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Old March 6, 2019, 02:35 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Harvey Brody's: THE gears and the magnet.

In his work Harvey likes to tell about the gears. First gear would be me selling my TV or selling something to ONE buyer at a time. Just like in a car, you may get somewhere SLOWLY and often with a grind.

The upper gears are leverage, and efficiency, economies. Th...ese gears give higher income returns and are smoother running.

His Specialty Products Business, which includes the ZOOM-SPOUT OILER and the Pistol Grips, and other an example of a top gear, high flying money maker. Consider for decades it has been Harvey, his wife and his daughter part-time, and it brings in millions of dollars with less than 200 customers, I think we can all agree that is an UPPER GEAR business.

KNOWING there are different gears when you start out, allow you to set your sights on the most efficient business effort.

We can discuss more about these if you are interested.

The View from the Rooftop is about PRE planning, goal setting, seeing potential obstacles.

The GEARS are about getting into the right mindset to avoid the grind.

The MAGNET UNDER THE TABLE is about negotiating. You come to the table with a giant powerful magnet, and on the table are iron filings. You use the magnet to arrange them how you want them.

Like the toy, where there is a man with no hair and you use a small magnet to give him a head of hair, or a beard or a mustache. When you start to do deals, you have a very clear idea of what that man looks like (as a metaphor, not the best).

In order to arrange the iron filings the way you want them, you have taken all the considerations into your plan. The way to win the Art of the Deal, unlike those who constantly go bankrupt, deal after deal after deal...

The Harvey way uses a Win/Win concept. Where as the wheeler dealer with his art of dealing always has to be the winner, so in his game, there has to be a loser--the other guy.

The magnet is used to get both parties what they want. The deal is mutually beneficial, but under Harvey's terms.

The magnet may be the most complicated and hardest to understand of all of his concepts, but very valuable.

Next, flight plan and kick out the chocks.

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