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Old August 6, 2018, 03:57 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default You're right... :)

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Hope no one was in his chair when the earthquake hit. Happy to hear you are safe at home. One other thing, Cuyahoga Falls isn't prone to earthquakes, Tsunamis or sharknados. Just sayin.
Hi Gordon,

Well... that's true! True of my neck of the woods too (Melbourne, Australia)...

Bali is part of the "ring of fire" - an earthquake and volcano-prone zone! Along with Japan and the West coast of the USA...

I love California, but that's one thing I could probably never get used to... Those little tremors, sparking my own fears of the end of the world!

(I once lived for six months in the San Francisco Bay Area, many years ago before you had to sell your first born to afford the rent! I never quite got used to those tremors...)

I used to think that if I lived in Florida, I wouldn't get used to the hurricanes. But a Floridian recently told me that they don't always hit the same area (though you might get that impression from the news), so your area might get hit once a decade or even less... Hope to spend more time in Florida one day...

Best wishes,

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