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Old March 10, 2019, 11:06 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default We were fortunate.

Originally Posted by spyglass View Post
Hey Gordon,

I am certainly interested in all things Harvey Brody. Although his publications are decades old, they outstrip many current models by miles. Especially useful for empowering solopreneurs like most of us are in scaling things up without losing ourselves to 15 hour, six day weeks just to keep all plates spinning.


P.S. Thanks for the very useful link to the eBay seller with his H.B. publications. I did not know Harvey authored so much. I own Harvey's flagship book set of four manuals. Haven't laid hands or eyes on them in years and years. They are in their original box in my archive storage.

Dien and I were both very fortunate to get our ongoing talks with Harvey.

What I said earlier, that what he knows today is 10X better than the stuff from yesteryear, is so true and hard to explain.

Now we know there is a lot behind the curtain there. And his grandchildren are taking certain paths which will be phenomenal for them.

But for most of us, those decades old concepts still need to sink into our resistant minds. And of course, persistence, solving problems in the direction of your goals is a critical part of it.

Even now, I make discoveries when I listen to the talks for the Umpteenth time.

That whole kicking out the chocks and preflight checklist, and WHAT COMES BEFORE, is finally sinking in. I get some of it.

You are right about the TIME factor, sure, there are other successes, but few work as effective and efficiently as Mr. Brody does. It is his superior organized thinking skills.

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