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Old March 13, 2020, 04:29 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Cities burning down. Mile long lines for gas. Riots in the streets. Protests.

These are a few of the events in my life time.

There have been many times when we faced uncertainty. Tanks rolled through the streets of Kent, OH, in May of 1970. We've had martial law.

In small pockets of the nation. We've had shutdowns, lockdowns, as the days after 9/11 brought us to a standstill.

Today, we have a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. This from a guy who a couple of days ago shared a podium with a guy (Shawn Hannity) who declared the Coronavirus was a HOAX, with POTUS shaking his head in agreement.


Is the National Emergency a HOAX? Will these lead to martial law? The suspension of the election?

Well, one thing I know.

I don't know.

Today, I listened to two guys talk about getting "to the other side". They see a light at the end of a tunnel.

I have to question if there is the other side? How long can a National Emergency last? When is normalcy restored?

I have many thoughts on this, and you should too.

So saddle up buckeroo, we're in for a long ride.

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