Thread: Chatteling
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Old August 20, 2020, 08:18 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Chatteling is one of the avenues of hope!

Originally Posted by RickC View Post
Just checking in to let the group know how Chatteling has helped make up the income loss in our family.

I'm going off Gordon's 2006 edition. Not sure if it has been updated, but the basics in that information will never fade.

This Covid19 has thrown a screwball to many families. We lost a second income because my wife drives bus part time. When kids don't go to school, she doesn't drive.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I found a free Canon Copier on Craigslist and ended up selling for $295.00. I found a Pottery Barn desk that a guy just wanted to "get rid of" and sold it for $275.00.

I've always wanted to Chattel, and have to a small degree, but now I was FORCED to find more income. Being in my late 50's, I have no desire to get another job, especially in the pathetic retail market. And not only that, with businesses shut down, there are not many jobs anyway.

I'm finding more items than I can handle (I have no truck or garage), but I'm finding enough to more than make up for the loss of income. Only difference now is that I wear a mask when dealing with sellers.

I have re-read that 2006 report! Of course I missed things the first time. I'm seeing even more items (certain Craigslist categories, I'm sure Gordon will know what I mean).

Just shouting out a thanks to the group and to Gordon's Chatteling report. I've also combined that knowledge with Flea Market Flipper, also mentioned by Gordon about two years ago.

Even during a pandemic, business is going well. Thanks again!

P.S. I'm not a paid endorser. Just a longtime Sowpub reader who is putting information to use and gaining tons of confidence.
Hi Rick,

I just want to thank you for sharing that...

The reason why is because many people now need hope!

It is a tough time for many people, with so many jobs lost and businesses closed or otherwise "hobbled" by the current pandemic...

But... there are opportunities out there.

Chatteling is one of them!

Best wishes,

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