exactly done what you've done, I've acquired copyright toll positions in various ways. I recently acquired the complete copyrights to some audiobooks (in a non-marketing niche), for example...

In that case, I acquired them directly from the author. However, it doesn't always work out. I corresponded with one well-known "old school" marketer (many here would be familiar with his name), but he didn't want to do a profit-sharing type of deal, he only wanted to sell the rights to his works outright (for a very high figure). In another case, I had difficulty dealing with the widow of a different author. However, I'm still learning, and getting better at knowing what I'm doing as I go along...

Thanks Ryan for sharing! This is an immensely valuable and insightful post!

For those who don't want to be stuck on a treadmill... This is a post to take note of...

Best wishes,

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