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Old July 26, 2018, 10:38 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I might prefer the finite amount...

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

One interesting concept is the concept of money making money... With little or virtually none of your time!

It's possible... One way is through rental property. You own property, rent it out, hire a real estate agent to handle everything for you, and pocket the rest...

Of course, you can also do it through a fund with stocks. Effectively it's the same - you put your money in a fund, which means you're "hiring" the fund manager to manage the stocks for you, and you (hopefully) pocket the profit...

The reason why I found it interesting is - if you do it right, and succeed - it effectively becomes "infinite" dollars per hour of your labor, because you've put "zero" hours in...

Just a train of thought...

Best wishes,


...made by the fund owner/manager who may put in the hours, but uses OPM to make his fortune.

We should become Fund Managers, the SowPub FUND, sort of like George Costanza's HUMAN FUND. HA!

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