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Old May 2, 2019, 11:23 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default May is make an effort month.

Meant to post yesterday, got too busy (making efforts).

May is the start of energy. Spring celebrations. Nicer weather (hopefully).

More sunlight, fresh air, and being outside.

End of Winter. I call it make an effort month.

What you do in May will set up the rest of the year. The last 4 months have been shaking off the winter, the hibernation. Now it is time to wake up and get busy.

Time to overcome procrastination with MEANINGFUL action. Time to solve your problems in the direction of your goals. Time to get busy living.

One problem many face is...they try to make too much of an effort on too many fronts. Time to focus.

Dien and I both juggle a lot of balls, and we both like it that way. But my effort for May IS health centered. I want to make an effort toward a healthier Gordon. How so?

Well, I packed on about 8 pounds this winter from being indoors. So off with the weight, and also, too much sitting, not enough exercise. My effort will be on DOING daily exercises, a lot of stretching, yoga like things in the morning, less sitting, and more hours out doors. I've been invited to share in a garden, maybe I will help out there a couple of days a week.

Nothing beats weeding, and hoeing to get your muscles a good stretching.

Also, in conjunction with more outdoor time, I want to make an effort to a more FOCUSED conscious awareness of my thoughts during this outdoor time, because, I believe, gaining control of your consciousness is the fastest way to get through to your subconscious and quicken the results from your thinking.

Will you make an effort, or EXTRA effort on one thing this month?

Will you make an effort to call on a few more people a day? Will you make an effort with your health? With your finances? With your relationships?

I hope so.

Directed and controlled effort may be the fastest way to reach your goals, whatever they are.


PS. To reinforce my effort of more physical activity, I will have a high protein diet, low carb, low fat, for this next 10 days, just to jump start my better eating habits. And a lot of veggies too.
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