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Old August 17, 2018, 04:08 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default EUREKA, mug biscotti, finally.

Of all the things in the kitchen, this has been the most elusive to get right.

I loved Biscotti, especially with my spiked egg nog coffee at Christmas, but I don't do sugar, flour or nuts these days. And sugar free cookies, well, they suck.

I've gotten some good pan fried cookies over the years, and many MUG RECIPES, which I should have, but alas, never cashed in on. Today Mug cooking/baking is hot. Whoops, there goes another fortune down the gullet, the way the cookie crumbles when we fail to ACT on our ideas.

Anyhow, lament aside.

Here is my MUG BISCOTTI recipe...for everyone to use.

4 heaping tablespoons almond flour
2 heaping tablespoons coconut flour
pinch of baking soda,
1/4 tsp of baking powder

In a separate mixing bowl,
2 TBLS butter (room temp) Canola oil "butter" subst itute for non dairy
1 TBLS coconut oil
1 small egg (of if dairy free, use UNsweetend applesauce 1/4 cup)
1 tsp almond extract
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Mix wet add to dry, stir in bowl until small dough ball forms, many need a couple drops of water, or use coconut/almond milk, or yogurt or kefir in dairy is ok, usually not much is needed to keep it a dough, too much and you get a pancake mix...

Then put the dough ball into your mug (MY secret: I use coffee filters, no mess made). Microwave for 1 minute in full power microwave, 90 seconds or 2 minutes in small power...

IF top is still wet and doughy, I pour it into another mug lined with a coffee filter, because microwaves cook the bottom of the mug, so another 30 seconds should do it.

Pour out of mug, let stand 10 minutes, cut in half. Slice each half into thirds to get six mini biscottis. I brush with a little butter coconut mixture, then bake in toaster over 325 for about 15 minutes or until golden brown if you like them a little bit harder.

Let cool, leave out, the longer you let stand, the dryer and harder they get. I like mine hard, to dip into my crappy decaf coffee.

CRAP. lost the rest, not going to retype. Oh well, if you have questions, ask.
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