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Old July 25, 2019, 12:38 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: 11 year old post. Good time to think about it.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
The secret is: (and I've borrowed this from several sources)


"The highest paid skill across the board, time after time, industry to government to not for the ability to


And what this means is: YOU will start to see dramatic results in your business efforts when...

you realize that all DEAL MAKING...involves,


communication between two parties.

OH sure, go ahead and make a deal with yourself...most people do at the start of a New Year...and they quickly break those deals...

but until you begin to ENGAGE other people...

UNTIL you begin to talk to, question and communicate to another person...

you'll continue to spin your wheels.

AMAZING things happen when you START the conversation...and when it comes to DEAL making, there are certain things you've got to learn...and you learn them by DOING.

SEE, so many people are afraid of making mistakes, of screwing up the deal, they want to wait until it is take is this...

YOU (and I and WE all) don't have enough time in our days to get to all the great deals "out there". So GO AHEAD and screw one up...but learn from it.

Contact someone. Ask questions. Get answers. Even if the answer is a "I'm not interested." YOU'll learn something. Then get a little guidance, and move to the NEXT opportunity, and use what you've learned...
Hi Gordon,

Great post!

The only thing I'd add is you do have to make an assessment of the character of the person you're dealing with...

As Harvey Brody classifies people, there are "number 1s," "number 2s," and "number 3s."

The first kind are the trustworthy people...

Number 2s are the "freeloaders" - they want a piece of the pie, but they don't want to do any work to get it.

Number 3s are the people with a "hidden agenda"... They tell you one thing, but they're real intentions are something else, which they've hidden from you. (These are the con artists and crooks of this world...)

I'm very cautious about people I work with, yet I've still been burned, so it's not easy, and you're constantly learning!

Having said that, if you find a good person to work with, where you can do a win/win type of deal, it can be very profitable...

(This website is an example of the result of such a deal!)

Best wishes!

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