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Old July 4, 2019, 02:08 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,493
Default NEW and different COPYWRITING course. Limited.

Thanks to those that downloaded, printed and gave feedback on the POCKET PRO on PERSUASION. Your notes have been useful.

Now the POCKET PRO COPYWRITING course is ready. It is 20 dollars, although, I have a very limited offer for a few to be mentored, and to have the ability to write promotions for many of the old products, being revised and updated for the Fall, and/or to continue doing our joint ventures.

As things get more exciting around here, with Sherman Hunter doing the TOLL position and giving us all a chance to participate, it is a good time to have products ready to sell.

The REASON I created this NEW AND DIFFERENT course on copywriting is...

I think it is in trouble, as an industry, and more importantly to thousands as a business opportunity.

Today, July 4, 2019 there are 389,301 students at UDEMY taking copywriting courses. Sure many of them are just learning for their own products or services, but tens of thousands are in the funnel of COPYWRITING as a biz-op.

My heretical thoughts on writing copy. DON'T READ ANY BOOK. NONE.

I count over 30,000 members at Facebook copywriting groups, not including blogs and forums, and there is the standard list of MUST READ books offered on them all.

I say.

STOP that insanity today. You don't need to read, you need to write.

And this NEW AND DIFFERENT course, completed with the POCKET PRO COPYWRITING COURSE is the answer.

So, happy July 4, always a special day for me. 51 years ago today, my last day as a civilian, on the 5th I was in the Navy, having all those adventures.

On July 4th 1972, I was awaiting discharge papers at Treasure Island, and because of the holiday, didn't get them until the 6th. Longest day of my life waiting for those, kept dreaming I was getting called back. Still have that nightmare, HA!

NOW is a great time to learn how to market, sell and promote your ideas, products and services to this new hip, digital generation. And this NEW AND DIFFERENT course can help you do it.


PS. Storms knocked some cell towers out for a while. Our own sowpub outage here, and the many attacks daily on the digital world...

well, it is nice to have a handy writing instrument and a cheat sheet to write on when the inspired thought occurs. I've got notebooks from 50 years ago,

and yet, I can't find work I did a couple years ago on a CD disc, remember that ANCIENT tech? YIKES!
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