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Old July 22, 2020, 01:25 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default In my new book, THE THREE GODS FROM THE SKIES, ...

Good news for me then. -
See, during a meditation down at the Falls on the Crooked River, I was visited in a dream from what I took as a Fairie??, sort of a tinkerbell thought...anyhow, she/he IT told me the tale of the 3 gods...

Three seperate groups of aliens who visited Earth eons ago. One was tall, dark and strong, wanted to make earthlings (as they were) in their own image, sort of clones I guess.

The second group wanted to breed Warriors, to help them conquer other worlds...and planted the seeds of war in the hearts of men, such as they were.

The third group said, Eat UP, enjoy the fruits of earh, go forth and multiply.

Depending on which group returns first, the fate of the Earth will be

the clones will be the worker bees on a distant planet OR

We become the front lines of intergalatic warfare, being expendable and all...

then the third fate, and most likely will be

the third group's THANKSGIVING is coming, and we're just about fat enough and there are enough of us for their harvest. (It is a recipe book!!!).

So, how do I cash in on this conspiracy theory?


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
And if so, how?

The brief answer is... yessiree...

And people have been doing it for a while...!

One of the most batsh*t crazy ones (in my opinion)... is the "lizard people" idea...

The basic idea is that alien lizard people, who can "shape-shift" to look like humans, are among us...

Not only that, but the idea continues to say that many of the world's most powerful families - the Bush family, the Rothschilds, and the Queen of England - are all "lizard people"...

You may laugh!

But... the guy who started this conspiracy - David Icke - has made $10 million dollars. Largely from his best-selling books, "revealing" these discoveries!

Now, here's where some people will start to hate me...

David Icke's latest one is...

He's the guy behind the idea that the new 5G internet technology causes Covid19...

That one has gone wild...

Ka-ching! More money in the bank for David Icke...

There are many less "crazy" conspiracies out there, that people are making big bucks from...

I don't recommend it. But it's important to realize what goes on!

(So many examples I could talk about, if there was any interest... But the more I talk about it, the more hate mail I know I'm going to get...)

- Dien

P.S. More on the "lizard people"...
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