Thread: ASMR videos...
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Old January 11, 2019, 09:26 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I think you're probably right... It's an opportunity...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Thanks Dien, but most of those ASMR 9except for some of the natural sounds) would drive me, and others with misophonia CRAZY.

My daughter suffers from this too, makes it hard to eat out, all that damn chewing and lip smacking.

IF I could get the MIDNIGHT AT MARY CAMPBELL'S CAVE cassette remastered to digital without altering it, it would serve the same purpose as most of the so-called relaxing tapes.

Almost all of those ASMR videos, had my flesh crawling, not tingling, I want to go hit something now.


PS. I don't think there is very good information about misophonia either, maybe THAT is a market to look at?
Hi Gordon,

I had never heard of misophonia!

I have to be frank... Some of those noises in the ASMR videos made me feel a bit queasy...

It was like a stranger being a bit too intimate with me. Which I thought was kind of weird...

But I did feel the tingles...

I don't know how common misophonia is, but it sounds like it could definitely be an untapped market... And a potential opportunity.

I don't know much about it, but if you (or someone else) is able to solve the problems of those with misophonia, there could be some good dollars in it (plus you're helping people, too)!

I think it's kind of amazing how you could be doing A... which then (unexpectedly) leads to opportunity B. (Like ASMR leading to misophonia.) That happens to me all the time... But you've got to be active (and "in the game") for this to happen to you. It doesn't usually happen when you're sitting on the sofa watching reruns of "Desperate Housewives"... (In my opinion.)

Best wishes,

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