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Old February 10, 2019, 04:47 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default An ADD/ADHD-related rant!

While I've never been tested, I believe I am somewhere on the ADD/ADHD spectrum...

My history shows it... I've been a physics academic, online publisher, online marketer, sales professional, English language instructor (for about 4 months in Seoul, South Korea), scientific editor, exporter (to West Africa), physics consultant, business consultant, band manager, and more...

One symptom I have is I am deathly afraid of boredom.

It can sometimes be so bad, that I hesitate to take a shower, because I'm afraid of being bored for the 10-15 minutes I'll be in the shower. (Even though I listen to music when I shower. I've recently started listening to short podcasts - less than 15 minutes - when I shower, again to combat boredom...)

I have a number of things I do to prevent boredom. Before smartphones, I used to always take a book with me if I left the house, so I could read (and avoid boredom) if I had to wait around for some reason. Now, I've got unlimited reading material on my smartphone, so it's much easier!

It can be both a blessing and a curse. Because of my getting bored, I've changed "professions" (and businesses) many times, and I've gained a ridiculously wide range of skills... Also, if I'm interested in something, I can spend a lot of time doing it with no problem...

But on the other hand, sometimes it's a struggle just to do simple things (especially if they're boring). Unfortunately, life is full of little boring tasks you have to do...

I know many here will be able to relate to this, and some will think it's nuts... Just thought I'd put it out there!

Best wishes,


P.S. Written while procrastinating, because I have something boring I need to do...
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