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Old March 9, 2019, 08:11 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default A couple lessons I learned from Harvey...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Today, many newer marketers have never heard of Harvey. In fact, today, some have never heard of the late Gary Halbert, or Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham...the OLD guys.

They may know of Frank Kern, Tai Lopez, Dan Lok and other self promoters.

Harvey served in the Air Force, then went to college, got his Engineering degree, headed to CA and began working with many of the "legends" of their day, on a Per diem basis.

So he was around the likes of Joe Cossman and others like him.

He invented the ZOOM SPOUT OILER while in college operating a part time typewriter repair business. After working for other people, he took all his knowledge and skills and started his own businesses, including a PUBLISHING company. He is often credited as being a forerunner in the VIRTUAL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS.
Hi Gordon,

Awesome post about Harvey Brody!

Harvey is an entrepreneurial genius for sure...

Here are just a couple of lessons I've learned from Harvey (from also having had many, many illuminating conversations with him on the phone, and having met with him in person once)...

1. Harvey learned by working for successful entrepreneurs. In his case, he was an engineer, so he could help them with their prototypes, patents, etc.

As a result, he learned entrepreneurial lessons directly from them. And he was PAID to learn! These are lessons you'll never learn in a university classroom...

The lesson? If possible, work directly for successful entrepreneurs, and be ready to learn.

I'm doing something similar right now... And learning, just as Harvey did.

2. Harvey also had a spiritual method, which he mentioned a little in his earlier books, but goes into much more detail in his little-known later books.

There's much more to it, but he tries to be aligned with God's will in what he does (no robbing banks, for instance), and he is not hesitant in asking God for help and guidance in his success. He aims for both altruistic as well as commercial success...

Many people feel reluctant to ask - sometimes this can be an ego thing, because they want to do it themselves, without help.

But that is not Harvey's way... (and I try to follow this methodology too).

Best wishes!

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