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Old September 16, 2020, 01:47 PM
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Default OH my back burner projects, if I only had a striker.

Originally Posted by Steve MacLellan View Post
Since this pandemic thing, the grocery stores have been packed. Even with some restaurants opening up in a limited fashion, the grocery stores are still packed. People are cooking at home and trying to eat healthier. If you're a good cook, there is opportunity knocking.

Asked my daughter to bake a birthday cake for my friend. We were throwing him a party. She said what kind of cake would he like? I said carrot cake. It was his favorite. Well, I like it... supposed Carlos would too....

She has the knack. Everyone on her mother's side of the family has it. They just know how to make something fantastic, almost by instinct.

Four people at the party asked her to bake the same cake for them. They offered $40-60 per cake. And this was a small party.

I think for something like this to work though, you need to have them taste it and then take the orders. 'Cause I could bake a cake; just nobody would want to eat it...

Steve MacLellan

Thanks Steve. Just yesterday, I had two people ask me for a recipe I don't even have, on something I have never made. YIKES, I just talked about my Aunt Betty passing away last week, at 91, and talking about her rum soaked fruit cake, maybe 200 proof (Wowza one piece and don't want to operate heavy equipment...ha).

Two people asked for the recipe. Which I will get from a cousin and make this year.

A striker in the United States Navy is a young sailor who learns on the job, not attending a school, but from assisting someone who has done the job for awhile, in my case, a Cook and BAKER. I had a couple of strikers and you mentor them, help them learn how to do it.

In our archives, about 15 years ago, I wrote about Arlene, who made cakes for weddings, and other events and at that time also had a candy store. I think she still gets requests for her cakes, like your daughter. If your daughter desires, this can be quite a nice little cash flow side hustle, or it could become a full time biz.

Anyhow, as for opportunity, and lack of TIME. Maybe I'll start something like ONLINE STRIKERS, apprentice programs. If I had the time that is.

So, what is on my back burner that someone could build into a decent business, and especially around the KITCHEN?

WAFFLEMAN MEALS. **** waffles. Diet waffles, sugar free, gluten free, protein loaded... stuffed for breakfast, lunch waffles, waffle sandwiches, dinner waffles...a waffle a day keeps the doctor away.

I try not to eat much wheat, especially processed. I like bean flours, oats and other grains. No salt, no sugar, no seeds, no gluten but loaded with flavor.

Spend an hour on Sunday, make waffle meals for the week. Stuffed pepper waffles, sausage anld egg waffles. Meat free, dairy free, VEGAN, vegetarian, flat waffles (like pizzelles) you name it, everyone loves a waffle.

I'd shoot tons of video, come up with recipe contests, give away prizes build a Waffle Club (cult?) have a membership, sell flours, spices, etc.

MUG MEALS. Pan Cookies (already did the one video long ago). Like waffles, I could do a complete course on MUG cooking. Microwave if you want and in a hurry, or over baking, even stove top (mugs in boiling water).

COOKING FOR LARGE GROUPS. Have scores of recipes, for 100 people, and have a ton of experience doing it.

ALEXANDER'S GREAT Soups, Sauces and Stews. Slow crock cooking, or flash cooking in a pressure cooker. Nothing beats a hot stew on a cold winter's day, and soups, like a character in SEINFELD (the Soup Nazi), I can create a killer soup and who doesn't like a great sauce on, well, just about anything.

All things galley, kitchen, cooking and baking related...based on actual experience are things I don't have time to focus on, but man, IF I had me a striker or two...we'd be in high cotton very quickly.


PS. As a professional sampler (again, in our archives), I agree with Steve, nothing beats a tasty sample to hook a new customer, and with repeat and referrals, well, a blueprint on building a biz.
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