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Old September 7, 2020, 12:41 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,496
Default Sure email is OK, but I'm going to repost your questions here, OK?

Sure, I get it.
You want to remain anon. You don't post, just lurk.

Fair enough, we've been doing this for 20 years, we get it.

I won't post your name or initials, without permission...but I will post your questions here IF I think the group can benefit from it and my response.

So, from yesterday's email bag, we get:

"Right now I want INCOME, as much money as I can make as quick as I can." sez one of our newer members here.

I suspect he is not alone. The 20 years and thousands of answers here have some great information on that subject. MY answer is, and always has been,
sell your TV (or any of your junk, stuff or sh&t you don't really need).

Then use that seed money to either buy and sell stuff locally, or if you need fast cash online, write a documented proof is the report I did with Bud Riggs of Carlsbad, NM. It took us less than a week to write, video, document and have ready. We sold over $30,000.00 of the PDF file in less than four weeks.
It may not be enough money, it may be your start-up capital, and it may be a lot less than that too.

Maybe Dien has something from his many years of publishing Hidden Ideas and his business research, but that is the best I've got.

I do know this, you won't get paid for doing nothing. FACT check it if you want.

OK, that was one, FAST MONEY = Sell something you already have, reinvest for more sales.

QUESTION two and three from someone out there...

"You say information products, but I can't write, don't really know anything or have done anything, I'm still young. What kind of information can I sell, and how?"

My short and sweet answer, because I could spend all day with this one...but here goes.

DOCUMENT your process of your first information product and VOILA (or WHALA if you prefer), you now have TWO information products to sell.

My teaching process in the past has been this: Write a HOTSHEET, expand to four page White Paper, add graphics, pics and fill it out and you have a nice little report people will pay for (I know this for a fact, some 75 times over).

Here is an example of a project I don't have time to do...but I know it could be a money maker. Yesterday, on Sunday, I did my usual food prep routine, about 2 hours in the afternoon cooking and prepping food for the week.

I boiled some carrots, steamed broccoli, boiled eggs, and oven roasted peppers, onions, mushrooms and pan fried 5 hot peppers (different varieties). Also cooked celery, which I mixed with the carrot water, blended and strained with some tomatoes I cooked and created my own version of a V8 juice...which is tasty and nutrient loaded.

Now, this week, I use these things in several dishes. I'll make Waffles and when I do, I usually make enough for a couple of meals, some pan fried cookies, some microwave muffins...all things quick, easy, simply, tasty and nutritious.

If I video taped this, I could start my own YouTube channel and maybe I would focus on being the WAFFLE AND COOKIE Coach. Waffles can be anything, put whatever suits you in them, make them thick, thin, or even as pizzelle, lots of variations.

See, I could take what I way around a kitchen, and convert that into information which people would want and pay for...but alas, a low priority for me, other things I WANT to do,so even though I have an information product which could become an ongoing income stream via a channel and membership site, I lack the time to do it.

YOU, have to learn something (addressing the person who wrote, or any young person without much experience)...say for example, you picked up a used waffle iron on Facebook Marketplace or your local could then start by using your cell phone and make short videos of how YOU are finding recipes and cooking these things up.

In other words, YOU document your education, your learning how to do something and in the process you make videos, create hotsheets, find out more, go down a few rabbit holes and discover new things...but as you go along, have your camera and microphone ready. You could dictate a 10 minute instruction guide, have it turned into a document by REV.COM for 15 dollars, and have an information product to sell in a day or two.

Then, you could set up a simple AUTOMATIC PRODUCT VENDING SITE, find someone with a list of people interested in the subject, do a joint venture and begin to build your information empire on what you DO NOT know, but are learning as you go, see?

Hope this helps. I have another to answer, but I don't have time today, again, I encourage you to post here, it will probably get answered faster than via email, just so happens it is labor day, and I'm doing NO labor today.


Last edited by GordonJ : September 7, 2020 at 01:11 PM.
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