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Old April 11, 2019, 01:56 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,539
Default Rest of April, and all of MAY for TWO people ... maybe.

Got 500 bux burning a hole in your pocket? Great, give it to me today.

What do you get besides a big THANK YOU??

Oh, OK, here is what I'll do for you, but first the motivation.

My daughter has a book coming out in June. We'll be very busy all summer promoting her book, and resuming our HOLLYWOOD pitches. Some of our work is still under consideration, whatever that means. I have learned one thing, HOLLYWOOD types don't work on your schedule.

And I think the looming Writer's situation is playing a part too.

But once the book is released and all the ancillary stuff done, we'll be back to knocking on doors trying to turn ideas into entertainment.

My writing is caught up, that is, I'm still working daily on my scripts, TV shows and all that jazz.

I recently got asked about HOTSHEETS, and if I might be open to coaching someone who has a lot of ideas, but can't seem to get them out.

So, for two of you, or just one, or NOBODY...doesn't really matter.

I'll coach you, even write the first couple of HOTSHEETS for you, and develop the back ends and your strategy with you. I think you need a website, if you don't already have one, get a simple one, don't make it complicated...

and get something on the market to SELL by June 1. IF you have had some ideas, or considered using hotsheets, guides, short reports...

Normally, how this works is:

You have a HOTSHEET. Could be a single page PDF, OR a couple of pages, or very short report, 4 pages is good.

You want to get an email address in exchange for this HOTSHEET. Most will use something like aweber, constantcontact, getresponse, etc.

Don't need one to start, to TEST your concept. You can use your email address and create a DRAFT to send to those who sign up.

In the HOTSHEET you will have offers, or just an offer. Maybe for a more detailed report, or possibly a product, or even an affiliate program.

I like to send additional FREE reports, as unexpected gifts, or as bribes to look at other stuff.

So, IF you are willing to work quickly, we've got about 7 weeks, more than enough time for me to create and help you create the start or addition to your INFORMATION MARKETING empire...then get in touch.

500 bux, and I'm flexible on that.

Prefer you have something in MIND, it would help us both if you have been thinking about an idea, an area of expertise, knowledge or wisdom you want to share...

The more concrete you are in your thinking of what you want to do, the faster we can make this happen. YOU should have your first HOTSHEET for sale within a week of starting this, and by JUNE 1, have a pretty good view from the rooftop of what the next year of YOUR info publishing business will look like.

A few hours a week, spare time, could produce some very nice helpings of moolah and cashola for you.

Depending on your skills, or if you have a desire to consult with others or not, goes toward your bottom line.

Time to let your little light shine.

Send me email, [email protected] put 500 in the subject header, it will get my attention.
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