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Old August 27, 2016, 03:10 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default How I Got 4 Trees ChainSawed - For Free - Special Report

Thanks Dien,


Three 100% F_R_E_E WAYS to Solve

Hi Neighbor,

You have neighbors.

We all do.

So this 1st idea might work for YOU too.

WAY #1 - How I Got My Neighbor Tom to PAY to Cut Up 2 of MY Dead Trees.

Here’s what I did:

FIRST - I noticed that my neighbor Tom had lots of old maple trees. And had to hire someone to cut down the dead and falling trees almost yearly.

And since I’d had two Huge Oaks fall near Tom’s property line
I made him this Offer…

“Next time you have your guy come over to ChainSaw your dead Maple Trees. While he is already at your house. Ask him to cut up these 2 huge oak trees. Short enough to fit in your wood stove. IF you do that, I’ll split the wood. Give you Half. And Carry your half over next to your house.”

Tom said, “Ok.”


Two trees gone. Cost me Nothing. And I was already splitting wood. Had both trees split up in a few days.

WAY #2 - BALTIMORE COUNTY PAID to Cut Up a Tree About to Fall on my Electric Line.

A Baltimore County Road Crew was inching their way down towards my house.

STEP I - I took a 5 gallon bucket full of Ice Cold Plastic Water Bottles out to the guys sweating in the sun. AND handed a big bottle to their Supervisor thru his truck door. (He was sitting in his truck in the shade.)

STEP II - I told the Supervisor about a Tree Root that was Undermining the edge of the road. Explained how he would have to DO MORE WORK and come back and Fix it - again and again.

STEP III - Mr Lazy seemed to Ignore my suggestion. But I did yard work until I saw him walking over to the BAD SPOT. And jogged over to make sure he found it. Heh heh

STEP IV - The following week a Tree Trimming Bucket truck - that lifts the guys with Chainsaws high in the are - showed up. I fed Them ICE WATER too.


They were nice enough to cut the tree up into fireplace log lengths.
And grind the branches up. AND leave me a big pile of wood chips for my garden.
WAY #3 - How I Cut a DEER HUNTER to Agree To ChainSaw
A Tree for me.

I got this idea from 2 brothers who run a Dairy Farm - down the road from me.

While chatting they told me how they got FREE LABOR! Guys came over and shoveled all the manure out of their barns - NO CHARGE.

And they also Weed Wacked Miles of fence and along the road - FREE too.

In return - the 2 brothers let them HUNT DEER on their farm!


I figured I could do that too. Except SWAP Deer Hunting on my land for Their Help Cutting Down Dead Trees.

a - I went on the Barter section of Craigs List.

b - Found a guy who wanted to Barter His Heat and AC Repair skills for Permission to Hunt Deer.

c - I called him up.

d - He drove his HVAC truck over to my place. And we took a tour of the woods.

e - He agreed that - since my Air Conditioning and Furnace were SHIP SHAPE - he could ChainSaw a Tree down for me instead.
GOOD, huh.

These 3 ideas are not just Theory - we DID them.



That’s Ok.

You can Call Up Donnie for F-r-e-e Advice. He’s got Years of Tree Trouble Fixing Experience. And can ADVISE you - right over the phone.

Call Donnie at: ***-915-0489

Email is - ****

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