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Old November 23, 2020, 11:52 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Re: I think it is good, but, a bit outdated.

Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

I was wondering how different is from Ben Suarez – 7 steps.

And I also found that Joffe Gerardo as a Course with various volumes.

The expertise in the books and course were catalog focused. In 1997, I rec'd dozens of catalogs this time of year, today, less than 10, and most of those half of what they used to be. eCom will eliminate all but the most targeted of the catalogs.

The similar information in both works you mention is in list building, old world methods, like list brokers...which is fast becoming a thing of the past. 25 years ago, there were many good list brokers, today a few, very few.

I'm a bit biased, but for my money, the FOUNDATION information of how to start a business, the MATH of it all, is hard to beat in 7 STEPS. Yes it is dated and as for the selling of multiple products, SCI (Suarez) would send out SHEET catalogs, these are single pieces of paper with ONE product on it, and maybe 12 to 15 sheets in the promotion, depending on what it was.

Just an opinion, but I wouldn't rebuy Joffe, but I do keep a copy of 7 Steps on my desk.

Hope this helps.

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